December 4, 2007 ---------------- Posted the first version (V001) of the Level 2 (L2) files for the Sylvania Wilderness, Michigan old growth forest site (US-Syv). October 24, 2008 ---------------- New L2 files (V002) were posted for the Sylvania Wilderness site. New files reflect data screened for wind direction, provide corrected precipitation data for 2005, provide corrected Fg data using a sign convention consistent with other AmeriFlux sites, and contain corrected diffuse PAR data. December 16, 2008 ----------------- Posted V002 Level 3 and 4 files for US-Syv. January 3, 2011 --------------- Posted new L2 files (V003) for the US-Syv site. The new files provide variable names and reporting units adhering to the AmeriFlux network-wide conventions. The flux and met data from 2001-2006 did not change from V002. June 21, 2013 ------------- Posted new Level 2 (L2) files for the Sylvania Wilderness site. These new files mark the fourth version (V004) of L2 files posted for the US-Syv site. The V004 files replace all previous versions and reflect a major reprocessing effort by Ankur Desai. The new files cover the period 2001 through 2008. June 26, 2015 ------------- Posted both sets of new Level 2 (L2) files for the Sylvania Wilderness (US-Syv) site. These new files mark the fifth version (V005) of L2 files posted for the US-Syv site. The V005 files replace all previous versions and cover the period 2001-2008 and 2012-2014. The site was not operational from 2009-2011. Users should be aware the site set-up was very different in 2012-2014 from earlier years (2001-2008). As a result, many time series (CO2 profile, H2O profile, soil temperature and soil moisture profiles) were discontinued after site operations resumed in 2012. October 15,2015 --------------- Posted both sets of new (V006) Level 2 (L2) files for the Sylvania Wilderness (US-Syv) site. The V006 files reflect a reprocessing by Ankur Desai and replace all previous versions and cover the period 2001-2008 and 2012-2014. The site was not operational from 2009-2011. Users should be aware the site set-up was very different in 2012-2014 from earlier years (2001-2008). As a result, many time series (CO2 profile, H2O profile, soil temperature and soil moisture profiles) were discontinued after site operations resumed in 2012. April 22, 2016 -------------- Posted both sets of new (V007) Level 2 (L2) files for the Sylvania Wilderness (US-Syv) site. These new data cover the period 2001-2008 and 2012-2015. The site was not operational from 2009-2011. The V007 files differ from the V006 files only with the inclusion of 2015 data. Pre-2015 data did not change from V006. Users should be aware the present site set-up (2012 - present) is very different from earlier years (2001-2008). As a result, many time series (CO2 profile, H2O profile, soil temperature and soil moisture profiles) were discontinued after site operations resumed in 2012. Details on the processing by CDIAC of the original files provided by Ankur Desai to produce these V007 L2 files are provided at