Energy and Mass Exchange at the GLEES AmeriFlux Site


Originator: J.M. Frank
Originator: W.J. Massman
Publication_Date: 2008
Energy and Mass Exchange at the GLEES AmeriFlux Site
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: tabular digital data
Publication_Place: Fort Collins, CO
Publisher: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
From 1999 to Present (as of 2011) data were collected to measure energy and mass exchange between the atmosphere and underlying forest ecosystem as part of the AmeriFlux network at the Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES), Wyoming. The data includes ambient meteorological; sensible-heat, water vapor and latent heat, and carbon fluxes; and micrometeorological measurements. The data presented here is from the GLEES AmeriFlux scaffold from 2004 (when it went online) to 2010.
The AmeriFlux network contains around one hundred sites distributed over numerous ecosystems across North America. All sites employ the eddy-covariance method to measure the exchange of energy and mass between the atmosphere and the underlying ecosystem. A main object of the GLEES/AmeriFlux experiment was to measure fluxes of momentum, sensible heat, water vapor and latent heat, and carbon dioxide between the sub-alpine forest and the atmosphere.
Beginning_Date: 20041020
Ending_Date: 20071231
Progress: In work
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: Annually
The Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES) is located in the Snowy Range mountains of the Medicine Bow National Forest in southeastern Wyoming, 55 km west of Laramie, WY and 15 km NW of Centennial, WY. The AmeriFlux is located within the GLEES boundaries at 41.366417 (41o 21' 59.1") north and 106.239949 (106o 14' 23.8") degrees west with an elevation of about 3190 m above sea level (UTM 396297 E, 4580176 N, NAD 83, Zone 13). GLEES is located in a high elevation subalpine forest dominated by Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa).
West_Bounding_Coordinate: 106.239949
East_Bounding_Coordinate: 106.239949
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 41.366417
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 41.366417
Altitude_Minimum: 3190
Altitude_Maximum: 3190
Altitude_Distance_Units: meters
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: GLEES
Theme_Keyword: AmeriFlux
Theme_Keyword: eddy-covariance
Theme_Keyword: momentum flux
Theme_Keyword: sensible heat flux
Theme_Keyword: vapor flux
Theme_Keyword: latent heat flux
Theme_Keyword: carbon flux
Theme_Keyword: carbon dioxide
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: Wyoming
Place_Keyword: Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site
Place_Keyword: GLEES
Stratum_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Stratum_Keyword: atmosphere
Stratum_Keyword: subalpine forest
Stratum_Keyword: boundary layer
Temporal_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Temporal_Keyword: 2004-2007
Access_Constraints: None
These data were collected by USDA Forest Service researchers and can be used without additional permissions or fees. If you use these data in a publication, presentation, or other research product please use the citation below when citing the dataset:
Contact_Person: Bill Massman
Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station,
Contact_Position: Meterologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 240 West Prospect Road
City: Fort Collins
State_or_Province: Colorado
Postal_Code: 80526
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 970-498-1296
Original files are Microsoft Excel 2002 spreadsheets. Final file formats are comma-delimited ascii text files.
Originator: Frank, J.M.
Publication_Date: Unpublished material
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: document
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Note, all measurements are in SI units unless indicated. All units are abbreviated as Celcius (C), seconds (s), meters (m), kilograms (kg), liters (L), liters-per-minute (LPM), watts (W), volts (V), and amp-hours (Ah). All units adhere to the SI convention of scaling factors abbreviated as micro (µ), mili (m), centi (c), and kilo (k). All other units are derived from these standards. CO2 concentrations are in parts-per-million (ppm). All times are mountain standard time (MST) or mountain daylight time (MDT). Other abbreviations are carbon-dioxide (CO2), outside diameter (O.D.), and inside diameter (I.D.).

... Under Construction ...
Quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) checks and corrections were done to the data in multiple steps. In general, the data were processed in two groups, ambient meteorological data and fast-response eddy-covariance data. Each step was referred to as a version.

