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LBA-ECO LC-14 Modeled Deforestation Scenarios, Amazon Basin: 2002-2050

Data Set Overview

Data setLBA-ECO LC-14 Modeled Deforestation Scenarios, Amazon Basin: 2002-2050
Release date2013-04-05
ProjectLarge Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere
Time Period2002-01-01 to 2050-12-31


This data set provides the results of the two modeled scenarios for future patterns of deforestation across the Amazon Basin from 2002 to 2050. This larger defined Amazon Basin (PanAmazon area) includes the Amazon River watershed, the Legal Amazon in Brazil, and the Guiana region. The model SimAmazonia was used to simulate monthly deforestation in the Amazon Basin from 2002 to 2050 for two scenarios: (1) a "Business-as-Usual" scenario, which considered the deforestation trends across the basin and projected the rates by using historical images and their variations from 1997 to 2002 and then added to that the effect of paving a set of major roads, and (2) a "Governance" scenario, that also considered the current deforestation trends, but assumed a 50% limit imposed for deforested land within each basin's subregion, and that existing and proposed Protected Areas (PAs), play a decisive role in limiting deforestation as well (Soares et al., 2006). The provided data products include one GeoTiff (*.tif) for each year (2002 to 2050) for both model scenarios for a total of 98 files. The files have been compressed in two *.zip files, one for each model scenario. There is also one comma-delimited file that contains the model input data derived from satellite deforestation maps.


Data set reference document


Soares-Filho, B.S., D.C. Nepstad, L.M. Curran, E. Voll, R.A. Garcia, C.A. Ramos, A.J. McDonald, P.A. Lefebvre, and P. Schlesinger. 2013. LBA-ECO LC-14 Modeled Deforestation Scenarios, Amazon Basin: 2002-2050. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
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Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere : The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is an intensive scientific investigation of the tropical rainforest of Brazil and portions of adjacent countries. Like FIFE and BOREAS, this project uses intensive remote-sensing techniques and ground-based experiments to investigate the atmosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere dynamics of this large tropical region. The LBA Project encompasses several scientific disciplines, or components. The LBA-ECO component focuses on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia?"

Project data set list for Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere .

Companion Files

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  • LC14_Amazon_Scenarios.pdf
  • Amazon_Scenarios_Supplemental_Info.pdf

Data Files

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Data File (Granule)File SizeDates
Amazon_Scenarios_Input_Data.csv 4.8 KB 2002-01-01 - 2050-12-31 45.1 MB 2002-01-01 - 2050-12-31 45.5 MB 2002-01-01 - 2050-12-31

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