September 4, 2008 ----------------- Version 1 files were archived and new Version 2 L2 files were posted for Vaira Ranch (US-Var). The new files contain a modified header reflecting minor changes to the AmeriFlux fair-use data policy and the new files also include 2007 data. October 13, 2008 ---------------- The second version (V002) of the L3 and L4 files produced by the CarboEurope processing techniques and were generated from Version 2 of the L2 files. May 19, 2009 ------------ New Version 3 L2 files were posted and include 2008 data. Pre-2008 data did not change from Version 2 posted in September 2008. August 28, 2009 --------------- New Version 3 L2 files were posted. These new files provide 2008 data for both records with gaps and gap-filled records. Pre-2008 data did not change from the two previous postings (Sept 2008 and May 2009). April 13, 2010 -------------- Version 4 of the L2 files for Vaira Ranch (US-Var) were posted and include updates through 2009. Pre-2009 data did not change from Version 3. October 25, 2011 ---------------- Version 5 (V005) of the Level 2 (L2) files for Vaira Ranch (US-Var) were posted including data through 2010. Latent heat fluxes and soil heat fluxes have been corrected (e.g., the soil heat fluxes were adjusted due to litter accumulation over the soil heat flux plate) and replace all previous values. April 18, 2013 -------------- Version 6 (V006) of the Level 2 files with gaps for Vaira Ranch were posted and include data through 2012. Select variables for select years and days were also corrected in this latest version - H in 2002; Rn from 2009-2011; Rg in 2010 and 2011; and precipitation in 2012. Only the files with gaps were updated, not the gap-filled files provided by Dennis Baldocchi, Siyan Ma & team. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Dennis Baldocchi, Siyan Ma, and team by CDIAC to produce the Level 2 standardized files are available at July 10, 2013 -------------- Version 6 (V006) of the gap-filled files for Vaira Ranch were posted and include data through 2011. October 9, 2014 --------------- Version 7 (V007) for both sets of Level 2 files for Vaira Ranch were posted and include data through 2013. V007 replaces all previous versions as both sets of data were reprocessed across the entire time series (2000-2013). May 29, 2015 ------------ Version 8 (V008) for both sets of Level 2 (L2) files for Vaira Ranch were posted and include data through 2014. V008 replaces all previous versions as both sets of data were reprocessed across the entire time series (2000-2014). May 31, 2016 ------------ Posted both sets of the latest (V009) Level 2 (L2) files for the Vaira Ranch site (US-Var). V009 replaces all previous versions as both sets of data were reprocessed across the entire time series (2000-2015). Details on the processing of the original files provided by Dennis Baldocchi, Siyan Ma, and team by CDIAC to produce the Level 2 standardized files are available at