September 8, 2008 ----------------- Posted the first version (V001) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Walnut River site (US-Wlr) in Kansas. The files cover the period 2001 to 2004 with the first and last years providing only partial years of data. October 12, 2008 ---------------- The first version (V001) of the Level 3 and 4 (L3, L4) files for US-Wlr were posted. June 12, 2012 ------------- Posted the second version (V002) of the L2 files for US-Wlr. V002 also provides data for 2001-2004 but provides data in the AmeriFlux network standardized variable nomenclature and units following screening by CDIAC. Details on the processing by CDIAC on the original files provided by Richard Coulter, David Cook, and team to produce the V002 L2 files are provided at