April 23, 2007 -------------- The first batch of Level 1 (L1) files from the Ivotuk, Alaska site (US-Ivo) were posted and cover the period 2003 to 2006. September 5, 2008 ----------------- The first version (V1) of the Level 2, 3, and 4 files for US-Ivo were posted and are derived from the L1 files submitted 4/23/2007. September 30, 2010 ------------------ Level 1 files for the year 2007 were posted. October 18, 2010 ---------------- Version 2 of the Level 2 (L2) files for US-Ivo were posted. The files provide data from 2003-2007 with network-wide variable naming conventions, reporting intervals, and reporting units. Data before 2007 are unchanged from the V1 files. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Walt Oechel and team by CDIAC to produce the V2 L2 files are provided at ftp://cdiac.ornl.gov/pub/ameriflux/data/Level2/Sites_ByName/Ivotuk/with_gaps/report_Ivotuk.html