March 17, 2008 -------------- Shashi Verma and Andy Suyker reviewed the Version 1 of the L3 and L4 files available for the Mead, Nebraska sites and discovered problems with the storage terms, gap-filled NEE estimates, and ustar determinations. In April 2008, Shashi Verma & team provided new L1 files containing Fc values not screened for stationarity or with nighttime adjustments for low windspeed. The new L1 data also contained gap-filled NEE, H, and LE data along with records for the same variables with gaps. June 11, 2008 ------------- Version 2 L2 files produced by CDIAC were posted. New L3 and L4 files will be produced by CarboEurope and posted soon. October 20, 2008 ---------------- New L3 and L4 files (Version 2), derived from files provided by Shashi Verma & team in March (see above), were posted. March 27, 2009 -------------- Version 3 of the L2 files were posted containing updates through 2008 and corrected storage estimates (i.e., proper sign convention) for 2006. March 5, 2010 ------------- Version 4 of the L2 files for the Mead Irrigated (US-Ne1) site were posted. The new files contain updates through mid 2009. Data prior to mid-2008 have not changed from previous versions. February 11, 2011 ----------------- Version 5 of the L2 files for the Mead Irrigated (US-Ne1) site were posted. The new files contain updates through mid 2010. Data before mid-2009 have not changed from previous versions. April 1, 2013 ------------- Version 6 (V006) of the L2 files for the US-Ne1 site were posted and extend the Mead Irrigated site record through 2012. Pre-2010 data from V005 and earlier did not change. November 13, 2013 ----------------- Version 7 (V007) of the L2 files for the Mead Irrigated site were posted and extend the US-Ne1 site into 2013. Besides the addition of 2013 data, V007 differs from V006 by containing revisions for RH, H2O and VPD in 2008 and 2009. Details on CDIAC's processing of the original L1 files provided by the UNL team into L2 standard files are given at