BUILDING THE PDS-TO-CDF PROGRAM There are several steps involved in building the pds-to-cdf conversion program: building the PDS Object Access Library (OAL), building the Common Data Format (CDF) library, configuring the build system to use these libraries, and finally building the pds-to-cdf converter program. BUILDING THE PDS OBJECT ACCESS LIBRARY You'll need a copy of tools_47_linux.tar.gz (or whatever is current), a 7MB tarball containing the OAL source code. There are other tarballs for Solaris, Windows, and OS-X. I don't know what the differences are, or why a different package is required for each platform. There doesn't seem to be a direct download link, but you can go to, follow one of the download links, and if you agree to the terms of the license agreement and provide your contact information, you'll be allowed to download the software. Assuming a location of /usr/local/tools for the OAL package, expand the tar file, move into the /usr/local/tools/src directory, and execute the "batch_make" script. There will likely be numerous warnings and build failures, but as long as you end up with the src/lablib3/lablib3.o object file and the src/lib/liboal_others_c.a archive file, you should be okay to proceed. BUILDING THE COMMON DATA FORMAT LIBRARY The source distribution and documentation for the Common Data Format (CDF) library is available from the CDF homepage at I used the cdf33_0-dist-all.tar.gz release, but whatever is current should work. With the tar file in /user/local/cdf, extract and move into the cdf33_0-dist (or whatever) directory, and run make to get help on the variables that have to be supplied to make to generate the CDF software. Only the OS and ENV variables seem to be required, but both the "all" and "install" targets are needed: "all" to build most of the libraries and executables, and install to create two "skeleton" programs, and to copy stuff into the bin, lib, and include directories below cdf*-dist. So for example "make OS=linux ENV=gnu all install" should work on most Linux variants. You should be able to ignore the "cp: cannot stat `src/lib/libcdf.a'" error that shows up, and to delete the src directory afterwards if you need to reclaim some space. BUILDING THE PDS-TO-CDF CONVERTER PROGRAM The pds-to-cdf project uses an old-fashion hand-generated make file. Just ensure that the OAL and CDF variables point to the src directories of the OAL and CDF distributions, run make, and you should get a statically built operational pds-to-cdf program.