This document presents the PDS4 Information Model Specification for all components of the Planetary Data System (PDS).
This specification is intended for use by programmers and data engineers who require formal definitions of various parts of the Planetary Data System in order to support development of data sets, archiving utilities, and interfaces involving PDS holdings or operations.
The PDS4 Data Dictionary and the PDS4 Information Model is a joint effort involving representatives from each of the PDS nodes functioning as the PDS4 Data Design Working Group.
This document defines all classes in use in the PDS, including those classes used to define archival elements as well as classes used for high-level descriptions and operational support. It also documents the associations among classes. Figure 1 illustrates a few of the main classes using a Concept Map diagram.
Figure 1 PDS Information Model - Concept Map
The starting point for this document was the PDS3 Information Model Specification (version 0.070916t, 8 September 2008). Deficiencies in PDS3 were a major motivation in developing PDS4, however; so the relationship between the two specifications is largely of historical interest. Relevant to both documents is: Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS), CCSDS 650.0-B-1, Blue Book, January 2002.
This document uses very specific engineering terminology to describe the various structures involved. It is particularly important that readers who have absorbed the PDS Standards Reference bear in mind that terms which are familiar in that context can have very different meanings in the present document. Please consult the Glossary for definitions whenever there is any possibility of confusion.
Following are some definitions of essential terms used throughout this document.
An "attribute" is a property or characteristic that allows both identification and distinction.
A "class" is the set of attributes which identifies a family. A class is generic -- a template from which individual members of each family may be constructed.
An "object" is a specific instance of a class.
For example, an electromagnetic wave may be represented mathematically as
For this document we identify two special types of objects -- the "data object" and the "description object." The data object contains "data," and (by itself) is not otherwise constrained. The description object contains information about another object, such as a data object. By linking a data object with a description object we create a pair which includes both the data and enough information that we can start to read and interpret the bits.
A description object can (and often does) exist without being physically accompanied by another object. The object it describes may not be physical (e.g., a space mission which, although it has physical components, is itself a concept) or it may not be practical to include the physical object (e.g., the planet Saturn).
An "association" is a defined relationship between classes. It has one direction. The association in the opposite direction is called an inverse relation.
"Cardinality" is the number of values allowed to an attribute or association in a single class. Cardinality in general is stated as a range with a minimum and maximum. For example, an attribute that may be multi-valued will have a cardinality of "1..*". A cardinality where the minimum and maximum are the same is often shown as the single value. For example, an attribute required to have exactly one value will have a cardinality of "1". When a value is required the minimum cardinality is at least 1. At least one value is always required.
"Entity" is a generic term used to refer to specific attributes or associations listed in a class definition.
Within this document, the term "model" is used to refer to a collection of classes and associations that describe a functional subsection of the Planetary Data System.
Sections 8 through 16 contain the specification for PDS4. The lowest level building blocks (classes) are defined first, then these are used to construct classes at higher levels; for active users of PDS4, the material in Section 9 should seem familiar, but the terminology may be new. The classes in section 12 provide context (instrument, mission, node, etc.).
Section 8: the basic component classes
Section 9: the data description classes
Section 10: the “tagged†classes, the data objects with their descriptions
Section 11: product classes, which are formed from combinations of the above
Section 12: context classes (commonly associated with the PDS Catalog)
Section 13: packaging classes
Section 14: classes needed for operating and maintaining the PDS
Section 15: data type classes
Section 16: the information object class
Each section begins with a brief outline, including a hierarchy of the definitions which follow. In some cases a class is defined to group several subclasses when the class itself never appears in PDS (a "phantom" class). To facilitate cross-referencing, the classes are listed alphabetically within each section. Subsections begin with a note on the position within the hierarchy and a brief description of the class. The heart of each subsection is the class definition table. Sections are often accompanied by a UML diagram which shows the relationships among classes graphically.
Class definition tables comprise five columns. The left column is used to separate the table into functional blocks of contiguous rows. The "hierarchy" block restates the position of the class within the definitional hierarchy, and the "subclass" block identifies any subclasses which may exist (be derived from the current class). Attribute and Association blocks list the properties, characteristics, and relationships of the class, some of which may be inherited from parent classes. The "referenced from" block lists classes which may "call" the class being defined.
Within Attribute blocks, the "entity" column lists the properties and characteristics which identify the class and distinguish it from others. The "Indicator" column (far right) tells whether the attribute is optional (O), restricted (R), or both; a restricted attribute has been inherited from a parent class but its use is more narrow than the parent would allow. The "Cardinality" column (middle) shows the number of values allowed. A required attribute for which only one value is allowed will have cardinality "1". A required attribute for which one or more values is allowed will have cardinality "1..*". If a parent's attribute has cardinality "1..*" but the child's cardinality is "1", the Indicator column should show "R". The "Value" column (fourth) includes the indicator Data Dictionary (DD) when a set of valid values for the attribute are provided in the dictionary. A few attributes that represent types have their valid values included in this column.
The Association blocks are handled similarly. The "Entity" column lists relationships among classes using fabricated, but intuitive, names which are unique and consistent across the Specification. The "Value" column (fourth), which is rarely used in the Attribute blocks, lists the class to which the relationship is made.
During construction of the Specification some classes have been subsumed. In particular, any subclass which does nothing more than provide multiple values for a single attribute (e.g., data_set_target) or any subclass which merely grouped non-repeating attributes (e.g., data_set_information) was subsumed. Only subclasses that grouped several attributes and that repeated were defined explicitly as separate classes (e.g., software_online).
Sections 17-19 contain supplementary information which may be useful in interpreting the remainder of the Specification.
This section provides the observational product classes.
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ Product
+ + Product_Update
The class hierarchy above includes 4 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 2 Basic Component UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product is a uniquely identified object that is managed by a registry/repository. It consists of one or more tagged data objects.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
Subclass | Product_AIP | |||
Product_Ancillary | ||||
Product_Attribute_Definition | ||||
Product_Browse | ||||
Product_Bundle | ||||
Product_Class_Definition | ||||
Product_Collection | ||||
Product_Context | ||||
Product_DIP | ||||
Product_DIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Product_Data_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Document | ||||
Product_File_Repository | ||||
Product_File_Text | ||||
Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Instrument_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Mission_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Native | ||||
Product_Observational | ||||
Product_Proxy_PDS3 | ||||
Product_SIP | ||||
Product_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Product_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Product_Service | ||||
Product_Software | ||||
Product_Subscription_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Target_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Thumbnail | ||||
Product_Update | ||||
Product_Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Volume_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Product_XML_Schema | ||||
Product_Zipped | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product File Text consists of a single text file with ASCII character encoding.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_File_Text | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 1 | File_Area_Text | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product_Observational is a set of one or more information objects produced by an observing system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Observational | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 1..* | File_Area_Observational | |
file_area_supplemental | 0..* | File_Area_Observational_Supplemental | ||
observation_area | 1 | Observation_Area | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Update class defines a product consisting of update information and optional references to other products.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Update | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Update | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
This section provides the observational product classes and their fundamental data structure classes.
