December 18, 2006 ----------------- Posted Version 1 of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts site (US-Ha1). The files cover the time period 1992 through 2004. March 25, 2007 -------------- Posted the first version (V1) of the Level 3 and 4 (L3, L4) files for US-Ha1. October 29, 2007 ---------------- Posted Version 2 (V2) of the L2 files for US-Ha1. Version 2 provides data through 2006. Data before 2005 did not change from Version 1. July 7, 2008 ------------ Bill Munger reviewed the V1 L3 and L4 files for US-Ha1 and discovered differences in the productivity estimates produced by the Harvard team and those produced through the standardized CarboEurope effort. Munger and team believe a possible major source of the differences may be in the gap filling techniques used by the CarboEurope effort for the meteorological variables. "Hybrid" L2 files are now being furnished for processing by CarboEurope to produce another batch of L3 and L4 files. The "hybrid" L2s contain the gap-filled meterological data created by the Harvard team and the flux records with gaps, also provided by the Harvard team. October 12, 2008 ---------------- New L3 and L4 files (Version 2) were posted and were generated using the L2 "hybrid" files for Harvard Forest (i.e., flux records with gaps and gap-filled meteorological records furnished by Bill Munger & team at Harvard Forest). March 16, 2009 -------------- New L2 files (Version 3) for the US-Ha1 site were posted and contain data through 2007. Previous data through 2006 did not change from Version 2. October 27, 2010 ---------------- New L2 files for Harvard Forest were posted. The new Version 4 (V004) files contain corrections to previously published Rn data for 2007 and provide data through 2008. Data for other variables are unchanged from Version 3. October 6, 2011 --------------- Version 5 (V005) Level 2 files for Harvard Forest were posted. The new files provide data through 2009. March 26, 2012 -------------- Version 6 (V006) Level 2 files for Harvard Forest were posted. The new files provide data through 2010. March 25, 2013 -------------- Version 7 (V007) of the Level 2 files for Harvard Forest were posted. V007 files provide data through 2011. FH2O and LE data for 2010 were set to missing until issues with these data for this particular year can be resolved. June 2, 2014 ------------ Version 8 (V008) of the Level 2 (L2) files for US-Ha1 was posted and provides data from late 1991 through 2012, althought the last day of 2012 (day 366) is missing. Like the V007 files, FH2O and LE data for 2010 were set to missing until issues with these data for this particular year can be resolved. January 19, 2016 ---------------- Version 9 (V009) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Harvard Forest site (US-Ha1) was posted and provides data from late 1991 through 2014. The main difference from the V009 files and the V008 files is the inclusion of 2013 and 2014 data for the first time. Data before 2013 were unchanged between the latest versions. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Bill Munger and team by CDIAC to produce the V009 L2 files are provided at