September 4, 2008 --------------------- Version 1 files were archived and Version 2 L2 files were posted. The new Version 2 files contain a modified header reflecting minor changes to the AmeriFlux fair-use data policy and include 2007 data. October 13, 2008 ----------------------- Version 2 L3 and L4 files were posted including data for 2007. August 24, 2009 ----------------------- Version 3 L2 files were posted including data for 2008. Pre-2008 data did not change. April 1, 2010 ------------- Version 4 of the L2 files for Tonzi Ranch (US-Ton) were posted including data for 2009. Pre-2009 data did not change from Version 3. October 18, 2011 ---------------- Version 5 (V005) of the L2 files for Tonzi Ranch (US-Ton) were posted including data through 2010. Latent heat fluxes and soil heat fluxes have been corrected (e.g., the soil heat fluxes were adjusted due to litter accumulation over the soil heat flux plate) and replace all previous values. May 6, 2013 ----------- Version 6 (V006) of the L2 files with gaps in records for US-Ton were posted and provide data from 2001-2012. Reprocessing was performed on the entire period of record so V006 replaces all previous versions, although the changes to pre-2011 data were minor. August 13, 2013 --------------- Version 6 (V006) of the gap-filled L2 files for US-Ton was posted and provides data from 2001-2011. Reprocessing was performed on the entire period of record so V006 replaces all previous versions, although the changes to pre-2010 data in the gap-filled files were minor. The L2 files containing gaps were also replaced, however, the only change from the files posted on 5/6/2013 were a minor correction to the elevation value in the header of each file. Data records did not change. October 9, 2014 --------------- Version 7 (V007) of both sets of L2 files for Tonzi Ranch (US-Ton) was posted and provides data from 2001-2013. Reprocessing was performed on the entire period of record so V007 replaces all previous versions. May 29, 2015 ------------ Version 8 (V008) of both sets of Level 2 (L2) files for Tonzi Ranch (US-Ton) was posted and provides data from 2001-2014. Reprocessing was performed on the entire period of record so V008 replaces all previous versions. June 3, 2016 ------------ Version 9 (V009) of both sets of Level 2 (L2) files for the Tonzi Ranch site (US-Ton) was posted and provides data from 2001 through 2015. Reprocessing was performed on the entire period of record so V009 replaces all previous versions. Details on the processing of original files provided by Siyan Ma by CDIAC to produce the V009 Level 2 files for Tonzi Ranch may be found at /pub/ameriflux/data/Level2/Sites_ByName/Tonzi_Ranch/with_gaps/Tonzi_Ranch_gf_SummaryReport.htm