The class hierarchy for Tagged Digital Objects is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format and provides a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Axis_Array
+ + Element_Array
+ + Field
+ + + Field_Binary
+ + + Field_Bit
+ + + Field_Character
+ + + Field_Delimited
+ + Group
+ + + Group_Field_Binary
+ + + Group_Field_Character
+ + + Group_Field_Delimited
+ + Record
+ + + Record_Binary
+ + + Record_Character
+ + + Record_Delimited
+ + Byte_Stream
+ + + Array
+ + + + Array_1D
+ + + + Array_2D
+ + + + + Array_2D_Image
+ + + + + Array_2D_Map
+ + + + + Array_2D_Spectrum
+ + + + Array_3D
+ + + + + Array_3D_Image
+ + + + + Array_3D_Movie
+ + + + + Array_3D_Spectrum
+ + + Encoded_Byte_Stream
+ + + + Encoded_Header
+ + + Parsable_Byte_Stream
+ + + + Header
+ + + + Stream_Text
+ + + + Table_Delimited
+ + + Table_Base
+ + + + Table_Binary
+ + + + Table_Character
+ + + Band_Bin
+ + + Band_Bin_Set
The class hierarchy above includes 38 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 3 Tagged Digital Object UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array class defines a homogeneous N-dimensional array of scalars. The Array class is the parent class for all n-dimensional arrays of scalars.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
Subclass | Array_1D | |||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Attribute | axes | 1 | ||
axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | ||
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Axis_Array | 1..* | Axis_Array | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 1D class is the parent class for all one dimensional array based classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_1D | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | axes | 1 | 1 | R |
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | has_Axis_Array | 1 | Axis_Array | R |
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
Referenced from | File_Area_Browse | |||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 2D class is the parent class for all two dimensional array based classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_2D | ||||
Subclass | Array_2D_Image | |||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Attribute | axes | 1 | 2 | R |
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | has_Axis_Array | 2 | Axis_Array | R |
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 2D Image class is an extension of the Array 2D class and defines a two dimensional image.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_2D | ||||
. . . . Array_2D_Image | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
axes | 1 | 2 | R | |
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | has_Display_2d_Image | 0..1 | Display_2D_Image | |
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
has_Axis_Array | 2 | Axis_Array | R | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 2D Map class is an extension of the Array 2D class and defines a two dimensional map.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_2D | ||||
. . . . Array_2D_Map | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
axes | 1 | 2 | R | |
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | has_Display_2d_Image | 0..1 | Display_2D_Image | |
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
has_Axis_Array | 2 | Axis_Array | R | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 2D Spectrum class is an extension of the Array 2D class and defines a two dimensional spectrum.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_2D | ||||
. . . . Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
axes | 1 | 2 | R | |
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | has_Display_2d_Image | 0..1 | Display_2D_Image | |
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
has_Axis_Array | 2 | Axis_Array | R | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 3D class is the parent class for all three dimensional array based classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_3D | ||||
Subclass | Array_3D_Image | |||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Attribute | axes | 1 | 3 | R |
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | has_Axis_Array | 3 | Axis_Array | R |
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 3D Image class is an extension of the Array 3D class and defines a three dimensional image.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_3D | ||||
. . . . Array_3D_Image | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
axes | 1 | 3 | R | |
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
has_Axis_Array | 3 | Axis_Array | R | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 3D Movie class is an extension of the Array 3D class and defines a movie as a set of two dimensional images in a time series.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_3D | ||||
. . . . Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
axes | 1 | 3 | R | |
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
has_Axis_Array | 3 | Axis_Array | R | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Array 3D Spectrum class is an extension of the Array 3D class and defines a three dimensional spectrum.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Array | ||||
. . . Array_3D | ||||
. . . . Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | axis_index_order | 1 | Last Index Fastest | |
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
axes | 1 | 3 | R | |
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Object_Statistics | ||
data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | ||
has_Element_Array | 1 | Element_Array | ||
local_internal_reference | 0..* | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
has_Axis_Array | 3 | Axis_Array | R | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Axis Array class is used as a component of the array class and defines an axis of the array.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Axis_Array | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | axis_name | 1 | ||
elements | 1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
sequence_number | 1 | |||
unit *Deprecated* | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Band_Bin_Set | 0..1 | Band_Bin_Set | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array | |||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Band_Bin class specifies the characteristics of an individual spectral band in a spectral qube.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Band_Bin | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | band_number | 1 | ||
band_width | 1 | |||
center_wavelength | 1 | |||
detector_number | 0..1 | |||
filter_number | 0..1 | |||
grating_position | 0..1 | |||
original_band | 0..1 | |||
scaling_factor | 0..1 | |||
standard_deviation | 0..1 | |||
value_offset | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Band_Bin_Set |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Band_Bin_Set class contains the spectral characteristics for all the spectral bands in a qube.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Band_Bin_Set | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_band_bin | 1..* | Band_Bin | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Axis_Array |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Byte Stream class defines a stream of bytes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
Subclass | Array | |||
Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
Table_Base | ||||
Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Element Array class is used as a component of the array class and defines an element of the array.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Element_Array | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_type | 1 | ComplexLSB16 | |
ComplexLSB8 | ||||
ComplexMSB16 | ||||
ComplexMSB8 | ||||
IEEE754LSBDouble | ||||
IEEE754LSBSingle | ||||
IEEE754MSBDouble | ||||
IEEE754MSBSingle | ||||
SignedBitString | ||||
SignedByte | ||||
SignedLSB2 | ||||
SignedLSB4 | ||||
SignedLSB8 | ||||
SignedMSB2 | ||||
SignedMSB4 | ||||
SignedMSB8 | ||||
UnsignedBitString | ||||
UnsignedByte | ||||
UnsignedLSB2 | ||||
UnsignedLSB4 | ||||
UnsignedLSB8 | ||||
UnsignedMSB2 | ||||
UnsignedMSB4 | ||||
UnsignedMSB8 | ||||
scaling_factor | 0..1 | |||
unit | 0..1 | |||
value_offset | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array | |||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Encoded Byte Stream class defines byte streams that must be decoded by software before use. These byte streams must only use standard encodings. The Encoded Byte Stream class is the parent class for all encoded byte streams.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
Subclass | Encoded_Binary | |||
Encoded_Header | ||||
Encoded_Image | ||||
Encoded_Native | ||||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
encoding_standard_id | 1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Encoded Header class describes a header that has been encoded using an encoding scheme that is compliant to an external standard.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Encoded_Header | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | encoding_standard_id | 1 | TIFF | R |
