March 17, 2008 -------------- Shashi Verma and Andy Suyker reviewed the initial version of the L3 and L4 files previously available for the Mead, Nebraska sites (US-Ne1, Ne2, and Ne3) and discovered problems with the storage terms, gap-filled NEE estimates, and ustar determinations. In April 2008, Shashi Verma & team provided new L1 files containing Fc values not screened for stationarity or with nighttime adjustments for low windspeed. The new L1 data also contained gap-filled NEE, H, and LE data along with records for the same variables with gaps. June 11, 2008 -------------- The new Version 2 of the L2 files produced by CDIAC were posted. New L3 and L4 files will be produced by CarboEurope and posted soon. October 20, 2008 ---------------- Version 2 of the L3 and L4 files, derived from files provided by Shashi Verma & team in March 2008 (see above), were posted. March 27, 2009 -------------- Version 3 L2 files were posted containing updates through 2008 and corrected storage estimates (i.e., proper sign convention) for 2006. March 11, 2010 -------------- Version 4 L2 files were posted containing updates through mid-2009. Data before mid-2008 did not change from Version 3. February 16, 2011 ----------------- Version 5 of the L2 files for the Mead Rainfed (US-Ne3) site were posted. The new files contain updates through mid 2010. Data before mid-2009 have not changed from previous versions. April 9, 2013 ------------- Version 6 (V006) of the L2 files for the US-Ne3 site were posted and include data through 2012. Data before mid-2010 did not change from V005. November 12, 2013 ----------------- Version 7 (V007) of the L2 files for the Mead Rainfed site were posted and provide data through mid-2013. Data before 2013 did not change from V006. Details on CDIAC's processing of the original L1 files provided by Andy Suyker & team into L2 standard files are given at /pub/ameriflux/data/Level2/Sites_ByName/Mead_Rainfed/with_gaps/report_Mead_Rainfed.html