November 12, 2006 ----------------- Version 1 of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Metolius Intermediate Pine site (US-Me2) were posted and span the period 2003-2005. March 12, 2007 --------------- Version 1 of the L3 and L4 files for US-Me2 were posted. April 30, 2008 -------------- Bev Law & team are currently reprocessing the data for the Metolius Intermediate Pine site. This reprocessing will impact the estimates and quality flags provided previously in the L3 and L4 files so these files have been archived. New files will be available soon. September 3, 2008 ----------------- Christoph Thomas (OSU) provided new, re-calibrated data for the Metolius Intermediate Pine site. The new files cover the period 2002-2007 and are posted in the subdirectory /pub/ameriflux/data/Level1/Sites_ByName/Metolius_Intermediate_Pine September 12, 2008 ------------------ Version 2 of the Level 2 files for US-Me2 were generated from the files provided on 9/3/2008 and posted. October 12, 2008 ---------------- Version 2 of the L3 and L4 files for US-Me2 were posted. December 16, 2008 ----------------- New L2 files were posted. This latest iteration of the Version 2 L2 files contain the same data provided by Chris Thomas on September 3, 2008 and posted September 12, 2008 along with six additional terms (CRN incoming and outgoing longwave radiation, CRN incoming and outgoing global radiation, soil heat flux, and sensible heat storage) recently provided by Chris or retrieved from previous files provided by Dean Vickers but not included in the re-processed files provided during 2008 by Chris Thomas. March 1, 2010 ------------- Version 3 of the L2 files for the Metolius Intermediate Pine site (US-Me2) were posted. The new files contain data through 2008. Data before 2008 are identical to Version 2. March 31, 2011 -------------- Version 4 (V004) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Metolius Intermediate Pine site (US-Me2) were posted. The new files contain data through 2010. Data before 2009 are identical to Version 3. December 16, 2011 ----------------- A modified version of the gap-filled Version 4 (V004) files for the US-Me2 site were posted. The gap-filled files before 2009 in the previous version posted on March 31, 2011 contained no data for CO2, PAR, PREC, PRESS, RH, Rg, RgOut, Rgl, RglOut, Rn, TA, TS, TS_4, UST, VPD, WD, and WS. The entire record for these varaibles were missing. The latest version of the pre-2009 gap-filled data files provides the same values for these variables provided in the "with-gaps" files. June 29, 2012 ------------- Version 5 (V005) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Metolius Intermediate Ponderosa Pine site (US-Me2) were posted. The new suite of files offer data through 2011 and include soil moisture (2006-2011) and soil respiration (2002-2010) not previously offered in previous versions of the US-Me2 L2 files. April 18, 2013 -------------- Version 6 (V006) of the L2 files for the US-Me2 site were posted and now include data through 2012. Pre-2012 data did not change from V005. October 1, 2015 ---------------- Version 7 (V007) of the L2 files with gaps for the US-Me2 site were posted and now include data through 2014. December 21, 2015 ----------------- Version 8 (V008) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Metolius Intermediate Ponderosa Pine site (US-Me2) were posted. L2 files with gaps extend from 2002 to 2014. Gap-filled L2 files for US-Me2 extend from 2002 to 2014, however, the gap-filled files contain a mixture of gap-filled varables, measured variables, and variables never measured (indicated by -6999). Gap-filled variables were provided only through 2012 but hopefully future releases will contain gap-filled variables for the entire period of record. V008 contains the following two revisions from V007 - 1) Rg values w for 2006 and 2) soil heat flux (FG) for all years. Details on the processing of the latest original files provided by Bev Law, Hyojung Kwon, & team by CDIAC to produce the V008 L2 US-Me2 files are provided at