Multidisciplinary Research Journal

Welcome to WATER - a multidisciplinary journal that brings together water-oriented research from diverse disciplines.

Throughout nature, water plays pivotal roles. Yet there has been no single venue in which the wisdom gained in studying water within one discipline is readily available to those studying water within other disciplines. The goal of this open-access journal is to remedy that problem. After all, water is water, regardless of discipline. Our journal serves as a communication hub among diverse disciplines dealing with water. We hope for collective learning.

WATER’s focus is on experimental work, although computational approaches will be considered if they are accompanied by serious experimental studies. WATER carries original research papers, reviews, and tutorials on advances made within the journal’s scope, which includes the role of water in the following disciplines: chemistry; physics; animal biology; plant, agricultural, food, and pharmaceutical science; and environmental, oceanographic, and atmospheric science. All of this appears in this single, easily accessible, and hopefully stimulating forum.

All articles are peer-reviewed; reviewer comments, together with responses by authors, are published as an integral part of each paper.

We thank you for your interest, and welcome your contribution.

Please direct any questions to

Best wishes,
Gerald H. Pollack

Welcome to WATER

... a multidisciplinary journal that brings together water-oriented research from diverse disciplines.

We thank you for your interest, and welcome your contribution.

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© 2017 WATER - ISSN 2155-8434