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Field class defines a field of a record and is the parent class of all specific field classes.The Field class defines a field of a record or a field of a group and is the parent class of all specific field classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Field | ||||
Subclass | Field_Binary | |||
Field_Bit | ||||
Field_Character | ||||
Field_Delimited | ||||
Attribute | field_number | 0..1 | ||
name | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Field_Binary class defines a field of a binary record or a field of a binary group.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Field_Bit class provides parameters for extracting one field out of a string of bytes which contains packed data (that is, data values either smaller than a single byte, or crossing byte boundaries, or both.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Field | ||||
. . Field_Bit | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_type | 1 | SignedBitString | |
UnsignedBitString | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
field_format | 0..1 | |||
name | 1 | R | ||
scaling_factor | 0..1 | |||
start_bit | 1 | |||
stop_bit | 1 | |||
unit | 0..1 | |||
value_offset | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | field_number | 0..1 | ||
Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Packed_Data_Fields |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Field_Character class defines a field of a character record or a field of a character group.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Field | ||||
. . Field_Character | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_type | 1 | ASCII_AnyURI | |
ASCII_Boolean | ||||
ASCII_DOI | ||||
ASCII_Date_DOY | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_DOY | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_YMD | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC | ||||
ASCII_Date_YMD | ||||
ASCII_Directory_Path_Name | ||||
ASCII_File_Name | ||||
ASCII_File_Specification_Name | ||||
ASCII_Integer | ||||
ASCII_LID | ||||
ASCII_MD5_Checksum | ||||
ASCII_NonNegative_Integer | ||||
ASCII_Numeric_Base16 | ||||
ASCII_Numeric_Base2 | ||||
ASCII_Numeric_Base8 | ||||
ASCII_Real | ||||
ASCII_String | ||||
ASCII_Time | ||||
ASCII_VID | ||||
UTF8_String | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
field_format | 0..1 | |||
field_length | 1 | |||
field_location | 1 | |||
name | 1 | R | ||
scaling_factor | 0..1 | |||
unit | 0..1 | |||
value_offset | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | field_number | 0..1 | ||
Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Field_Statistics | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Group_Field_Character | |||
Record_Character |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Field_Delimited class defines a field of a delimited record or a field of a delimited group.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Field | ||||
. . Field_Delimited | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_type | 1 | ASCII_AnyURI | |
ASCII_Boolean | ||||
ASCII_DOI | ||||
ASCII_Date_DOY | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_DOY | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_YMD | ||||
ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC | ||||
ASCII_Date_YMD | ||||
ASCII_Directory_Path_Name | ||||
ASCII_File_Name | ||||
ASCII_File_Specification_Name | ||||
ASCII_Integer | ||||
ASCII_LID | ||||
ASCII_MD5_Checksum | ||||
ASCII_NonNegative_Integer | ||||
ASCII_Numeric_Base16 | ||||
ASCII_Numeric_Base2 | ||||
ASCII_Numeric_Base8 | ||||
ASCII_Real | ||||
ASCII_String | ||||
ASCII_Time | ||||
ASCII_VID | ||||
UTF8_String | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
field_format | 0..1 | |||
maximum_field_length | 0..1 | |||
name | 1 | R | ||
scaling_factor | 0..1 | |||
unit | 0..1 | |||
value_offset | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | field_number | 0..1 | ||
Association | associated_Special_Constants | 0..1 | Special_Constants | |
associated_Statistics | 0..1 | Field_Statistics | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Group_Field_Delimited | |||
Record_Delimited |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Group class defines a group of (repeating) fields and, possibly, (sub) groups; it is the parent class of all specific group classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Group | ||||
Subclass | Group_Field_Binary | |||
Group_Field_Character | ||||
Group_Field_Delimited | ||||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
fields | 1 | |||
group_number | 0..1 | |||
groups | 1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
repetitions | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Group_Field_Binary class allows a group of table fields.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Group | ||||
. . Group_Field_Binary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | group_length | 1 | ||
group_location | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
fields | 1 | |||
group_number | 0..1 | |||
groups | 1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
repetitions | 1 | |||
Association | has_Group_Field_Binary | 1..* | Field_Binary | |
Group_Field_Binary | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Group_Field_Binary | |||
Record_Binary |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Group_Field_Character class allows a group of table fields.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Group | ||||
. . Group_Field_Character | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | group_length | 1 | ||
group_location | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
fields | 1 | |||
group_number | 0..1 | |||
groups | 1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
repetitions | 1 | |||
Association | has_Group_Field_Character | 1..* | Field_Character | |
Group_Field_Character | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Group_Field_Character | |||
Record_Character |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Field_Group_Delimited class allows a group of delimited fields.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Group | ||||
. . Group_Field_Delimited | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
fields | 1 | |||
group_number | 0..1 | |||
groups | 1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
repetitions | 1 | |||
Association | has_Delimited_Field_Grouped | 1..* | Field_Delimited | |
Group_Field_Delimited | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Group_Field_Delimited | |||
Record_Delimited |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Header class describes a data object header.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Header | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | object_length | 1 | R | |
parsing_standard_id | 1 | 7-Bit ASCII Text | R | |
CDF 3.4 ISTP/IACG | ||||
FITS 3.0 | ||||
ISIS2 | ||||
ISIS2 History Label | ||||
ISIS3 | ||||
PDS DSV 1 | ||||
PDS ODL 2 | ||||
PDS3 | ||||
Pre-PDS3 | ||||
UTF-8 Text | ||||
VICAR1 | ||||
VICAR2 | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Packed_Data_Fields class contains field definitions for extracting packed data from the associated byte string field.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Packed_Data_Fields | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | bit_fields | 1 | ||
description | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Field_Bit | 1..* | Field_Bit | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Field_Binary |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Parsable Byte Stream class defines byte streams that have standard parsing rules. The Parsable Byte Stream class is the parent class for all parsable byte streams.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
Subclass | Checksum_Manifest | |||
Header | ||||
SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Service_Description | ||||
Stream_Text | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
XML_Schema | ||||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
parsing_standard_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Record class defines a record of a file and is the parent class of all specific record classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Record | ||||
Subclass | Record_Binary | |||
Record_Character | ||||
Record_Delimited | ||||
Attribute | fields | 1 | ||
groups | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Record_Binary class is a component of the table class and defines a record of the table.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Record | ||||
. . Record_Binary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | record_length | 1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | fields | 1 | ||
groups | 1 | |||
Association | has_Table_Field | 1..* | Field_Binary | |
Group_Field_Binary | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Table_Binary |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Record_Character class is a component of the table class and defines a record of the table.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Record | ||||
