February 21, 2007 ----------------- Posted the first version (V001) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the hardwoods site in Duke Forest (US-Dk2) near Durham, North Carolina. The files covered the period 2001-2005. March 12, 2007 -------------- Posted the V001 Level 3 and 4 (L3 and L4) files for the US-Dk2 site. The L3 and L4 files cover the period 2003-2005. May 14, 2008 ------------ CDIAC removed the V001 L2, L3, and L4 files because the wrong Rg data were used by CDIAC in producing the L2 files posted on 2/21/2007. September 3, 2008 ----------------- Posted new L2 files (V002) for US-Dk2. The new L2 files contain the proper Rg data. CDIAC inadvertently read the wrong radiation term and wrote the variable out as Rg in the initial L2 files. In addition, these latest L2 files contain unit changes for several variables (e.g., Fc reported in mg C rather than mg CO2) in order to make the units consistent with all other sites in the AmeriFlux network. Measurement heights were also included in the new L2 files. June 1, 2011 ------------ New L2 files (V003) were posted for US-Dk2 and cover the period 2001-2008. The new L2 files for 2001-2005 differ from previous L2 files for US-Dk2 in that nighttime fluxes (Fc, LE, and H) are included and neither the daytime or nighttime data have been screened or gap-filled. Data for 2006-2008 are new and are consistent with the revised 2001-2005 data. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Kim Novick and Paul Stoy by CDIAC to produce the L2 files are provided at ftp://cdiac.ornl.gov/pub/ameriflux/data/Level2/Sites_ByName/Duke_Forest_Hardwoods/with_gaps/report_Duke_Forest_Hardwoods.html