September 5, 2008 ----------------- Version 1 of the Brookings (US-Bkg) Level 2-4 products were posted. February 5, 2009 ---------------- Version 2 of the Brookings Level 2-4 products were posted. The only difference between Versions 1 and 2 are the addition of the 2008 data. October 1, 2009 --------------- Version 3 of the Brookings Level 2-4 products were posted. The only difference between Versions 2 and 3 are the addition of the 2009 data. Data for 2009 are complete through mid-September. April 13, 2010 -------------- Version 4 of the Level 2 files for the Brookings site (US-Bkg) were posted and include data through early 2010. Previous data prior to 2009 have not changed. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Tilden Meyers and team by CDIAC to produce the Level 2 standardized files are provided at