. . Record_Character | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | record_length | 1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | fields | 1 | ||
groups | 1 | |||
Association | has_Character_Field | 1..* | Field_Character | |
Group_Field_Character | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Table_Character | |||
Transfer_Manifest |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Record_Delimited class is a component of the delimited table (spreadsheet) class and defines a record of the delimited table.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Record | ||||
. . Record_Delimited | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | maximum_record_length | 0..1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | fields | 1 | ||
groups | 1 | |||
Association | has_Delimited_Field | 1..* | Field_Delimited | |
Group_Field_Delimited | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Inventory | |||
Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Table_Delimited |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Stream text class defines a text object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Stream_Text | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | parsing_standard_id | 1 | 7-Bit ASCII Text | R |
UTF-8 Text | ||||
record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | ||
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental | ||||
File_Area_Text |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Table Base class defines a heterogeneous repeating record of scalars. The Table Base class is the parent class for all heterogeneous repeating record of scalars.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Table_Base | ||||
Subclass | Table_Binary | |||
Table_Character | ||||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
offset | 1 | |||
records | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Table Binary class is an extension of table base and defines a simple binary table.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Table_Base | ||||
. . . Table_Binary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | record_delimiter *Deprecated* | 0..1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
records | 1 | |||
Association | has_Record | 1 | Record_Binary | |
uniformly_sampled | 0..1 | Uniformly_Sampled | ||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Table Character class is an extension of table base and defines a simple character table.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Table_Base | ||||
. . . Table_Character | ||||
Subclass | Transfer_Manifest | |||
Attribute | record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | |
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
records | 1 | |||
Association | has_Record | 1 | Record_Character | |
uniformly_sampled | 0..1 | Uniformly_Sampled | ||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Table_Delimited class defines a simple table (spreadsheet) with delimited fields and records.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Table_Delimited | ||||
Subclass | Inventory | |||
Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Attribute | field_delimiter | 1 | Comma | |
Horizontal Tab | ||||
Semicolon | ||||
Vertical Bar | ||||
comma | ||||
horizontal tab | ||||
semicolon | ||||
vertical bar | ||||
parsing_standard_id | 1 | PDS DSV 1 | R | |
record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | ||
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
records | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | has_delimited_record | 1 | Record_Delimited | |
uniformly_sampled | 0..1 | Uniformly_Sampled | ||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
This section provides the observational product classes and their component classes.
The digital product class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Alias
+ + Alias_List
+ + Context_Area
+ + + Observation_Area
+ + Discipline_Area
+ + File_Area
+ + + File_Area_Observational
+ + + File_Area_Observational_Supplemental
+ + + File_Area_SPICE_Kernel
+ + + File_Area_Text
+ + Group_Facet1
+ + Group_Facet2
+ + Mission_Area
+ + Reference_List
+ + Science_Facets
+ + Time_Coordinates
+ + Update_Entry
+ + File
+ + Observing_System_Component
+ + Vector_Component
+ + + Observing_System
+ + + Display_2D_Image
+ + + Field_Statistics
+ + + Object_Statistics
+ + + Update
+ + + Vector
+ + + Vector_Cartesian_3
+ + + + Vector_Cartesian_3_Acceleration
+ + + + Vector_Cartesian_3_Pointing
+ + + + Vector_Cartesian_3_Position
+ + + + Vector_Cartesian_3_Velocity
The class hierarchy above includes 45 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure..
Figure 4 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Alias class provides a single alternate name and identification for this product in this or some other archive or data system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Alias | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | alternate_id | 0..1 | ||
alternate_title | 0..1 | |||
comment | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Alias_List |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Alias_List class provides a list of paired alternate names and identifications for this product in this or some other archive or data system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Alias_List | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | alias | 1..* | Alias | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Identification_Area |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Citation_Information class provides specific fields often used in citing the product in journal articles, abstract services, and other reference contexts.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Citation_Information | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | author_list | 0..1 | ||
description | 1 | |||
editor_list | 0..1 | |||
keyword | 0..* | |||
publication_year | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Identification_Area |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Context Area provides context information for a product.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Context_Area | ||||
Subclass | Observation_Area | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_discipline_area | 0..1 | Discipline_Area | |
has_investigation_area | 0..* | Investigation_Area | ||
has_mission_area | 0..1 | Mission_Area | ||
has_observing_system | 0..* | Observing_System | ||
has_primary_result_description | 0..1 | Primary_Result_Summary | ||
has_target_identification | 0..* | Target_Identification | ||
has_time_coordinates | 0..1 | Time_Coordinates | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Ancillary | |||
Product_Bundle | ||||
Product_Collection | ||||
Product_Document | ||||
Product_Native | ||||
Product_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Product_XML_Schema |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Discipline area allows the insertion of discipline specific metadata.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Discipline_Area | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area | ||||
Product_Context |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Discipline_Facets class contains the discipline-related search facets. It is required and may not be repeated. Note that Science_Facets was modeled with Discipline_Facets as a component and Discipline_Facets was modeled with Group_Facet1 and Group_Facet2 as components. This dependency hierarchy was flattened and only Science_Facets exists in the schema.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Discipline_Facets | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | discipline_name | 1 | Atmospheres | |
Fields | ||||
Flux Measurements | ||||
Imaging | ||||
Particles | ||||
Ring-Moon Systems | ||||
Small Bodies | ||||
Spectroscopy | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Group_Facet1 | 0..* | Group_Facet1 | |
has_Group_Facet2 | 0..* | Group_Facet2 | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Science_Facets |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Display_2D_Image class provides attributes to enable the display of a 2 dimensional image.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Display_2D_Image | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | line_display_direction | 1 | Down | |
Up | ||||
sample_display_direction | 1 | Right | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array_2D_Image | |||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The External_Reference class is used to reference a source outside the PDS registry system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. External_Reference | ||||
Subclass | External_Reference_Extended | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
doi | 0..1 | |||
reference_text | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Observing_System_Component | |||
