May 3, 2008 ----------- The first batch (V001) of Level 2 (L2) files for the Bartlett Experimental Forest site (US-Bar) were posted. The initial L2 files provide data from 2004 through 2006. September 4, 2008 ----------------- The first version (V001) of the Level 3 and 4 files for US-Bar were posted. December 8, 2008 ---------------- Version 2 (V002) of the Level 2 files for US-Bar were posted. The new files contain data through 2007 and previously unreported diffuse PAR, outgoing PAR, and outgoing solar radiation (Rg) measurements. Data before 2007 did not change from Version 1. July 19, 2010 ------------- Version 3 (V003) of the L2 files for US-Bar were posted and include data for 2008 and 2009. Data prior to 2008 did not change from V002 L2 files. February 18,2013 ---------------- Version 4 (V004) of the L2 files for US-Bar were posted and include data for 2010 and 2011. Data before 2010 did not change from V003 L2 files. Details on the processing by CDIAC of the original data files provided by Andrew Richardson to produce the V004 L2 files are provided at