Known Bugs in the Current Toolkit
Major bugs.
The API XFMSTA, added to the Toolkit starting with Version N65 (released July 2013), does not check to see if the two equatorial radii of a body are different, i.e., if the body is a tri-axial ellipsoid. It simply assumes that the two equatorial radii, RADII(1) and RADII(2), obtained from a SPICE PCK are the same and uses RADII(1) along with RADII(3) to compute the flatening factor, F. This problem applies only to conversions using planetodetic or planetographic coordinates. It is planned this will be fixed in the next Toolkit release, Version N66, by having XFMSTA signal an error.
Minor bugs, unlikely to affect most users.
Issue with IDL 8.4
A warning or error may signal during compiles of Icy (or dskicy) against IDL 8.4. To date, users report problems when compiling Icy with gcc version 4.8.2 on Linux and Apple LLVM version 6.0 (clang-600.0.57) on OS X 10.9.x. An irregularity exists within the IDL header file idl_export.h where a comment line is delimited with // (appropriate for C++) rather than /* ... */ (appropriate for C).
The specific problematic line says:
// BOOLEAN: Check if var is a BOOLEAN
Editing the line to a proper C format
/* BOOLEAN: Check if var is a BOOLEAN */
should eliminate associated warning and error messages.
Please contact NAIF if you have questions, or the edit seems not to resolve your problem.
Time conversions involving UTC time tags prior to Jan 1, 1972 will have a small error.
The scratch EK file issue in Icy on PC/Windows described in the N0061 section
of the "whats.new" document still persists in the current Toolkit.
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