PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-10-25 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory contains the files that provide documentation and supplementary information to assist in understanding and using the data products on the volume. The files evolved as the mission progressed; users should refer to the files on the most recent (highest numbered) archive volume for the most up-to-date information. Files on early volumes may be only 'place-holders.' Structure of the DOCUMENT directory: DOCUMENT | |- DOCINFO.TXT The file you are reading. | |- RSI_DOC | | | |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_021202_00.PDF Group delay stability specification | | and measurements at New Norcia. | | | |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_021202_00.ASC Group delay stability specification | | and measurements at New Norcia. | | | |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_030522_00.PDF Range calibrations at New Norcia | | and Kourou. | | | |- M32ESOCL1B_RCL_030522_00.ASC Range calibrations at New Norcia | | and Kourou. | | | |- M32UNBWL1B_RCL_030801_00.PDF Transponder group velocities (in | | german). | | | |- M32UNBWL1B_RCL_030801_00.ASC Transponder group velocities (in | | english, translated). | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_IS_3079.PDF RSI Data Archive Plan. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_IS_3079.ASC RSI Data Archive Plan. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_IS_3087.PDF RSI File Naming Convention. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_IS_3087.ASC RSI File Naming Convention. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_IS_3087_APP_A.ASC RSI File Naming Convention | | Appendix A: Example PDS labels | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_MA_3081.PDF RSI User Manual. | | | |- ROS_OPS_LOGBOOK_14.PDF Status of all planned radio science | | operations in year 2014. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_LI_3116.PDF List of RSI Team members. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_DS_3118.PDF IFMS Doppler Processing Software | | Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_DS_3119.PDF IFMS Ranging Processing Software | | Documentation: Level 1a to Level 2. | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_DS_3121.PDF Radio Science Predicted and Recon- | | structed Orbit and Planetary Con- | | stellation Data: Specifications | | | |- ROS_RSI_IGM_DS_3127.PDF ODF Processing and Calibration | | Software: Level 1a to Level 1b | | Software Design Specifications | |- ESA_DOC | | | |- IFMS_OCCFTP.PDF Documentation of IFMS data format. | | | |- RO_ESC_ID_5003_FDSICD.PDF File format description of ESOC | | Flight Dynamics files (ancillary | | files). | | | |- RO_ESC_IF_5003_APPENDIX_C.PDF Documentation of DDS | | configuration. | | | |- RO_ESC_IF_5003_APPENDIX_I.PDF Definition of XML-schema for the | | data delivery interface. | | | |- RO_ESC_IF_5003_APPENDIX_H.PDF Description of content of ESOC | | Flight Dynamics files (ancillary | | files). | | | |- RO_ESC_IF_5003.PDF Data delivery interface document. | | | |- SOP_RSSD_TN_010.pdf Planetary Science Data Archive | | Technical Note Geometry | | and Position Information | | | |- RO_EST_TN_3372.PDF Rosetta Archive Convention | | | |- HGA_CALA.ASC High Gain antenna | | calibration (optional). | | | |- HGA_SBDA.PDF S-band antenna patterns | | (optional). | | | |- HGA_XBDA.PDF X-band antenna patterns | (optional). | |- DSN_DOC | | | |- DSN_WEA_FORMAT_TRK_2_24.PDF Specification of DSN | | weather file. | | | |- DSN_ODF_TRK-2_18.PDF Documentation of | | Tracking System Interfaces | | and Orbit Data File | | Interface. | | | |- DSN_MEDIA_CAL_TRK_2_23.PDF Specifiaction of DSN media | | calibration data. | | | |- JPL_D_16765_RSR.PDF Documentation of RSR data | | format. | | | |- JPEG Zip-folder with 4 sets of | | 24 jpeg-files, each from a | | different receiver, showing | | circularly polarized | | received power spectra | | averaged over 60 seconds. | | FILENAME: Rydddbca.jpg with | | y:year, ddd:doy, b:X- or | | S-band, c: Left or | | Right-Hand circulation, | | a:alphabetic numbering for | | each plot of 60s | | (optional). | | | |- DSN_DESIGN_HB.ASC Technical information of | | current and near future | | configurations of NASA DSN | | (ASCII version). | | | |- DSN_DESIGN_HB.PDF Technical information of | | current and near future | | configurations of NASA DSN | | (PDF version). | | | |- LIT_SIS.HTM Softaware interface | | specification Light time | | file. | |- M00DSN0L1A_DKF_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional) | | DSN Keyword File derived | | from SOE file and models of | | activities supported by the | | DSN. | | | |- M00DSN0L1A_SOE_yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional) | | Sequence of Events file. | | | |- MggDSN0L1A_NMC__yydddhhmm_vv.TXT (optional) | | Network Monitor and Control | | Logfile. | | | |- MEDIASIS.HTM Media calibration data: | | formats and contents. | | | |- MON0158.ASC/.DOC/.PDF (optional) | | Definition of format and | | distribution of the | | real-time, mission monitor | | data. | | | |- NMC_SIS.TXT Contents of network monitor | | and control log. | | | |- OPTG_SIS.TXT Software Interface | | Specification for the Orbit | | Propagation and Timing | | Geometry (OPTG) file. | | | |- SRX.TXT (optional) | | Software Interface | | Specification for Surface | | Reflection investigation | | files. | | | |- TNF_SIS.TXT Deep space mission system | | external interface | | specification. | | | |- TRK_2_21.TXT Software interface | | specification. The documents are either in PDF-Format or are text files in ASCII with variable length of characters per line. Each line is delimited with a carriage-return (ASCII 13) line-feed (ASCII 10) pair.
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