The Limnology Lab at The Ohio State University

Dr. David A. Culver


Department of Zoology
The Ohio State University
1735 Neil Avenue
Columbus , OH 43210

(614) 292-6995 or 292-8088
FAX 292-2030


A.B., Honors in Zoology, Cornell University , Magna Cum Laude, 1967.
M.S., Zoology, University of Washington , Seattle , 1969.
Ph.D., Zoology, University of Washington , Seattle , 1973.


Professor, Department of EEOB, The Ohio State University, 1995-present.
Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University, 1981-1994.
Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, The Ohio State University . 1975-1980.
Visiting Professor, Hubei Agricultural College, People's Republic of China , 1998.
Visiting Scientist, Zoology Dept., Adelaide Univ. , Adelaide, South Australia, 1984-1985.
Assistant Professor, Dept. Biology, Queen's Univ., Kingston , Ontario , Canada . 1973-1975.

Professional Recognition:

Fellow, Cooperative Institute for Limnology and Ecosystems Research, NOAA
American Fisheries Society - Best Research and Surveys Project of 1992, Wallop-Breaux Sportfish Restoration Program
Ohio Sea Grant Distinguished Service Award - July 1997

University Recognition:

Exemplary Service Award for contributions to the Summer Institutes of the Young Scholars Program; December, 1989.
University Distinguished Affirmative Action Award; May 1994.

Teaching Responsibilities:

EEOB 647 - Plankton (20 students)
EEOB 655 - Limnology (30-40 students)
EEOB 694 - Experimental Aquatic Ecology and Research (10 students)
EEOB 698.02 - Great Lakes Limnology - Lake Erie Cruise Course (16 students)
EEOB 881 - Graduate Seminar (10-20 students)
Env. Sci. 891 - Seminar in Environmental Science
Biology 592.01, 592.02 - Workshop for Middle School Teachers
Biology 592.03, 592.04 - Workshop in Biology for High School Teachers

Administrative Responsibilities:

Member, Executive Committee, and Director, Biological Research Program, Ohio Sea Grant College Program, 1983-1996.
Co-Director, Biological Sciences Curriculum for the Young Scholars Program, 1988-94.
Director, Howard Hughes High School Teachers Training and Minority Research Experience Programs, 1989-1994.
Advisory Committee for the Ohio Water Resources Center , Office of Water Research and Technology, Dept. of Interior/USGS, 1978-present.
Advisory Council for the Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Sanctuary and State Nature Preserve, 1981-present.

Recent Committee Assignments:

EEOB Honors Committee, 1981-present; Chair, 1991-present.
EEOB Graduate Studies Committee
EEOB Tenure and Promotion Committee
F. T. Stone Laboratory Review Committee; Research Facilities Committee
Arts and Sciences Honors Committee, 1991-present
Presidential Fellowship Committee, The Graduate School, 1994-1996; Chair, 1995-1996.

Selected Publications:

Culver, D. A. 1991. Effects of the N:P ratio in fertilizer for fish hatchery ponds. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24:1503-1507.

Wu, L., and D. A. Culver. 1991. Zooplankton grazing and phytoplankton abundance: An assessment before and after invasion of Dreissena polymorpha. J. Great Lakes Res. 17(4): 425-436.

Qin, J., and D. A. Culver. 1992. The survival and growth of larval walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, and trophic dynamics in fertilized ponds. Aquaculture 108:257-276.

Wu, L., and D. A. Culver. 1992. Ontogenetic diet shift in Lake Erie Age-0 yellow perch (Perca flavescens): A size-related response to zooplankton density. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49:1932-1937.

Dabrowski, K., D. A. Culver, C. L. Brooks, A. C. Voss, F. P. Binkowski, S. E. Yeo, and A. M. Balogun. 1992. Biochemical aspects of the early life history of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). In S. Kaushik and P. Luquet (eds), Fish Nutrition in Practice, p 531-539.

Culver, D. A., S. P. Madon, and J. Qin. 1993. Percid pond production techniques: Timing, enrichment, and stocking density manipulation. J. Applied Aquaculture 2:9-31.

Culver, D. A. and M. C. Geddes. 1993. Limnology of Australian larval fish culture ponds: relationships among water quality, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and the growth of larval fish. Australian J. Marine and Freshwater Res. 44:537-51.

Madon, S. P. and D. A. Culver. 1993. Bioenergetics model for larval and juvenile walleye: an in situ approach using experimental ponds. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 122:797-813.

Wu, L. and D. A. Culver. 1994. Daphnia dynamics in western Lake Erie : Regulation by algal limitation and young-of-year fish predation. J. Great Lakes Res. 20:537-545.

Qin, J., D. A. Culver, and N. Yu. 1994. Comparisons of larval walleye and saugeye (walleye x sauger hybrid) growth and impacts on zooplankton in experimental ponds. Progressive Fish-Culturist 56:91-99.

Qin, J. and D. A. Culver. 1995. Effect of young-of-the-year walleye (Percidae: Stizostedion vitreum) on plankton dynamics and water quality in ponds. Hydrobiologia 297:217-227.