1. Ambient meteorological data

Version 1.0 - Collating and preliminary QA/QC of original data
Version 1.1 - Diagnostic testing, despiking, and more QA/QC of data
Version 1.2 - Not used with the new scaffold
Version 1.3 - CO2 processing
Version 1.4 - CO2 processing and downsampling to 30 minute averages
Version 1.5 - WD and RH processing
Version 1.6 - Derived measurements calculated and data gap filled
Version 2.0 - Data was considered ready for release at this point.
Gaps in the dataset for individual measurements are due to a sensor or instrument being offline (e.g., individual radiation sensor were not installed until April 2005), a malfunction, or unrealistic values (e.g., snow on an open-path analyzer). Gaps in all measurements indicate periods where the entire measurement system was not operating correctly (e.g., computer failure due to lightning). The files contain records every 30 minutes for the entire period of measurement.

Most data were gap filled with the exception of some micrometeorological and soils data, where missing values were replaced with -9999. Flags are used to denote where data was gap filled. A description on the gap filling techniques for the ambient meteorological data can be found in the file "AmrFlx_New_Met_2004to2007_v1_6.doc".

The half-hour precipitation data suffered from quantization errors for all data from 2004 until January 2008. This error affected all precipitation less than 1 mm. The data was digitally filtered and partially recovered. Yet, the data has limitations: only about 80% of the precipitation was recovered and it is only accurate to the nearest six-hour period of when it fell. The recovered data was flagged with ones. For a more accurate accounting of precipitation at GLEES, see the data file “GLEES_Precip_1986_2011A_v2.0.csv”, which includes the daily precipitation.
Methodology_Type: Field
The GLEES AmeriFlux scaffold went online in 2004 (ambient meteorology on 9 October and eddy-covariance on 20 October) and is still in operation (as of 2011).

1. Instrumentation

1.1. Ambient meteorological data

Air temperature was measured with a model RTD-810 (100-ohm platnium RTD) and an OM5-1P4-N100-C (Signal conditioning module) (Omega Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT). Dew point temperature and relative humidity were measured with a model CS500 (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT) (2004 to 8 August 2006) and a model 083D (Met One Instruments, Inc., Grants Pass, OR) (8 August 2006 to Present). Both sensors were housed in a model 076B aspirated radiation shield (Met One Instruments, Inc., Grants Pass OR). Wind Speed and Direction were measured with a model 05103-5 Wind Monitor (R.M. Young Company, Traverse City, MI). Air pressure was measured with a model AB-2AX Intellisensor II (Atmospheric Instrumentation Research, Inc., Boulder, CO). CO2 concentration was measured with a model LI-800 (Li-Cor, Inc., Lincoln, NE). Net Radiation was measured with a model Q*5.571 Net Radiometer (Radiation and Energy Balance Systems, Bellevue, WA).
PAR was measured with a model LI-190SA Quantum Sensor and 2290S mV Adapter (604 W) (Li-Cor, Inc., Lincoln, NE). Shortwave radiation was measured with a model PSP (Eppley Laboratory, Newport, RI). Longwave radiation was measured with a model PIR (Eppley Laboratory, Newport, RI). Ambient meteorological data was measured and recorded with a model CR-23X (Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT).

1.2. Eddy-covariance flux data

The GLEES AmeriFlux scaffold was instrumented in October 2004. The eddy-covariance sensors were mounted at 22.65 m above the soil surface on a 2 m boom extended due west. Three-dimensional fast-response wind speed and sonic virtual temperature measurements were made using a sonic anemometer (model SATI/3Vx, Applied Technologies, Inc., Longmont, CO) and atmospheric fluctuations of CO2 and water vapor were measured with an open-path infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) (model LI-7500, Li-Cor, Inc., Lincoln, NE). A different IRGA (NOAA, Air Resources Laboratory, Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division, Oak Ridge, TN) was used from 24 January to 7 February 2006. The IRGA was displaced 0.235 m east, 0.080 cm south, and 0.015 cm below the sonic with a northward tilt of 73 degrees (relative to vertical = 90 degrees). Beginning in January 2009, surface temperatures of the IRGA were measured with 3 replicates of tiny, insulated thermocouples (36 AWG type T thermocouple wire insulated with Omegabond 101, Omega Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT) mounted near the bottom and top windows and on one spar. From 2004 to January 2009 the data acquisition system used to measured and recorded the eddy-covariance sensors contained a data packer (model PAD-1202 Applied Technologies, Inc., Longmont, CO) in serial connection to a CPU. In 2009 the system was upgraded to a micrologger (model CR3000, Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, UT). All eddy covariance time series data were measured and recorded at 20Hz, except the IRGA surface temperatures, which were measured at 20Hz but recorded as half-hour averages. The canopy storage of CO2 was measured from an eight point profile above the soil surface at heights 22.65, 19.3, 16.1, 12.9, 9.7, 6.5, and 3.3 m with a final one at approximately 0.1 m above the soil or snow surface using a closed path IRGA (model LI-6262, Li-Cor, Inc. until August 2008, then upgraded to model LI-7000, Li-Cor, Inc.).

