Commodity Flow Survey

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Commodity Flow Survey

The Commodity Flow Survey (CFS), undertaken through a partnership between the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) is conducted every 5 years (years ending in "2" and "7") as part of the Economic Census. The CFS produces data on the movement of goods in the United States. It provides information on commodities shipped, their value, weight, and mode of transportation, as well as the origin and destination of shipments of commodities from manufacturing, mining, wholesale, and selected retail and services establishments.

2012 Data

New The 2012 CFS Public Use Microdata file is now available through the Public Use Microdata tab on this page.


The 1997 and 2002 State Print Report links have been restored to their respective Historical Data pages.8/22/2016

The 2012 Survey Methodology and CFS Public Use Microdata (PUM) User's Guide have been updated. (2/10/2016)

The 2012 CFS Public Use Microdata file was released on June 15, 2015 and can be accessed through the Public Use Microdata tab on this page

The seventy-three final estimates tables for the 2012 CFS were released on December 9, 2014. These tables are on the American FactFinder.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Commodity Flow Survey | (301) 763-2108 | |  Last Revised: August 22, 2016