Reference_List |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Field Statistics class provides a set of metrics for a column formed by a field in a repeating record.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Field_Statistics | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
maximum | 0..1 | |||
mean | 0..1 | |||
median | 0..1 | |||
minimum | 0..1 | |||
standard_deviation | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Field_Binary | |||
Field_Character | ||||
Field_Delimited |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The File class consists of attributes that describe a file in a data store.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. File | ||||
Subclass | Document_File | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
creation_date_time | 0..1 | |||
file_name | 1 | |||
file_size | 0..1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
md5_checksum | 0..1 | |||
records | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Binary | ||||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Checksum_Manifest | ||||
File_Area_Encoded_Image | ||||
File_Area_Inventory | ||||
File_Area_Native | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental | ||||
File_Area_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
File_Area_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
File_Area_Service_Description | ||||
File_Area_Text | ||||
File_Area_Transfer_Manifest | ||||
File_Area_XML_Schema | ||||
Product_Zipped |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File_Area class defines a File and its component data objects.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
Subclass | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Binary | ||||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Checksum_Manifest | ||||
File_Area_Encoded_Image | ||||
File_Area_Inventory | ||||
File_Area_Native | ||||
File_Area_Observational | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental | ||||
File_Area_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
File_Area_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
File_Area_Service_Description | ||||
File_Area_Text | ||||
File_Area_Transfer_Manifest | ||||
File_Area_XML_Schema | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Observational class describes, for an observational product, a file and one or more tagged_data_objects contained within the file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Observational | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1..* | Array | ||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Encoded_Header | ||||
Header | ||||
Stream_Text | ||||
Table_Binary | ||||
Table_Character | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Observational |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Observational Supplemental class describes, for an observational product, additional files and tagged_data_objects contained within the file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Observational_Supplemental | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1..* | Array | ||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Encoded_Binary | ||||
Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
Encoded_Header | ||||
Encoded_Image | ||||
Header | ||||
Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
Stream_Text | ||||
Table_Binary | ||||
Table_Character | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Observational |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area SPICE Kernel class describes a file that contains a SPICE Kernel object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | SPICE_Kernel | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_SPICE_Kernel |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Text class describes a file that contains a text stream object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Text | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | Stream_Text | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Bundle | |||
Product_File_Text |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Group_Facet1 class contains a single facet restricted according to the value of discipline_name. It also contains zero or more subfacets restricted according to the value of the facet. Note that Science_Facets was modeled with Discipline_Facets as a component and Discipline_Facets was modeled with Group_Facet1 and Group_Facet2 as components. This dependency hierarchy was flattened and only Science_Facets exists in the schema.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Group_Facet1 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | facet1 | 0..1 | 2D | |
Color | ||||
Color Movie | ||||
Dust Study | ||||
Dynamical Properties | ||||
Electric | ||||
Electrons | ||||
Gas Study | ||||
Grayscale | ||||
Historical Reference | ||||
Ions | ||||
Lightcurve | ||||
Linear | ||||
Magnetic | ||||
Meteoritics | ||||
Meteorology | ||||
Movie | ||||
Neutrals | ||||
Photometry | ||||
Physical Properties | ||||
Polarimetry | ||||
Production Rates | ||||
Ring Compositional Map | ||||
Ring Occultation Profile | ||||
Ring Thermal Map | ||||
Satellite Astrometry | ||||
Shape Model | ||||
Spectral Cube | ||||
Spectral Image | ||||
Structure | ||||
Tabulated | ||||
Taxonomy | ||||
subfacet1 | 0..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Discipline_Facets |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Group_Facet2 class contains a single facet restricted according to the value of discipline_name. It also contains zero or more subfacets restricted according to the value of the facet. Note that Science_Facets was modeled with Discipline_Facets as a component and Discipline_Facets was modeled with Group_Facet1 and Group_Facet2 as components. This dependency hierarchy was flattened and only Science_Facets exists in the schema.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Group_Facet2 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | facet2 | 0..1 | Background | |
Cosmic Ray | ||||
Energetic | ||||
Plasma | ||||
Solar Energetic | ||||
Waves | ||||
subfacet2 | 0..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Discipline_Facets |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The identification area consists of attributes that identify and name an object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Internal_Reference class is used to cross-reference other products in the PDS registry system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Internal_Reference | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
lid_reference | 0..1 | |||
lidvid_reference | 0..1 | |||
reference_type | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Attribute | |||
DD_Class | ||||
Information_Package_Component | ||||
Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive | ||||
Investigation_Area | ||||
Observing_System_Component | ||||
Product_Zipped | ||||
Reference_List | ||||
Target_Identification | ||||
Update_Entry |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Investigation_Area class provides information about an investigation (mission, observing campaign or other coordinated, large-scale data collection effort).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Investigation_Area | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | name | 1 | ||
type | 1 | Individual Investigation | ||
Mission | ||||
Observing Campaign | ||||
Other Investigation | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | internal_reference | 1..* | Internal_Reference | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Local Internal_Reference class is used to cross-reference other Description Objects in a PDS4 label.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Local_Internal_Reference | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
local_identifier_reference | 1 | |||
local_reference_type | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array | |||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Display_Settings |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The mission area allows the insertion of mission specific metadata.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Mission_Area | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Modification_Detail class provides the details of one round of modification for the product. The first, required, instance of this class documents the date the product was first registered.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Modification_Detail | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
modification_date | 1 | |||
version_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Modification_History |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Modification_History class tracks the history of changes made to the product once it enters the registry system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Modification_History | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | modification_detail | 1..* | Modification_Detail | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Identification_Area |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Object Statistics class provides a set of values that provide metrics about the object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Object_Statistics | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | bit_mask | 0..1 | ||
