Quick and easy access to recreational privileges in Iowa, including hunting, fishing, and specialty licenses: Purchase Your Licenses Online
Buy your Hunting and Fishing license online today! We offer multi-year packages and combos for whatever you need to stay licensed.
Support conservation in Iowa by buying a natural resource plate for your vehicle.
Make your online reservation for state park cabins, camping sites and lodges.
Iowa DNR Customer Service Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 4:30pm CST p: 515-725-8200 f: 515-725-8201 Submit Online Inquiry Information / Records Requests Contact Information by County
Don't wait, take your class now! Check for classes, camps & workshops in your area.
Online portal for recreational license fees, hunting & fishing licenses or finding a license retailer near you.
Ready to get out there? Find an Iowa State Park near you!
Having problems registering your boat, snowmobile, ATV, or ORV? Review our bonding information.
Report a violation using the TIP HOTLINE (1-800-532-2020) or visit the Turn in Poachers page.
Pay hoist fees, renew, transfer or apply for new dock permits via the Iowa Boat Docks system.
Check out the guide for changing your residency status.
Welcome to Iowa! Get started on your Nonresident hunt.