November 8, 2007 ---------------- Posted the first version of the Level 2 files for the Wind River Crane site (US-Wrc) providing data from 1998 to 2005. December 12, 2007 ----------------- Posted Version 1 (V001) of the Level 3 and 4 files for US-Wrc. February 19, 2008 ----------------- Posted version 2 of the L2 files for US-Wrc. The new files contain updates through 2006. September 4, 2008 ----------------- Posted version 2 of the Level 3 and 4 files for US-Wrc. June 23, 2010 ------------- Posted version 3 of the Wind River Crane L2 files. V3 provides data through 2008. June 27, 2011 ------------- Posted version 4 (V004) of the US-Wrc files. The new version provides data through 2009. Relatively few changes were made to pre-2009 data from the previous V003 files. The most notable pre-2009 changes were to the PARout data and to select variables (FG, Rn, Rg, RgOut, and TS) during a brief period (April 11-15) in 2002 due to a time shift. May 6, 2013 ----------- Posted version 5 (V005) of the L2 files for the Wind River Field Station site. V005 now offers data through 2012. Pre-2010 data did not change from V004. June 13, 2014 ------------- Posted version 6 (V006) of the L2 files for the Wind River Field Station site. V006 offers data from 1998 through 2013. Pre-2013 data did not change from V005. July 22, 2015 ------------- Posted version 7 (V007) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Wind River Field Station site (US-Wrc). V007 offers data from 1998 through 2014. V007 replaces all previous US-Wrc submissions as V007 reflects a complete reprocessing over the entire period of record. Data issues and questions remain in V007, which may never be fully resolved due to lack of access to the raw data, so users should beware. Several issues to be noted include (1) Sensible heat flux estimates for some years are much larger than other years (2) Water vapor density and water vapor concentration estimates from two different sensors are inconsistent. (3) PAR at 2m showed a discontinuity because of a sensor relocation. PAR at 70m was screened improperly and showed flat plateaus in annual cycles. (4) Soil temperature showed a discontinuity in the time series because of sensor relocation. (5) Wind direction at 70m never reached below 30 degrees in 2001, which is unreasonable. Details on the processing by CDIAC of the original files submitted by Ken Bible to produce the latest L2 files are provided at