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In The Little Prince, the fox tells the prince that he must never forget that “you remain responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” In a similar way, we are now responsible, forever, for the countless species... (more)

Former Chair, U.S. Council on Environmental Quality

Finally we have a resource to help us adapt to climate change. There is no sense in denial. We cannot rely upon mitigation. We need to help species and communities adapt now before it is too late.

Davis-Shine Professor of Conservation Biology, University of Central Florida

In confusing times we need all the help we can get - CAKE provides a really helpful doorway into a world where people are looking for and trying out answers to our current dilemmas about what to do about adapting to climate... (more)

Australian Laureate Fellow, School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia

Pardon the pun, but it’s a piece of cake to use CAKE. I typed in several key words on a recent research topic and immediately had case studies, colleague contacts, and bibliographic information. CAKE lets its users... (more)

Climate Change philanthropist and former Nature Conservancy staffer

Like it or not, global warming is here and it will continue. Our well-being and the health of Earth's ecosystems depend on our ability to adapt to change. CAKE provides an essential source for solutions amid a welter of... (more)

Professor of Ecology and Founding Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment

CAKE is the home of the critical thinking and indepth knowledge needed to guide wildland conservation strategies for the next 100 years.

Sierra Club Alaska and Northwest Resilient Habitats Program Manager

It is critical that we understand the vulnerabilities of our local natural and human systems, and develop effective and efficient strategies and actions to increase the resiliency of priority systems. The tools needed are... (more)

Associate, Environmental Incentives, LLC

CAKE has helped us research adaptation efforts, share methods and approaches, and learn from other coastal states. It provides a forum for us to share lessons learned as we begin to take strides in adaptation and mitigation... (more)

Former Coastal Resources Planner, Maryland Department of Natural Resources

I love CAKE! Much of what I do in my work around adaptation is try to understand where promising practices are emerging. So I find the case studies incredibly helpful. The ability to search CAKE from a geographic perspective... (more)

Senior Adivsor for Climate Adaptation, Institute for Sustainable Communities

Adaptation is an exciting, emerging field, and CAKE plays a great role in helping to document and share the lessons learned in this field and also help connect regions where they have similar tools, resources, approaches,... (more)

The San Diego Foundation