Listed below are the liens/RIDs that were found at the PDS/PSA February 2016 review of the Prelanding thru Escort 1 phases of the Rosetta mission. Even though this particular data set may have not participated in the review, it uses the same pipeline and so the liens likely apply here as well. Please take note that some issues may be resolved, while others are not. If any other issues are discovered please let the PDS-SBN know. It is expected that a fully lien resolved version will be produced during post mission ops and archived with an incremented data set version number. 1)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-101-AF Dataset: All Location: DATA Title: Calibrated data Description: Level 3 data are supplied, but it is unclear how to recreate these. The pipeline IDL procedures are given but the readme.txt file contains no decription of how to use the procedures correctly. For example, it discusses how to convert level 1 data to level 2 data, but not level 2 data to level 3 data. Proposed solution by reviewer: Provide descriptions and examples of how to use IDL calibration routines. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution.Agreed 2)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-102-AF Dataset: All Location: CALIB/BIAS Title: bias Description: The biases and all other calibration files date from before hibernation. Were there no new bias exposures taken on approach and in the primary mission? Proposed solution by reviewer: Discussion in meeting, possible updating of calibration frames. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Recommend to add a short description explaining this.Agreed 3)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-103-AF Dataset: All Location: CALIB Title: dark Description: There are no dark frames, even though OSIRIS_CAL.PDF mentions significant dark currents at exposure times used for some data. The draft document states that this is not necessary, but I am unsure why. Proposed solution by reviewer: Discussion in meeting, possible inclusion of dark frames in data products. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Recommend to add a short description explaining this. Agreed 4)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-104-AF Dataset: All Location: OSIRIS_CAL.PDF Title: Draft Cal document Description: This appears to be a draft document from 2009, with Sections 2.2.5, 2.2.6 & 2.2.7 still requiring editing. Proposed solution by reviewer: Update document. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Document shall be updated Agreed 5)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-105-AF Dataset: All Location: Documentation Title: QE/Filter Curves Description: The filter transmission curves are in the CALIB/FILTERS folder, but are not included in OSIRIS_SIS.PDF document and at first glance it is not clear where to find them. Can they be highlighted in the AAREADME.TXT folder or somewhere else prominent? Proposed solution by reviewer: Highlight in AAREADEME.txt or similar. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Will be included. Agreed 6)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-106-AF Dataset: All Location: OSIRIS_SIS.PDF Title: Header times Description: I suggest that it is specified that the refrence frame for START_TIME, STOP_TIME are specified, for people unfamiliar with PDS/Spacecraft conventions. Proposed solution by reviewer: Edit in section 8.5 Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Will be clarified. Agreed 7)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-106-AF Dataset: All Location: OSIRIS_SIS.PDF Title: Longitude/Latitude Description: Some description needs to be given of the spin state model used to calculate SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE and SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE. This will be be particularly important for data sets later in the mission when this changes. Proposed solution by reviewer: Inclusion in this document or include in errata Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Will be documented Agreed 8)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-107-AF Dataset: All Location: OSIRIS_SIS.PDF Title: Altitude Description: Clarify whether SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE is calculated using a shape model or a mean radius. Proposed solution by reviewer: Inclusion in this document or include in errata Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Document shall be updated Agreed 9)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-108-AF Dataset: All Location: CALIB Title: DISTORTION Description: The DISTORTION subfolder is mispelled - this is very trivial, but as it is part of the PDS archive data structure I thought I should mention it. Proposed solution by reviewer: Rename folder Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 10)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-109-AF Dataset: All Location: SOFTWARE Pipeline Description: The provided pipeline is in IDL, which all potential users may not have. Suggest including a link to PDS image node webpage for alternative software e.g. NASAView for viewing raw data. Proposed solution by reviewer: Include information on alternative viewing software. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Will be documented Agreed 11)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-110-AF Dataset: All Location: SOFTWARE Title: IDL reference Description: In the OSIRIS_CAL software folder, the readme.txt file refers to a CALIB/PDSLIB folder which does not exist. This reference should be changed to the FWPDSLIB folder. Proposed solution by reviewer: update readme.txt Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 12)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-111-AF Dataset: All Location: CALIB/ABSCAL Title: absolute calibration Description: I could not find the reference for the absolute calibration used for the standards i.e. was this via the calmag calibration from Bohlin et al. 1996? Proposed solution by reviewer: Include reference to calibration used. Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 13)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: Title: Clarification Description: The data set descriptions are too generic. There should be at least enough detail to allow a user to distinguish between the contents of the various data sets. Proposed solution by reviewer: Provide specific information to each dataset Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: Accepted Agreed 14)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location:, "Target Name and Description" section Title: Clarification Description: It's not clear which column in the table are used for TARGET_NAME keywrod Proposed solution by reviewer: Specify the information Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 15)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 16 OSIRIS level 3 datasets Location: Title: Data units clarification Description: Data units description are wrong for all level 3 datasets Proposed solution by reviewer: Correct Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 16)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: Title: Clarification Description: Definition of "earth-observer-to-target" is not clear Proposed solution by reviewer: Define it or correct it Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 17)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: Title: Insufficient information Description: No much useful information provided in the Confidence Level section Proposed solution by reviewer: Add some quality assessment, or provide pointers to relevant references Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 18)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: Title: Insufficient information Description: No description about how the data files are organized Proposed solution by reviewer: Provide a brief description, or pointers to the relevant references Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 19)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 8 v1.1 OSIRIS datasets Location: Title: Insufficient information Description: No sufficient information provided to describe the change from v1.0 to v1.1 Proposed solution by reviewer: Provide more information Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 20)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: data directory Title: Inconsistent number of images Description: The total number of images contained in level 2 and level 3 datasets are inconsistent Proposed solution by reviewer: Check to make sure the images in level 2 and level 3 correspond to each other Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 21)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: All data files Title: TARGET_NAME keyword Description: The TARGET_NAME keywords in all images are the same (67P), which is wrong Proposed solution by reviewer: Correct keyword values Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 22)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: Many images Title: Inconsistent file structure Description: Even in the same instrument and calibration level, object structure in data files was not consistent through a data set. Proposed solution by reviewer: Change the structures of all images to make them consistent throughout the dataset Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 23)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: SIS document, Camera Frame section Title: Coordinate definition Description: Definitions of NAC_CAMERA_FRAME and WAC_CAMERA_FRAME are inconsistent Proposed solution by reviewer: Correct the definition Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 24)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location:, "Displaying the OSIRIS Images" Title: Coordnate definition Description: Directions of axes not defined Proposed solution by reviewer: Add defintion of the direction of axes Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 25)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: All NAC images files Title: SAMPLE_DISPLAY_DIRECTION Description: The value "RIGHT" doesn't reflect the horizontal flip to match WAC. Mike A'Hearn noted that it is correct in the version of data within the team Proposed solution by reviewer: Change to "LEFT" Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 26)Reference ID (RID): RO-AR-RID-OSIRIS-1xx-JL Dataset: All 32 OSIRIS datasets Location: All images Title: Sub-S/C coordinate Description: The sub-spacecraft coordinates in all images are completely wrong. Mike A'Hearn noted that this is also likely that the pipeline is updated for team data but not archive data Proposed solution by reviewer: Provide correct values Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: As per proposed solution Agreed 27)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-osinac-103-RE Dataset: ro-c-osinac-2-prl-67pchuryumov-m01-v1.1 Location: calib/flatfields/*.img Title: Exceed 78 chars Description: "The following line has many extra spaces at the end and thus exceeds 78 characters. DATA_SET_ID = ""RO-C-OSINAC-2-PRL-67PCHURYUMOV-M01-V1.1""" Proposed solution by reviewer: remove extras Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 28)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-osinac-104-RE Dataset: ro-c-osinac-2-prl-67pchuryumov-m01-v1.1 Location: calib/flatfields/*.img Should be: data/*/*img Title: Add double quotes Description: "Both of these keywords are not numeric, so their values need “” quotes, i.e. PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 1 FILTER_NUMBER = 22 should be PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = ""1"" FILTER_NUMBER = ""22""" Proposed solution by reviewer: see description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 29)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-osinac-105-RE Dataset: ro-c-osinac-2-prl-67pchuryumov-m01-v1.1 Location: calib/flatfields/*.img Should be: data/*/*img Title: Duplicate keyword assignment Description: "This line is repeated ROSETTA:LOWPOWER_MODE_FLAG = FALSE Perhaps the second one should be ROSETTA:DUAL_EXPOSURE_FLAG cannot have duplicate keyword assigned more than once (either delete or have a correct one)" Proposed solution by reviewer: see description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: - 30)Reference ID (RID): ro-c-osinac-110-RE Dataset: ro-c-osinac-2-prl-67pchuryumov-m01-v1.1 Location: document/sis/osiris_sis.pdf Title: OSIRIS PDF Description: "p.64, should Table 8.12 also include ROSETTA:BLADE1_FIT_SLOPE ROSETTA:BLADE1_FIT_OFFSET ROSETTA:BLADE1_FIT_STDDEV ROSETTA:BLADE1_FIT_START ROSETTA:BLADE2_FIT_SLOPE ROSETTA:BLADE2_FIT_OFFSET ROSETTA:BLADE2_FIT_STDDEV ROSETTA:BLADE2_FIT_START - p.65, the note in red (""Not PDS compliant"") — EL: should this added for all SR_xxxx , better to add _PARAMETERS for all… - p.82: the SR_DATA_CONTENT and SR_PROCESSING_FLAGS groups were not defined. There should be 8.20 and 8.21 section for the above groups. " Proposed solution by reviewer: see description Review board discussion outcome and Instrument team response: -