Civil and Environmental Engineering


Welcome to the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of New Hampshire. We appreciate your visit!

Civil and environmental engineering are broad and diverse engineering disciplines that encompass the design, construction, assessment and maintenance of the constructed and natural infrastructure of society.  This infrastructure includes dams, water treatment plants, highways, bridges, tunnels, irrigation canals, traffic control systems, skyscrapers, airport runways and mass transit systems, just to name a few. Our role in society is to promote sustainable development of ours and future generations.

A Letter from the Chair

Tenure-Track Positions Available

Bioenvironmental and Civil Infrastructure Systems Engineering Positions - The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the University of New Hampshire invites applications for two tenure-track positions.  One position is at the associate professor level with teaching, scholarship and outreach expertise in the area of environmental engineering (ENE) with specific teaching interests and an established research and outreach program in bioenvironmental engineering processes (e.g., wastewater, water reuse, bioremediation). The other position is at the assistant professor level with teaching, scholarship and outreach expertise in the area of civil infrastructure systems engineering with specific teaching and research interests in resiliency and sustainability.  These positions will strengthen the curriculum and research in existing areas of outstanding scholarship and provide continued growth in water treatment technology, marine/estuarine science and ocean engineering, genome-based biology, sustainability, civil transportation and building systems, network level analysis, and impacts of climate change on environmental processes and civil infrastructure.

Civil Infrastructure Detailed Position - Apply to this position 

Bioenvironmental Detailed Position - Apply to this position

Faculty Search Brochure 


Living Bridge Project shows off potential of “smart” infrastructure – Science Nation

Ordinary bridge equipped with ability to self-diagnose and report back on livability issues, such as traffic and pollution.

Building a Better Oil Spill Response

What happens to spilled oil on the bottom of a body of water? UNH Professor Nancy Kinner and students are working to find out.

ASCE Announces 2017 New Faces of Civil Engineering

Katie HaslettKatie Haslett featured as ASCE 2017 New Faces of Civil Engineering

A native of Rothesay, New Brunswick in Canada, Katie Haslett is a student at the University of New Hampshire.

She is active in UNH’s ASCE Student Chapter and the Civil Engineering Materials Research Group at UNH, where she has conducted and presented independent work at regional conferences.

For an undergraduate research fellowship with UNH, Haslett focused on evaluating intermediate and low-temperature fracture properties of asphalt mixtures and their links to pavement-cracking performance.

Read the full article.