September 12, 2008 ------------------ Version 1 (V001) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Rosemount, Minnesota site with conventional management practices and a corn/soybean rotation (i.e., site G21 or US-Ro1) were posted. October 12, 2008 ---------------- Version 1 of the L3 and L4 files for US-Ro1 were posted. August 15, 2010 --------------- Version 2 (V002) of the L2 files for US-Ro1 were posted. The V002 files contain data through 2007 and provide water vapor values with corrected units from the V001 files. September 24, 2013 ------------------ Version 3 (V003) of the L2 files for the US-Ro1 site were posted and cover the period 2004-2012 thus adding five additional years of data from V002. Data before 2008 did not change but there are data issues that remain unresolved. August 6, 2014 -------------- Version 4 (V004) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Rosemount G21 Conventional Management Corn/Soybean Rotation site (US-Ro1) were posted and cover the period 2004-2012. V004 replaces all previous versions and reflects and complete reprocessing of all records and years by Tim Griffis and team. Details on the processing of the original files provided by Tim Griffis and team by CDIAC to produce these V004 L2 files are provided at