1.3. Precipitation data

Precipitation was measured at the GLEES Met Tower (model 5915 Universal Precipitation Gauge, Belfort Instrument, Baltimore, MD) through 2008, and switched to NADP/NTN Monitoring Location WY95 (model NOAH IV, ETI Instrument Systems, Inc., Fort Collins, CO) from 2009 to present.

1.4. Soil temperature, heat-flux, water content, and snow depth data

Vertical profiles of soil temperature and moisture sensors were installed by the USDA NRCS (National Water and Climate Center, Portland, OR) near the GLEES-AmeriFlux tower at two reps: in the meadow in July 1999 and in the forest near a mature subalpine fir in October 2000. At each rep five Hydra soil moisture probes (Vitel, Inc., Chantilly, VA) were installed horizontally at 5, 10, 20, 51, and 102 m. Each Hydra probe measures soil temperature (Ts), volumetric moisture content (v), salinity, and real dielectric constant.

A snow depth sensor (Judd Communications, Salt Lake City, UT) was also installed by the USDA NRCS in October 2000 and mounted on the GLEES-AmeriFlux tower at 3.12 m. Note, the micrologger was not programmed to correctly measure this sensor until July 2001.

Simple profiles of soil temperature (Ts) and heat-flux (Gs) were installed at two reps in October 2000. For each rep, soil temperature was measured at 3 and 9 cm with a type “T” thermocouple (Omega Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT) and heat-flux was measured at 9 cm with a heat flow transducer (Radiation Energy Balance Systems, Inc., Seattle, WA). Rep 1 was located 1.07 m due south of the meadow NRCS soil moisture control box. The Ts sensors were located above one another while the Gs sensor was displaced 6 cm to the southeast. Rep 2 was at 110o away from the control box (probably at a distance of 1 m). The Gs sensor was displaced 3 cm northwest of the Ts sensors.

Initially each sensor was measured every 5 minutes and recorded every 60 minutes. After February 2000 data was recorded every 30 minutes.

1.5. Derived measurements

4-way Net Radiation was calculated as the sum of incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation. All other values were derived from these measurements.

2. Data Processing

2.1 Eddy-covariance flux data

Ecosystem fluxes were calculated from processing the time series data using the eddy covariance technique. (1.0) Time series data were separated into half-hour data files, with incomplete half-hours removed. (1.1) From 2004 to 2008, time series data were de-spiked using a modified version of the Højstrup (1993) data screening procedure. Starting in 2009, the time series data were de-spiked using a 4-pass iterative median-block-filter (Frank, 2009). (1.2) The time series data were processed for quality assurance, quality control (QA/QC) based on their half-hour summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis, and missing data). The IRGA CO2 calibration was adjusted based on records from periodic in-situ reference gas calibrations. The H2O calibration was adjusted based on regression with the ambient meteorological measurement of vapor density. This was done in a similar manner as Loescher et al. (2009), except on a much larger time scale corresponding to weeks. (1.3) Half-hour covariances from the time series data were calculated between each of the three component wind speeds and the other two wind speeds, sonic virtual temperature, and CO2 and water vapor density. Covariances between the sonic and the IRGA were calculated for each possible time lag ranging from ±1 s. (1.4) The covariances were rotated into the planar fit coordinate (Lee et al., 2004). (1.5) The CO2 and water vapor covariances were time-lag adjusted for each half-hour by selecting the covariance associated with a model of the time-lag proposed by Horst and Lenschow (2009) based on wind speed and direction. (1.6) The covariances between the vertical wind and the horizontal wind, sonic virtual temperature, and CO2 and water vapor density were spectrally corrected (Massman, 2000; Massman and Clement, 2004) based on pooled cospectra (Frank, 2008) and modeled peak frequency (Horst, 1997). (1.7) Sensible-heat, water vapor, and CO2 fluxes were calculated from the vertical wind covariances using the WPL corrections (Webb et al., 1980; Massman and Lee, 2002). The CO2 and water vapor WPL corrections included the additional IRGA self-heating term (Burba et al., 2008). For 2009 to present this term was based on measurements of the IRGA surface temperatures. For the older data, a GLEES specific model based on the 2009 measurements was used to estimate IRGA surface temperatures. (1.8) The CO2 canopy storage term was calculated from Lee and Massman (2011) and Massman (2010) using the piecewise cubic Hermite interpolated vertical profile of CO2 measured within the canopy. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) was calculated as the sum of the CO2 flux and the CO2 storage. (1.9) The NEE data was gap filled following the suggestions of Falge et al. (2001) including the use of the Michaelis-Menten model to fill daytime assimilation and the Lloyd and Taylor (1994) model for nighttime respiration. Similarly, water vapor and sensible-heat fluxes were modeled and gap filled from photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) for daytime and gap filled from means for nighttime. In all circumstances means were used when they were not significantly different from the models. u* was modeled and gap filled from wind speed. Data corresponding to u* < 0.2 m s-1 (threshold determined using the method of Gu et al. 2005) were not included to generate the gap filling models but were included in the final data set.