description | 0..1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
maximum | 0..1 | |||
maximum_scaled_value | 0..1 | |||
md5_checksum | 0..1 | |||
mean | 0..1 | |||
median | 0..1 | |||
minimum | 0..1 | |||
minimum_scaled_value | 0..1 | |||
standard_deviation | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array | |||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The observation area consists of attributes that provide information about the circumstances under which the data were collected.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Context_Area | ||||
. . Observation_Area | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
Association | has_investigation_area | 1..* | Investigation_Area | R |
has_observing_system | 1..* | Observing_System | R | |
has_target_identification | 1..* | Target_Identification | R | |
has_time_coordinates | 1 | Time_Coordinates | R | |
Inherited Association | has_discipline_area | 0..1 | Discipline_Area | |
has_mission_area | 0..1 | Mission_Area | ||
has_primary_result_description | 0..1 | Primary_Result_Summary | ||
Referenced from | Product_Observational |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Observing System class describes the entire suite used to collect the data.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Observing_System | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Physical_Object | ||||
observing_system_component | 1..* | Observing_System_Component | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The Observing System Component class references one or more subsystems used to collect data. A subsystem can be an instrument_host, instrument, or any other similar product. Each subsystem is categorized as either a sensor or a source. If the observing system includes both a sensor and a source, Observing System Component occurs twice (once for each type) otherwise it only occurs once.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. Observing_System_Component | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
name | 1 | |||
type | 1 | Artificial Illumination | ||
Instrument | ||||
Laboratory | ||||
Literature Search | ||||
Naked Eye | ||||
Observatory | ||||
Spacecraft | ||||
Telescope | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | external_reference | 0..* | External_Reference | |
internal_reference | 0..1 | Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Observing_System |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Primary_Result_Summary class provides a high-level description of the types of products included in the collection or bundle
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Primary_Result_Summary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_regime *Deprecated* | 0..* | Dust | |
Electric Field | ||||
Electrons | ||||
Far Infrared | ||||
Gamma Ray | ||||
Infrared | ||||
Ions | ||||
Magnetic Field | ||||
Microwave | ||||
Millimeter | ||||
Near Infrared | ||||
Particles | ||||
Pressure | ||||
Radio | ||||
Sub-Millimeter | ||||
Temperature | ||||
Ultraviolet | ||||
Visible | ||||
X-Ray | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
processing_level | 1 | Calibrated | ||
Derived | ||||
Partially Processed | ||||
Raw | ||||
Telemetry | ||||
processing_level_id *Deprecated* | 0..1 | Calibrated | ||
Derived | ||||
Partially Processed | ||||
Raw | ||||
Telemetry | ||||
purpose | 1 | Calibration | ||
Checkout | ||||
Engineering | ||||
Navigation | ||||
Observation Geometry | ||||
Science | ||||
type *Deprecated* | 0..1 | Altimetry | ||
Astrometry | ||||
Count | ||||
E/B-Field Vectors | ||||
Gravity Model | ||||
Image | ||||
Lightcurves | ||||
Map | ||||
Meteorology | ||||
Null Result | ||||
Occultation | ||||
Photometry | ||||
Physical Parameters | ||||
Polarimetry | ||||
Radiometry | ||||
Reference | ||||
Shape Model | ||||
Spectrum | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Science_Facet | 0..* | Science_Facets | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Product Component class is an abstract class for the components of the Product class.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
Subclass | Alias | |||
Alias_List | ||||
Bundle_Member_Entry | ||||
Citation_Information | ||||
Color_Display_Settings | ||||
Context_Area | ||||
Discipline_Area | ||||
Discipline_Facets | ||||
Display_Direction | ||||
Display_Settings | ||||
External_Reference | ||||
File_Area | ||||
Group_Facet1 | ||||
Group_Facet2 | ||||
Identification_Area | ||||
Internal_Reference | ||||
Investigation_Area | ||||
Local_Internal_Reference | ||||
Mission_Area | ||||
Modification_Detail | ||||
Modification_History | ||||
Movie_Display_Settings | ||||
NAIF_Supplement | ||||
Primary_Result_Summary | ||||
Radio_Occultation | ||||
Radio_Occultation_Support | ||||
Reference_List | ||||
Rings_Supplement | ||||
Science_Facets | ||||
Stellar_Occultation | ||||
Target_Identification | ||||
Telemetry_Parameters | ||||
Time_Coordinates | ||||
Update_Entry | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Reference_List class provides lists general references and cross-references for the product. References cited elsewhere in the label need not be repeated here.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Reference_List | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | external_reference | 0..* | External_Reference | |
internal_reference | 0..* | Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_AIP | |||
Product_Ancillary | ||||
Product_Attribute_Definition | ||||
Product_Browse | ||||
Product_Bundle | ||||
Product_Class_Definition | ||||
Product_Collection | ||||
Product_Context | ||||
Product_DIP | ||||
Product_DIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Product_Data_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Document | ||||
Product_File_Repository | ||||
Product_File_Text | ||||
Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Instrument_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Mission_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Native | ||||
Product_Observational | ||||
Product_Proxy_PDS3 | ||||
Product_SIP | ||||
Product_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Product_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Product_Service | ||||
Product_Software | ||||
Product_Subscription_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Target_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Thumbnail | ||||
Product_Update | ||||
Product_Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Product_Volume_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Product_XML_Schema |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Science_Facets class contains the science-related search facets. It is optional and may be repeated if an product has facets related to, for example, two different disciplines (as defined by the discipline_name facet). Note that Science_Facets was modeled with Discipline_Facets as a component and Discipline_Facets was modeled with Group_Facet1 and Group_Facet2 as components. This dependency hierarchy was flattened and only Science_Facets exists in the schema.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Science_Facets | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | domain | 0..* | Atmosphere | |
Heliosphere | ||||
Interior | ||||
Interstellar | ||||
Ionosphere | ||||
Magnetosphere | ||||
Surface | ||||
wavelength_range | 0..* | Far Infrared | ||
Gamma Ray | ||||
Infrared | ||||
Microwave | ||||
Millimeter | ||||
Near Infrared | ||||
Radio | ||||
Submillimeter | ||||
Ultraviolet | ||||
Visible | ||||
X-ray | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Discipline_Facets | 1 | Discipline_Facets | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Primary_Result_Summary |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Special Constants class provides a set of values used to indicate special cases that occur in the data.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Special_Constants | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | error_constant | 0..1 | ||
high_instrument_saturation | 0..1 | |||
high_representation_saturation | 0..1 | |||
invalid_constant | 0..1 | |||
low_instrument_saturation | 0..1 | |||
low_representation_saturation | 0..1 | |||
missing_constant | 0..1 | |||
not_applicable_constant | 0..1 | |||
saturated_constant | 0..1 | |||
unknown_constant | 0..1 | |||
valid_maximum | 0..1 | |||
valid_minimum | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array | |||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Field_Binary | ||||
Field_Bit | ||||
Field_Character | ||||
Field_Delimited |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Target_Identification class provides detailed target identification information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Target_Identification | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | alternate_designation | 0..* | ||
description | 0..1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
type | 1..* | Asteroid | ||
Calibration | ||||
Comet | ||||
Dust | ||||
Dwarf Planet | ||||
Equipment | ||||