Culver, D. A. 1996. Fertilization procedures for pond culture of walleye and saugeye. Pages 115-122, In R. C. Summerfelt, ed. Walleye Culture Manual. North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, USDA.

Stahl, T.P., G. P. Thiede, R. A. Stein, E. M. Lewis, M. R. Austin, and D. A. Culver. 1996. Factors affecting survival of age-0 saugeye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum x S. canadense) stocked in Ohio reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:378-387.

Culver, D. A. and L. Wu. 1997. Relative importance of predation and competition in the seasonal dynamics of zooplankton: results from larval fish rearing ponds. Archiv f_r Hydrobiologie Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol. 49:27-35.

Gopalan, G., D. A. Culver, L. Wu, and B. K. Trauben. 1998. The effect of recent ecosystem changes on the recruitment of young-of-year fish in western Lake Erie. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:2572-2579.

Yu, N. and D. A. Culver. 1999. Effective clearance rate and refiltration estimation of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in a stratified reservoir. Freshwater Biology 41:481-492.

Yu, N. and D. A. Culver. 1999. In situ survival and growth of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) under chronic hypoxia in a stratified lake. Hydrobiologia 392:205-215.

Czesny, S., S. Kolkovski, K. Dabrowski, and D. A. Culver 1999. Growth, survival, and quality of juvenile walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) as influenced by n-3 HUFA-enriched Artemia nauplii. Aquaculture 178:103-115.

Selected Research Grants: 

Food habits of age zero piscivores and forage fish in Western Lake Erie. Ohio Sea Grant Program. 1983-87. $78,500. (With J. Margraf)
Daphnia production techniques for rearing fingerling walleye and saugeye. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Ohio Div. Wildlife (ODNR). 1987-92. $407,152.
Development of culture techniques for yellow perch in Ohio. 1990-92. Ohio Sea Grant College Program (NOAA). $65,792. (with K. Dabrowski)
Evaluating Saugeye stocking success in Ohio reservoirs. Co-principal investigator was R. A. Stein. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Division of Wildlife (ODNR). 1991-1993. $202,735
The impact of zebra mussel filtering on pelagic food webs. Ohio Sea Grant College Program (NOAA). 1992-94. $136,382. (with R. Sykes)
The impact of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on the sport fishery of a small, thermally-stratified inland reservoir. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Ohio Division of Wildlife (ODNR). 1993- 1997. $153,502.
Evaluation of phosphorus fertilization as a method for improving plankton production in a lake impacted by acid mine drainage. Virginia Electric Power Co. 1993-96. $145,200.
Use of electron transport system enzyme activity to estimate respiration in bioenergetics models of juvenile fish growth and consumption of zooplankton. Ohio Sea Grant College Program 1994- 1997. $78,000.
Protection of reservoirs from zebra mussel introduction resulting from hatchery activities. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Ohio Division of Wildlife (ODNR). 1994-1997. $70,000.
Temporal and spatial variability in plankton in western Lake Erie. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Division of Wildlife (ODNR). 1995-1997. $143,597.
Ecosystem changes in Lake Erie's lower trophic levels. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency/USEPA. 1996-97. $79,354. (pending)
Toxicity, ecological impact, monitoring, causes and public awareness of Microcystis blooms in Lake Erie. Lake Erie Protection Fund. 1996-98. $227,402
Effect of stratification on ecosystem changes in Lake Erie. Co-PI was Ellen McDonald, Civil Engineering. Ohio Lake Erie Protection Fund. 1997-1998. $99,990.
Spatial dynamic modeling of large lake lower trophic level dynamics: Effects of Zebra Mussels and Nutrient Loading. Co-PIs: M. N. Charlton, J. P. Coakley, P. F. Hamblin, National Water Research Inst., Burlington, Ontario, and M.R. Loewen, Dept. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Univ. Toronto, Canada. Ohio Sea Grant College Program (NOAA). 1998-2000. $79,325.
Yellow Perch aquaculture development in China . Ohio Sea Grant College Program (NOAA). 1998-1999. $2,394
Calibration of Lake Erie foodweb models with field data. Ohio Lake Erie Protection Fund. 1998-2001. $99,391.



Evaluation of water quality in Sycamore Creek, Pickerington , Ohio . Stilson & Associates, Columbus , OH . 1992-1993.
Parameterization of a model of mercury cycling in Lake Erie . American Electric Power Co., Columbus , OH . 1993.
Delimitation of wetlands in the Mount Storm Lake drainage basin, Mt. Storm , WV . Harza Engineering Company, Chicago , IL . 1998.
Evaluation of phosphorus fertilization as a method for improving plankton production in Mount Storm Lake , West Virginia . Virginia Power Co., Richmond , VA. 1991-present.
Control of alkaline discharge from a fluidized-bed coal-fired power plant, North Branch Power Station, Bayard , West Virginia . Virginia Power Co., Richmond , VA. 1999-present.


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