September 2, 2008 ----------------- Version 2 (V002) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the University of Michigan Biological Station site (US-UMB) were posted and provide updates through 2006. New data include additional Ts measurements (e.g., 2 cm) and Fc estimates without U* adjustments, unlike previous Fc values reported. October 12, 2008 ---------------- Version 2 of the L3 files were posted. December 16, 2008 ----------------- Version 2 of the L4 files were posted. February 23, 2010 ----------------- Version 3 of the L2 files were posted and include data through 2008. Data prior to 2007 did not change. March 11, 2011 -------------- Version 4 of the L2 files for the UMBS site (US-UMB) were posted and include data into 2010. The latest batch of UMBS files were provided by Gil Bohrer and cover the period 2007-2010. The latest batch of files are reported on the preferred half-hourly basis rather than the previous hourly basis. The new files also reflect re-analysis using different despiking and gap-filling techniques. To maintain the longevity of the UMBS L2 record, CDIAC provides both hourly (1999-2010) and half-hourly (2007-2010) sets of L2 files. November 18, 2011 ----------------- Version 5 (V005) of the L2 files for US-UMB were posted and include data through the end of 2010. Earlier data did not change from V004. December 20, 2011 ----------------- Version 6 (V006) of the L2 files for US-UMB were posted and include data into 2011. V006 contains revised flux terms, including spectral corrections, for the period 2007 to 2011. July 11, 2012 ------------- Version 7 (V007) of the L2 files for US-UMB were posted and include data into 2012. V007 includes a complete revision of the 2008 data records. September 23, 2013 ------------------ Version 8 (V008) of the Level 2 files for the UMBS site (US-UMB) were posted and include data through May 2013. In addition, V008 contains revised PAR data from 2008 to 2012 and new soil temperature profiles and soil water profiles spanning 2009 to 2013. November 5, 2014 ---------------- Version 9 (V009) of the Level 2 files for the UMBS site (US-UMB) were posted and include data through 2012. V009 differs from V008 and previous versions in several ways including (1) no 1999 or 2013 data were included since these were partial years; (2) all gap-filled records in and after 2007 are temporarily dropped (the UMBS team may re-do them for the next data submission); (3) 1999-2003 files now include FC and SFC terms (not provided in previous versions); (4) 2004-2012 files now include SFC (not provided previously); and (5) wind direction (WD) is revised in 2005-2006. November 4, 2015 ---------------- Version 10 (V010) of the Level 2 files for the UMBS site (US-UMB) were posted and offer data through 2014. V010 differs from V009 and previous versions in several ways including (1) the inclusion of 2014 data; (2) the inclusion of 2013 data for the entire year; and (3) revisions of SFC (CO2 storage flux) and PAR terms for the period 2000-2012. The changes and calculations made by CDIAC during the creation of the L2 files during processing of the Level 1 files provided by Gil Bohrer and team are detailed in