
Where is drought this week?

U.S. Drought Monitor

Sample of U.S. Drought Monitor
The U.S. Drought Monitor is a weekly map based on measurements of climatic, hydrologic and soil conditions as well as reported impacts and observations from more than 350 contributors around the U.S. Sample of U.S. Drought Monitor

U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook

Sample of U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook
The Climate Prediction Center, part of the National Weather Service, publishes this outlook on the third Thursday of each month. Sample of U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook

Drought Impacts Report

Sample of Drought Impacts Report
The National Drought Mitigation Center developed this database of drought impacts, which can be searched by location, type of impact, time period and more. Sample of Drought Impacts Report

Wildfire Risks

Sample of Wildfire Risks
The National Interagency Coordination Center in Boise, Idaho, produces these maps monthly. Sample of Wildfire Risks

NIDIS in Your Region

Map of DEWS regions
NIDIS coordinates Drought Early Warning Systems (DEWS) in many regions of the U.S. Through DEWS, stakeholders explore and demonstrate a range of early warning and drought risk reduction strategies. Map of DEWS regions

As of Jan. 11-17, 2017, drought (D1-D4) is impacting:


of the US and 19.2% of the lower 48 states.

107.7 million

people in the U.S. and 107.8 in the lower 48 states.

Several areas of heavy precipitation brought drought improvement to parts of the Northeast, Midwest, Plains, and Far West while drought conditions were essentially unchanged elsewhere. Nowhere in the country did dryness intensify enough to worsen the Drought Monitor depiction from last week.