September 4, 2008 ----------------- Version 1 of the Level 2, 3, and 4 files for the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) main site (US-ARM) were posted. January 9, 2009 --------------- Version 2 L2 files were posted. The new files contain corrected CO2 concentrations at the 4.28 m height and have incoming global radiation and longwave radiation values set to missing during late 2006. The 4.28 m CO2 flux system was calibrated on May 25, 2005. After the calibration was performed, the calibration coefficients used to measure CO2 were not updated causing an offset. In addition, incoming global radiation and incoming longwave radiation values during late 2006 were set to missing because the downwelling longwave and shortwave irradiance channels were switched to diagnose a problem with the CNR1. March 3, 2010 ------------- Version 3 for the L2 files were posted. Version 3 contains the same corrections noted for Version 2 and provide updates through the end of 2009. Air temperature in previous versions of the L2 files for the US-ARM site were actual virtual temperatures from the sonic. Version 3 now contains the actual measured air temperature from the tower. October 6, 2011 --------------- Version 4 of the L2 files were posted. Version 4 contains the corrections noted for Versions 2 and 3, provides updates through 2010, and sets some bad soil temperature values to missing. June 6, 2012 ------------ Version 5 (V005) of the L2 files for the ARM Southern Great Plains main site (US-ARM) were posted and provide data from 2002 through May 2012. August 23, 2013 --------------- Version 6 (V006) of the L2 files for the ARM Southern Great Plains main site (US-ARM) were posted and provide data from 2002 through January 2013. Data before May 2012 are unchanged from V005. Details on CDIAC's processing of the latest Level 1 files obtained from the DOE ARM Archive to produce these Level 2 files may be found at