Burba, G.G., D.K. McDermitt, A. Grelle, D.J. Anderson, and L. Xu. 2008. Addressing the influence of instrument surface heat exchange on the measurements of CO2 flux from open-path gas analyzers. Global Change Biology. 14:1854-1876.
Falge, E., D. Baldocchi, R. Olson, P. Anthoni, M. Aubinet, C. Bernhofer, G. Burba, R. Ceulemans, R. Clement, H. Dolman, A. Granier, P. Gross, T. Grünwald, D. Hollinger, N.-O. Jensen, G. Katul, P. Keronen, A. Kowalski, C.T. Lai, B.E. Law, T. Meyers, J. Moncrieff, E. Moors, J. W. Munger, K. Pilegaard, Ü. Rannik, C. Rebmann, A. Suyker, J. Tenhunen, K. Tu, S. Verma, T. Vesala, K. Wilson and S. Wofsy. 2001. Gap filling strategies for defensible annual sums of net ecosystem exchange. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 107:43-69.
Frank, J.M. 2008. Cospectra model. Unpublished source code.
Frank, J.M. 2009. Median block filter. Unpublished source code.
Gu, L, E.M. Falge, T. Boden, D.D. Baldocchi, T.A. Black, S.R. Saleska, T. Suni, S.B. Verma, T. Vesala, S.C. Wofsy, and L. Xu. 2005. Objective threshold determination for nighttime eddy flux filtering. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 128:179:197.
Højstrup, J. 1993. A statistical data screening procedure. Measurement Science and Technology. 4:153-157.
Horst, T.W. 1997. A simple formula for attenuation of eddy fluxes measured with first-order-response scalar sensors. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 82: 219-233.
Horst. T.W. and D.H. Lenschow. 2009. Attenuation of scalar fluxes measured with spatially-displaced sensors. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 130:275-300.
Lee, X., J. Finnigan, and U.K.T. Paw. 2004. Coordinate system and flux bias error. In: Lee, X., W.J. Massman, and B. Law (Editors). Handbook of micrometeorology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 33-66.
Lee, X., and W.J. Massman. 2011. A perspective on thirty years of the Webb, Pearman and Leuning density corrections. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 139:37-59.
Lloyd, J. and J.A. Taylor. 1994. On the temperature dependence of soil respiration. Functional Ecology. 8:315-323.
Loescher, H.W., C.V. Hanson, and T.W. Ocheltree. 2009. The psychrometric constant is not constant: a novel approach to enhance the accuracy and precision of latent energy fluxes through automated water vapor calibrations. Journal of Hydrometerology. 10:1271-1284.
Massman, W.J. 2000. A simple method for estimating frequency response corrections for eddy covariance systems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 104:185-198.
Massman, W.J., and X. Lee. 2002. Eddy covariance flux corrections and uncertainties in long-term studies of carbon and energy exchanges. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 113:121-144.
Massman, W.J., and R. Clement. 2004. Uncertainty in eddy covariance flux estimates resulting from spectral attenuation. In: Lee, X., W.J. Massman, and B. Law (Editors). Handbook of micrometeorology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 67-99.
Massman, W.J. 2010. A discussion of the storage term. Unpublished notes.
Webb, E.K., G.I. Pearman, and R. Leuning. 1980. Correction of flux measurements for density effects due to heat and water vapour transfer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 106:85-100.
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Process_Date: Unknown
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Note, related data are listed on the same line with a common descriptor. Semicolons are used to separate data. Flags are used to denote whether the data point is filled or not (0=original measurement, 1=filled). In the case of H_flag: 1 = filled with sensible heat flux calculated without water vapor flux, 2 = filled with modeled data. In the case of SFC_flag: n = filled with CO2 canopy storage calculated with n sample tubes missing (n = 1-7), 8 = filled with modeled data. In the case of TS_5cm_flag: 1 = filled with soil temperature calculated with only 1 sample, 2 = filled with modeled data, 3 = filled with soil temperature from GLEES Met Tower, 4 = filled with modeled data.

