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LBA-ECO TG-07 Forest Structure Measurements for GLAS Validation: Santarem 2004

Data Set Overview

Data setLBA-ECO TG-07 Forest Structure Measurements for GLAS Validation: Santarem 2004
Release date2007-01-10
ProjectLarge Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere
Time Period2004-11-08


This data set provides the results of a GLAS (the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System) forest structure validation survey conducted in Santarem and Sao Jorge, Para during November 2004 (Lefsky et al., 2005). DBH, total height, commercial height, canopy width and canopy class description were measured for 11 primary forest sites in Santarem along two 75m transects per GLAS measurement. For 10 secondary forest sites in Sao Jorge, the number of stems 0-2cm, 2-5cm, 5-10cm, and greater than 10cm were measured. For all stems greater than 10cm the DBH was measured, and for all sites, the maximum height was recorded. The basal area was calculated for all trees with DBH greater than 10cm within our transects, and biomass was calculated using the Brown, 1997 formula.Exchange of carbon between forests and the atmosphere is a vital component of the global carbon cycle. Satellite laser altimetry has a unique capability for estimating forest canopy height, which has a direct and increasingly well understood relationship to aboveground carbon storage.


Data set reference document


Keller, M.M., R.C.D. Oliveira, P.C.D. Camargo, F.D.B. Espirito-Santo, and M.O. Hunter. 2006. LBA-ECO TG-07 Forest Structure Measurements for GLAS Validation: Santarem 2004. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
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Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere : The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is an intensive scientific investigation of the tropical rainforest of Brazil and portions of adjacent countries. Like FIFE and BOREAS, this project uses intensive remote-sensing techniques and ground-based experiments to investigate the atmosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere dynamics of this large tropical region. The LBA Project encompasses several scientific disciplines, or components. The LBA-ECO component focuses on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia?"

Project data set list for Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere .

Companion Files

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  • TG07_STM_GLAS.pdf

Data Files

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Data File (Granule)File SizeDates
STM_primary_data.txt 31.8 KB 2004-11-08 - 2004-11-18
STM_secondary_data.txt 10.7 KB 2004-11-08 - 2004-11-18
STM_Locations.txt 31.8 KB 2004-11-08 - 2004-11-18

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Files related to this data set have been downloaded on 68 occasions since 2007-12-14, totaling 204 files.