Galaxy | ||||
Globular Cluster | ||||
Meteorite | ||||
Meteoroid | ||||
Meteoroid Stream | ||||
Nebula | ||||
Open Cluster | ||||
Planet | ||||
Planetary Nebula | ||||
Planetary System | ||||
Plasma Cloud | ||||
Plasma Stream | ||||
Ring | ||||
Satellite | ||||
Star | ||||
Star Cluster | ||||
Sun | ||||
Terrestrial Sample | ||||
Trans-Neptunian Object | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | internal_reference | 0..1 | Internal_Reference | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Time_Coordinates class provides a list of time coordinates.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Time_Coordinates | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | local_mean_solar_time | 0..1 | ||
local_true_solar_time | 0..1 | |||
solar_longitude | 0..1 | |||
start_date_time | 1 | |||
stop_date_time | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Context_Area | |||
Observation_Area |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Uniformly_Sampled class provides parameters for a uniformly sampled table.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
. Uniformly_Sampled | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | first_sampling_parameter_value | 1 | ||
last_sampling_parameter_value | 1 | |||
sampling_parameter_interval | 1 | |||
sampling_parameter_name | 1 | |||
sampling_parameter_scale | 0..1 | Exponential | ||
Linear | ||||
Logarithmic | ||||
sampling_parameter_unit | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Inventory | |||
Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Table_Binary | ||||
Table_Character | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
Transfer_Manifest |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Update class consists of update information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Update | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
update_entry | 1..* | Update_Entry | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Update |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Update Entry class provides the date and description of an update.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Update_Entry | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | date_time | 1 | ||
description | 1 | |||
full_name | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | internal_reference | 0..1 | Internal_Reference | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Update |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Vector class provides the components of either a velocity or position vector.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Vector | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_type | 1 | ASCII_Real | |
description | 1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
reference_frame_id | 1 | ICRF | ||
MOON_ME_DE421 | ||||
type | 1 | Acceleration | ||
Pointing | ||||
Position | ||||
Velocity | ||||
vector_components | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
vector_component | 1..* | Vector_Component | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Geometry |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Vector_Cartesian_3_Base class is the parent class of 3 element Cartesian vectors.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Vector_Cartesian_3 | ||||
Subclass | Vector_Cartesian_3_Acceleration | |||
Vector_Cartesian_3_Pointing | ||||
Vector_Cartesian_3_Position | ||||
Vector_Cartesian_3_Velocity | ||||
Attribute | reference_frame_id | 1 | ICRF | |
MOON_ME_DE421 | ||||
x | 1 | |||
y | 1 | |||
z | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Vector_Cartesian_3_Acceleration class is a 3 element Cartesian vector for acceleration coordinates.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Unit of Measure Type:Units_of_Acceleration
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Vector_Cartesian_3 | ||||
. . . Vector_Cartesian_3_Acceleration | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | reference_frame_id | 1 | ICRF | |
MOON_ME_DE421 | ||||
x | 1 | |||
y | 1 | |||
z | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Vector_Cartesian_3_Pointing class is a 3 element normalized Cartesian vector for pointing.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Vector_Cartesian_3 | ||||
. . . Vector_Cartesian_3_Pointing | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | reference_frame_id | 1 | ICRF | |
MOON_ME_DE421 | ||||
x | 1 | |||
y | 1 | |||
z | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Vector_Cartesian_3_Position class is a 3 element Cartesian vector for position coordinates.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Unit of Measure Type:Units_of_Length
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Vector_Cartesian_3 | ||||
. . . Vector_Cartesian_3_Position | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | reference_frame_id | 1 | ICRF | |
MOON_ME_DE421 | ||||
x | 1 | |||
y | 1 | |||
z | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Vector_Cartesian_3_Velocity class is a 3 element Cartesian vector for velocity coordinates.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Unit of Measure Type:Units_of_Velocity
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Vector_Cartesian_3 | ||||
. . . Vector_Cartesian_3_Velocity | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | reference_frame_id | 1 | ICRF | |
MOON_ME_DE421 | ||||
x | 1 | |||
y | 1 | |||
z | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The Vector_Component class provides a component of a vector.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. Vector_Component | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
sequence_number | 1 | |||
unit | 0..1 | |||
value | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Vector |
This section provides the document and support product classes.
The context class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format and provides a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Product_Browse
+ + Product_Document
+ + Product_Native
+ + Product_Zipped
The class hierarchy above includes 8 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 5 Context Description UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the context classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product_Ancillary class defines a product that contains data that are supplementary to observational data and cannot reasonably be associated with any other non-observational data class. Use of Product_Ancillary must be approved by the curating node.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Ancillary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 0..1 | Context_Area | |
file_area | 1..* | File_Area_Ancillary | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Browse class defines a product consisting of one encoded byte stream digital object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Browse | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 1..* | File_Area_Browse | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product Document is a product consisting of a single logical document that may comprise one or more document editions.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Document | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 0..1 | Context_Area | |
has_document | 1 | Document | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:Product_Native is used to describe digital objects in the original format returned by the spacecraft or experimental system when that format cannot be described using one of the PDS4 formats specified for observational data (tables or arrays, excluding Array_1D).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Native | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 0..1 | Context_Area | |
file_area | 1..* | File_Area_Native | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product SPICE Kernel class defines a SPICE kernel product.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 1 | Context_Area | |
file_area | 1 | File_Area_SPICE_Kernel | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Thumbnail class defines a product consisting of one encoded byte stream digital object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Thumbnail | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 1 | File_Area_Encoded_Image | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product_XML_Schema describes a resource used for the PDS4 implementation into XML.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_XML_Schema | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 0..1 | Context_Area | |
file_area | 1..* | File_Area_XML_Schema | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product_Zipped is a product with references to other products. The referenced products and all associated products and files are packaged into a single ZIP file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Zipped | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file | 1 | File | |
has_zip | 1 | Zip | ||
internal_reference | 1..* | Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
This section provides the document and support product classes and their component classes.
