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LBA-ECO CD-03 Flux-Meteorological Data, km 77 Pasture Site, Para, Brazil: 2000-2005

Data Set Overview

Data setLBA-ECO CD-03 Flux-Meteorological Data, km 77 Pasture Site, Para, Brazil: 2000-2005
Release date2010-03-15
ProjectLarge Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere
Time Period2000-09-01 to 2006-01-01


Eddy correlation and micrometeorological measurements began in 2001 and continued through 2005 at the pasture site at km 77 on BR-163 just south of the city of Santarem, Para, Brazil. Measurements included turbulent fluxes (momentum, heat, water vapor, and CO2) using the eddy covariance (EC) approach. Other measurements included the CO2 profile, air temperature, humidity, wind speed profile, downward and upward solar and terrestrial radiation, downward and upward photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), atmospheric pressure, rainfall, soil temperature, soil moisture, and soil heat flux. Data are presented in 5 comma-separated ASCII value (csv) files each corresponding roughly to one calendar year. At the beginning of the measurements, in September 2000, the field was a pasture. In November 2001, the pasture was burned, plowed, and planted in upland (non-irrigated) rice. Land use practices during the study period were recorded and are included in a table in Section 5 of this guide. The EC system was composed of a 3D sonic anemometer (ATI 3D) and an infrared analyzer (LICOR 6262) installed on a 20m tower in the agricultural field. The methodology to calculate the flux is described in detail in Sakai et al. (2004) and a companion file is included that describes in detail the formulae used to calculate the eddy flux variables (CD03_Pasture_Flux_Calculations.pdf).


Data set reference document


Fitzjarrald, D.R., and R.K. Sakai. 2010. LBA-ECO CD-03 Flux-Meteorological Data, km 77 Pasture Site, Para, Brazil: 2000-2005. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
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Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere : The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is an intensive scientific investigation of the tropical rainforest of Brazil and portions of adjacent countries. Like FIFE and BOREAS, this project uses intensive remote-sensing techniques and ground-based experiments to investigate the atmosphere-biosphere-hydrosphere dynamics of this large tropical region. The LBA Project encompasses several scientific disciplines, or components. The LBA-ECO component focuses on the question: "How do tropical forest conversion, regrowth, and selective logging influence carbon storage, nutrient dynamics, trace gas fluxes, and the prospect for sustainable land use in Amazonia?"

Project data set list for Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere .

Companion Files

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  • CD03_Pasture_Flux_Calculations.pdf
  • CD03_Pasture_Flux.pdf

Data Files

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Data File (Granule)File SizeDates
CD-03_Pasture_CO2_Fluxes_Km77_Para_2002.csv 4.3 MB 2002-01-01 - 2002-12-31
CD-03_Pasture_CO2_Fluxes_Km77_Para_2001.csv 4.3 MB 2001-01-01 - 2001-12-31
CD-03_Pasture_CO2_Fluxes_Km77_Para_2003.csv 4.3 MB 2003-01-01 - 2003-12-31
CD-03_Pasture_CO2_Fluxes_Km77_Para_2004.csv 4.4 MB 2004-01-01 - 2004-12-31
CD-03_Pasture_CO2_Fluxes_Km77_Para_2005.csv 4.5 MB 2005-01-01 - 2006-01-01


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