April 19, 2007 -------------- Posted the first version (V001) of the Level 2 (L2) files for Lost Creek, Wisconsin (US-Los). V001 files cover the period 2000-2005 with 2000 being a partial year. June 26, 2007 ------------- Posted the first version of the corresponding Level 3 and 4 (L3 and L4) files for US-Los. The V001 L3 and L4 files span the period 2001 to 2005. September 4, 2008 ----------------- Posted the second version (V002) of the L2 files for US-Los. The V002 files provide corrected Fg values with sign convention consistent with other AmeriFlux sites. The new files cover the period 2000-2006. November 17, 2008 ----------------- Posted the V002 L3 and L4 files covering the period 2001-2006. May 18, 2011 ------------ Posted the third version of the L2 files for US-Los. The new files cover the period 2000-2008. May 10, 2013 ------------ Posted the fourth version (V004) of the L2 files for the Lost Creek, Wisconsin site. V004 replaces all previous versions and reflects a complete re-processing by Ankur Desai. The period of record for the V004 L2 files is 2000 to 2010, however, site operations were suspended for a large portion of 2009 and some variables (Ta, PAR, and TS) during this period are gap-filled derivations rather than direct measurements. June 5, 2015 ------------ Posted both sets of the version five (V005) Level 2 (L2) files for the Lost Creek, Wisconsin site (US-Los). V005 replaces all previous versions and reflects a complete re-processing by Ankur Desai. The period of record for the V005 L2 files is 2000 to 2010 and 2014, however, site operations were suspended for a large portion of 2009 and some variables (Ta, PAR, and TS) during this period are gap-filled derivations rather than direct measurements. No data are provided for 2011-2013 when the site was inactive. October 12, 2015 ---------------- Posted both sets of the version six (V006) Level 2 (L2) files for the Lost Creek, Wisconsin site (US-Los). V006 replaces all previous versions and reflects a complete re-processing by Ankur Desai. The period of record for the V006 L2 files is 2000 to 2010 and 2014, however, site operations were suspended for a large portion of 2009 and some variables (Ta, PAR, and TS) during this period are gap-filled derivations rather than direct measurements. No data are provided for 2011-2013 when the site was inactive. April 27, 2016 -------------- Posted both sets of the latest (V007) Level 2 (L2) files for the Lost Creek, Wisconsin site (US-Los). V007 differs from V006 only by the inclusion of the 2015 data. V007 covers the period 2000 to 2010 and 2014 to 2015. No data are provided for 2011-2013 when the site was inactive. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Ankur Desai by CDIAC to produce the V007 L2 files may be found at ftp://cdiac.ornl.gov/pub/ameriflux/data/Level2/Sites_ByName/Lost_Creek/with_gaps/report_Lost_Creek.html