Datafiles include:
DOY = Julian Day;
HRMIN = Hour and Minute;
DTIME = Julian day + Fraction of day;
DateNum = DTIME referenced to YEAR = 0;
TA = Air temperature (C); TA_flag;
Tdew = Dew point temperature (C); Tdew_flag;
RH = Relative humidity (%); RH_flag;
VP = Vapor pressure (kPa); VP_flag;
VPsat = Saturation vapor pressure (kPa); VPsat_flag;
VPD = Vapor pressure deficit (kPa); VPD_flag;
H2O = Vapor concentration (mmol mol-1); H2O_flag;
DENSH2O = Water vapor density (g m-3); DENSH2O_flag;
WS = Wind speed (m s-1); WS_flag;
WD = Wind direction (deg); WD_flag;
PA = Barometric pressure (kPa); PA_flag;
DENSDryAir = Dry air density (kg m-3); DENSDryAir_flag;
DENSAir = Air density (kg m-3); DENSAir_flag;
CO2 = CO2 concentration (µmol mo-1); CO2_flag;
DENSCO2 = CO2 density (mg m-3); DENSCO2_flag;
RNET = Net radiation (W m-2); RNET_flag;
RNET_4way = 4way net radiation (W m-2); RNET_4way_flag;
PAR_in = Incoming photosynthetic photon flux density (µmol m-2s-1); PAR_in_flag;
PAR_out = Outgoing photosynthetic photon flux density (µmol m-2 s-1); PAR_out_flag;
Rshort_in = Incoming shortwave radiation (W m-2); Rshort_in_flag;
Rshort_out = Outgoing shortwave radiation (W m-2); Rshort_out_flag;
Rlong_in = Incoming longwave radiation (W m-2); Rlong_in_flag;
Rlong_out = Outgoing longwave radiation (W m-2); Rlong_out_flag;
PRECIP = Precipitation (mm); PRECIP_flag;
UST = Friction velocity (m s-1); UST_flag;
TAU = Momentum flux (kg m-1 s-2); TAU_flag;
H = Sensible heat flux (W m-2); H_flag;
FC = CO2 flux (µmol m-2 s-1); FC_flag;
SFC = CO2 canopy storage (µmol m-2 s-1); SFC_flag;
NEE = Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (µmol m-2 s-1); NEE_flag;
FH2O = Water vapor flux (mmol m-2 s-1); FH2O_flag;
LE = Latent heat flux (W m-2); LE_flag;
ZL = Atmospheric stability parameter (unitless); ZL_flag;
WS2_sonic = Sonic anemometer wind speed (m s-1); WS2_sonic_flag;
WD2_sonic = Sonic anemometer wind direction (deg); WD2_sonic_flag;
UWcvar = Kinematic momentum parallel to wind direction (m2 s-2); UWcvar_flag;
VWcvar = Kinematic momentum perpendicular to wind direction (m2 s-2); VWcvar_flag;
TS_5cm = Soil temperature at 5 cm depth (C); TS_5cm_flag;
G_M1_Rep1_Surface = Soil heat flux at site Meadow 1, replicate 1, surface (W m-2); G_M1_Rep1_Surface_flag;
G_M1_Rep2_Surface = Soil heat flux at site Meadow 1, replicate 2, surface (W m-2); G_M2_Rep1_Surface_flag;
TS_M1_Rep1_3cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate 1, 3 cm depth (C); TS_M1_Rep1_3cm_flag;
TS_M1_Rep1_9cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate 1, 9 cm depth (C); TS_M1_Rep1_9cm_flag;
TS_M1_Rep2_3cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate 2, 3 cm depth (C); TS_M1_Rep2_3cm_flag;
TS_M1_Rep2_9cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate 2, 9 cm depth (C); TS_M1_Rep2_9cm_flag;
G_M1_Rep1_9cm = Soil heat flux at site Meadow 1, replicate 1, 9 cm depth (W m-2); G_M1_Rep1_9cm_flag;
G_M1_Rep2_9cm = Soil heat flux at site Meadow 1, replicate 2, 9 cm depth (W m-2); G_M2_Rep1_9cm_flag;
TS_M1_RepNRCS_5cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 5 cm depth (C); TS_M1_RepNRCS_5cm _flag;
TS_M1_RepNRCS_10cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 10 cm depth (C); TS_M1_RepNRCS_10cm _flag;
TS_M1_RepNRCS_20cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 20 cm depth (C); TS_M1_RepNRCS_20cm _flag;
TS_M1_RepNRCS_50cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 50 cm depth (C); TS_M1_RepNRCS_50cm _flag;
