Vasu Misra

Vasu MisraAssociate Professor of Meteorology
Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science

Rm. 279

(850) 645-8859 phone
(850) 644-4841 fax

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My research interests are in climate variability and predictability. I like to work with a variety of numerical models to understand climate variations from diurnal, intra-seasonal to interannual time scales. These numerical tools include regional atmospheric models, atmospheric general circulation models and coupled ocean-atmosphere models. While I am keen on understanding the predictability of a model, the challenges of real-time climate prediction have also been part of my research vocation.

Phenomenologically I have worked on ENSO, the South American Monsoons, Tropical Atlantic Variability, US hydroclimate and some aspects of equatorial African climate.

Diagnosing the role of air-sea and land-atmosphere interactions in climate and weather variations is another pet project of mine. I believe the paradigm of using coupled ocean-land-atmosphere systems for predictability or prediction studies of climate and even weather at the expense of weaning away from "reduced" component model systems is a worthy cause of scientific pursuit.

Recent Research Activities

Presentation at the 2015 IASCLiP Virtual Workshop: The Sensitivity of Regional Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Simulations over the Intra-Americas Seas to the Prescribed Bathymetry