February 5, 2008 Joe Verfaillie provided new files spanning 2001-2005 with consistent units for FC and corrected column headings for soil temperature. Joe also clarified the handling of soil temperatures before and after the July 2003 fire at the old and young stand sites. Before July 2003, the soil temperatures were two sets of three thermocouples at 0, 5, and 10 cm below soil surface. After the fire, the thermocouples were replaced with one set at 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40cm below soil surface. September 3, 2008 New L2 files were posted reflecting the data changes provided in February 2008 and revisions to the AmeriFlux fair-use data policy contained in the L2 file headers. New L3 and L4 files will be generated from the L2 files provided in the subdirectory /pub/ameriflux/data/Level2/Sites_ByName/Sky_Oaks_New/with_gaps and made available soon. October 21, 2008 New L3 and L4 files were posted reflecting the changes mentioned above.