TS_M1_RepNRCS_100cm = Soil temperature at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 100 cm depth (C); TS_M1_RepNRCS_100cm _flag;
TS_F2_RepNRCS_5cm = Soil temperature at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 5 cm depth (C); TS_F2_RepNRCS_5cm _flag;
TS_F2_RepNRCS_10cm = Soil temperature at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 10 cm depth (C); TS_F2_RepNRCS_10cm _flag;
TS_F2_RepNRCS_20cm = Soil temperature at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 20 cm depth (C); TS_F2_RepNRCS_20cm _flag;
TS_F2_RepNRCS_50cm = Soil temperature at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 50 cm depth (C); TS_F2_RepNRCS_50cm _flag;
TS_F2_RepNRCS_100cm = Soil temperature at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 100 cm depth (C); TS_F2_RepNRCS_100cm _flag;
SWC_M1_RepNRCS_5cm = Soil water content at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 5 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_M1_RepNRCS_5cm _flag;
SWC_M1_RepNRCS_10cm = Soil water content at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 10 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_M1_RepNRCS_10cm _flag;
SWC_M1_RepNRCS_20cm = Soil water content at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 20 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_M1_RepNRCS_20cm _flag;
SWC_M1_RepNRCS_50cm = Soil water content at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 50 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_M1_RepNRCS_50cm _flag;
SWC_M1_RepNRCS_100cm = Soil water content at site Meadow 1, replicate NRCS, 100 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_M1_RepNRCS_100cm _flag;
SWC_F2_RepNRCS_5cm = Soil water content at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 5 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_F2_RepNRCS_5cm _flag;
SWC_F2_RepNRCS_10cm = Soil water content at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 10 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_F2_RepNRCS_10cm _flag;
SWC_F2_RepNRCS_20cm = Soil water content at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 20 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_F2_RepNRCS_20cm _flag;
SWC_F2_RepNRCS_50cm = Soil water content at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 50 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_F2_RepNRCS_50cm _flag;
SWC_F2_RepNRCS_100cm = Soil water content at site Fir 2, replicate NRCS, 100 cm depth (m3 m-3); SWC_F2_RepNRCS_100cm _flag;
SnowDepth = Snow depth (m); SnowDepth_flag;
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Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
Contact_Position: Station Archivist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 240 West Prospect Road
City: Fort Collins
State_or_Province: Colorado
Postal_Code: 80526
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 970-498-1206
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 970-498-1100
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Metadata_Date: 20070212
Contact_Organization: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Statistics Unit
Contact_Position: Station Archivist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 240 West Prospect Road
City: Fort Collins
State_or_Province: Colorado
Postal_Code: 80526
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 970-498-1206
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 970-498-1100
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
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