August 17, 2009 --------------- The Version 1 (V001) Level 2 (L2) files for Audubon Grasslands (US-Aud) were archived and Version 2 (V002) L2 files were posted. Version 2 contains no changes to previous years, only updates through mid-2009. October 27, 2009 ---------------- The Version 2 Level 2 files for Audubon Grasslands were archived and Version 3 (V003) L2 files were posted. Minor revisions (e.g., H) were made to the 2003 and 2004 data by Tilden Meyers & team. The V003 files extend through summer 2009. March 27, 2014 -------------- Posted the Version 4 (V004) L2 files for the US-Aud site. V004 provides data from 2002 through day 270 of 2011. Users should be wary of the PAR data (e.g., large year-to-year variations). Details on the processing performed by CDIAC on the orginal files provided by Tilden Meyers & team to produce these L2 files may be found at