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Transportation for Tomorrow: Report of the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, prepared by a specially convened Commission, meets the charge given under Section 1909 of the Safe Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). The Report includes detailed recommendations for creating and sustaining a pre-eminent surface transportation system in the United States. The Commission is grateful to all of the individuals and organizations who shared their views and experiences in writing and at hearings and public meetings across the nation. View C-SPAN Hearing Video: Funding the Highway Trust Fund 01/17/07 To download and/or print this report, select the Adobe pdf formatted files below. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free now if you do not already have it installed. *Note: many of these files are large and may take several minutes to open, depending on connection speed. For quick, online viewing of the report, select the HTML-formatted version. Note: this version is not print friendly. *Note: many of these files are large and may take several minutes to open. |