PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2011-11-03" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM INSTRUMENT_NAME = "VISIBLE AND INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = "VIRTIS" OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-05-25 NOTE = "Errata for documentation on the Rosetta VIRTIS PRL-MTP006 raw archive dataset" END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains errata and other information or comments regarding the contents of this archive volume ERRATA In the .QUB files the values REVERSIBLE and WAVELET in INST_CMPRS_DESC are an algorithm name. Note that VIRTIS-H calibration is still a preliminary, unchecked calibration, with known inconsistencies. Note that GEOMETRY directories will be delivered only with calibrated data. Note that the information about QUBE_NAME is in PRODUCT_ID. Note that OBSERVATION_TYPE identifies the general type. At the moment the value is set to NULL. VIRTIS Team will use it in the future. Note that when SC_SUN_POSITION_VECTOR, SC_TARGET_POSITION_VECTOR and SC_TARGET_VELOCITY_VECTOR are not computed they are set to -999.999 See section of the EAICD for a complete description. Note that SCAN_PARAMETER, SCAN_PARAMETER_DESC and SCAN_PARAMETER_UNIT values can be both positive and negative as the reference point is the -M boresight. See section of the EAICD for a complete description. Note that in internal calibration acquisitions the values of EXPOSURE_DURATION, EXTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME (-M) and INTERNAL_REPETITION_TIME(-H), in FRAME_PARAMETER which are not settable in this case,are replaced by the code -1. See section of the EAICD for a complete description. Note that when PHASE_ANGLE, RIGHT_ASCENSION, DECLINATION, MAXIMUM_LATITUDE, MINIMUM_LATITUDE, SUB_SOLAR_LATITUDE, and SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, EASTERNMOST_LONGITUDE, SUB_SOLAR_LONGITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE, and WESTERNMOST_LONGITUDE are not computed they are set to -999.999 DATA_QUALITY_ID, INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID, PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID and ROSETTA:SCAN_MODE_ID are without quotes because the quotes will cause problems for the software to read the data. The solution has been accepted by PSA.