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SAFARI 2000 MODIS L3 Albedo and Land Cover Data, Southern Africa, Dry Season 2000

Data Set Overview

Data setSAFARI 2000 MODIS L3 Albedo and Land Cover Data, Southern Africa, Dry Season 2000
Release date2007-02-21
ProjectSAFARI 2000 (S2K)
Time Period2000-07-11


The Filled Land Surface Albedo Product for Southern Africa, which is generated from MOD43B3 Product (the official Terra/MODIS-derived Land Surface Albedo - ), is a subset of the global data set of spatially complete albedo maps computed for both white-sky and black-sky at 10 wavelengths (0.47mm, 0.55mm, 0.67mm, 0.86mm, 1.24mm, 1.64mm, 2.1mm, and broadband 0.3-0.7mm, 0.3-5.0mm, and 0.7-5.0mm). An exception is that no 2.1mm data for black-sky is being archived at this time. The data spatial extent is from approximately 5 degrees N to -30 degrees S latitude and 5 minutes E to 60 degrees E longitude and covers 7 sixteen day periods starting on July 11 through October 15, 2000.Map Products, containing spatially complete land surface albedo data, are generated at 1-minute resolution on an equal-angle grid. The maps are stored in separate HDF files for each wavelength, each 16-day period and each albedo type (white- and black-sky). Data belonging to black sky and white sky albedo have been zipped separately. This format allows the user to have flexibility to download and store only the data absolutely needed.The One-Minute Land Ecosystem Classification Product is a global (static map) data set of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) classification scheme stored on an equal-angle rectangular grid at 1-minute resolution. The dataset is generated from the official MODIS land ecosystem classification dataset, MOD12Q1 for year 2000, day 289 data (October 15, 2000). This dataset is used in generating the spatially complete albedo maps, but is also a stand-alone product designed for use by the user community. The Land Ecosystem Classification Map File product file is stored in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF).


Data set reference document


Moody, E.G., M.D. King, S.E. Platnick, C. Schaaf, and F. Gao. 2006. SAFARI 2000 MODIS L3 Albedo and Land Cover Data, Southern Africa, Dry Season 2000. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
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SAFARI 2000 (S2K): The SAFARI 2000 project was an international science initiative to study the linkages between land and atmosphere processes in the southern African region. In addition, SAFARI 2000 examined the relationship of biogenic, pyrogenic, and anthropogenic emissions and the consequences of their deposition to the functioning of the biogeophysical and biogeochemical systems of southern Africa. This initiative, which was conducted in 1999-2001, was built around a number of ongoing, already-funded activities by NASA, the international community, and African nations in the southern African region.

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Data File (Granule)File SizeDates 221.6 MB 2000-07-11 - 2000-10-15 253.7 MB 2000-07-11 - 2000-10-15 6.3 MB 2000-07-11 - 2000-10-15


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