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + + File_Area_Ancillary
+ + + File_Area_Browse
+ + + File_Area_Encoded_Image
+ + + File_Area_Native
+ + + + Encoded_Binary
+ + + + Encoded_Image
+ + + + Encoded_Native
+ + + + SPICE_Kernel
+ + + + XML_Schema
+ + + Document_File
+ + Document_Edition
+ + + Document
+ + + Zip
The class hierarchy above includes 13 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 6 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Document class describes a document.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Document | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | acknowledgement_text | 0..1 | ||
author_list | 0..1 | |||
copyright | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
document_editions | 0..1 | |||
document_name | 0..1 | |||
doi | 0..1 | |||
editor_list | 0..1 | |||
publication_date | 1 | |||
revision_id | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
has_document_edition | 1..* | Document_Edition | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Document |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:A Document Edition is one complete version of the document in a set of files that is distinguished by language, a unique assemblage of file formats, or some other criteria.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. Document_Edition | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
edition_name | 1 | |||
files | 1 | |||
language | 1 | |||
starting_point_identifier | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_document_file | 1..* | Document_File | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Document |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Document File class describes a file which is a part of a document.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. File | ||||
. . Document_File | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | directory_path_name | 0..1 | ||
document_standard_id | 1 | 7-Bit ASCII Text | ||
Encapsulated Postscript | ||||
GIF | ||||
HTML | ||||
HTML 2.0 | ||||
HTML 3.2 | ||||
HTML 4.0 | ||||
HTML 4.01 | ||||
JPEG | ||||
LaTEX | ||||
Microsoft Excel | ||||
Microsoft Word | ||||
PDF/A | ||||
PNG | ||||
Postscript | ||||
Rich Text | ||||
TIFF | ||||
UTF-8 Text | ||||
Inherited Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
creation_date_time | 0..1 | |||
file_name | 1 | |||
file_size | 0..1 | |||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
md5_checksum | 0..1 | |||
records | 0..1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | Document_Edition |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Encoded Binary class describes a binary encoded byte stream. This class is used to describe files in the repository that are being registered using Product_File_Repository.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Encoded_Binary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | encoding_standard_id | 1 | CCSDS Space Communications Protocols | R |
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Binary | |||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Encoded Image class is used for ancillary images in standard formats, such as JPEG.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Encoded_Image | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | encoding_standard_id | 1 | GIF | R |
J2C | ||||
JPEG | ||||
PDF/A | ||||
PNG | ||||
TIFF | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Browse | ||||
File_Area_Encoded_Image | ||||
File_Area_Observational_Supplemental |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Encoded Native class describes a binary encoded byte stream. This class is used to describe data objects for Product_Native.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Encoded_Native | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | encoding_standard_id | 1 | SEED 2.4 | R |
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Native |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Ancillary class describes a file and one or more tagged_data_objects contained within the file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Ancillary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1..* | Array | ||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Checksum_Manifest | ||||
Encoded_Header | ||||
Encoded_Image | ||||
Header | ||||
Stream_Text | ||||
Table_Binary | ||||
Table_Character | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Ancillary |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Browse class describes a file and one or more tagged_data_objects contained within the file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Browse | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1..* | Array | ||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Encoded_Header | ||||
Encoded_Image | ||||
Header | ||||
Stream_Text | ||||
Table_Binary | ||||
Table_Character | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Browse |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Encoded Image class describes a file that contains an Encoded Image object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Encoded_Image | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | Encoded_Image | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Thumbnail |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Native describes tagged_data_objects collected from an instrument.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Native | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1..* | Encoded_Native | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Native |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The SPICE Kernel class describes a SPICE object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | encoding_type | 1 | Binary | |
Character | ||||
kernel_type | 1 | CK | ||
DBK | ||||
DSK | ||||
EK | ||||
FK | ||||
IK | ||||
LSK | ||||
MK | ||||
PCK | ||||
SCLK | ||||
SPK | ||||
parsing_standard_id | 1 | SPICE | R | |
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_SPICE_Kernel |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The XML Schema class defines a resource used for the PDS4 implementation into XML.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . XML_Schema | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | ldd_version_id | 0..1 | ||
parsing_standard_id | 1 | Schematron ISO/IEC 19757-3:2006 | R | |
XML Schema Version 1.1 | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_XML_Schema |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Zip class describes a zip file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Zip | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | container_type | 1 | GZIP | |
LZIP | ||||
TAR | ||||
ZIP | ||||
description | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Zipped |
This section provides the context product classes.
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Product_Context
+ + + Geometry
The class hierarchy above includes 2 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 7 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Geometry class groups geometry information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Geometry | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
vector | 0..* | Vector | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Context class describes something that provides context and provenance for an observational product.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Context | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_discipline_area | 0..1 | Discipline_Area | |
product_data_object | 1 | Agency | ||
Facility | ||||
Instrument | ||||
Instrument_Host | ||||
Investigation | ||||
Node | ||||
Other | ||||
PDS_Affiliate | ||||
PDS_Guest | ||||
Resource | ||||
Target | ||||
Telescope | ||||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
This section provides the context product classes and their component classes.
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + + Facility
+ + + Instrument
+ + + Instrument_Host
+ + + Investigation
+ + + Other
+ + + Resource
+ + + Target
+ + + Telescope
The class hierarchy above includes 8 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 8 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Facility class provides a name and address for a terrestrial observatory or laboratory.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Facility | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | address | 0..1 | ||
country | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
type | 0..1 | Laboratory | ||
Observatory | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Instrument class provides a description of a physical object that collects data.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Instrument Host class provides a description of the physical object upon which an instrument is mounted.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Instrument_Host | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
instrument_host_version_id *Deprecated* | 0..1 | |||
naif_host_id | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
serial_number | 0..1 | |||
type | 1 | Earth Based | ||
Earth-based | ||||
Lander | ||||
Rover | ||||
Spacecraft | ||||
version_id *Deprecated* | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Investigation class provides a description of activities involved in the collection of data.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Investigation | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
start_date | 1 | |||
stop_date | 1 | |||
type | 1 | Individual Investigation | ||
Mission | ||||
Observing Campaign | ||||
Other Investigation | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Other class provides a description of activities involved in the collection of data which are not otherwise modeled.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Other | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Resource class provides a description of a web resource.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Resource | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
type | 1 | Information.Agency | ||
Information.Instrument | ||||
Information.Instrument_Host | ||||
Information.Investigation | ||||
Information.Node | ||||
Information.Person | ||||
Information.Resource | ||||
Information.Science_Portal | ||||
Information.Target | ||||
System.Browse | ||||
System.Directory_Listing | ||||
System.Registry_Query | ||||
System.Search | ||||
System.Transform | ||||
System.Transport | ||||
url | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Target class provides a description of a physical object that is the object of data collection.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Target | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
type | 0..* | Asteroid | ||
Comet | ||||
Dust | ||||
Dwarf Planet | ||||
Equipment | ||||
Galaxy | ||||
Globular Cluster | ||||
Meteorite | ||||
Meteoroid | ||||
Meteoroid Stream | ||||
Nebula | ||||
Open Cluster | ||||
Planet | ||||
Planetary Nebula | ||||
Planetary System | ||||
Plasma Cloud | ||||
Plasma Stream | ||||
Ring | ||||
Satellite | ||||
Star | ||||
Star Cluster | ||||
Sun | ||||
Terrestrial Sample | ||||
Trans-Neptunian Object | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Telescope class provides coordinates and parameters for terrestrial, ground-based telescopes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Telescope | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | altitude *Deprecated* | 0..1 | ||
aperture | 1 | |||
coordinate_source | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
telescope_altitude | 0..1 | |||
telescope_latitude | 0..1 | |||
telescope_longitude | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
This section provides aggregate product classes.
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Product_Bundle
The class hierarchy above includes 2 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 9 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product_Bundle is an aggregate product and has a table of references to one or more collections.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Bundle | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 0..1 | Context_Area | |
file_area | 0..1 | File_Area_Text | ||
member_entry | 1..* | Bundle_Member_Entry | ||
product_data_object | 1 | Bundle | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product_Collection has a table of references to one or more basic products. The references are stored in a table called the inventory.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Collection | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | context_area | 0..1 | Context_Area | |
file_area_inventory | 1 | File_Area_Inventory | ||
product_data_object | 1 | Collection | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
This section provides aggregate product classes and their component classes.
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + + File_Area_Inventory
+ + + + + Inventory
+ + + Bundle
+ + + Collection
The class hierarchy above includes 5 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 10 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Bundle class describes a collection of collections.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Bundle | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | bundle_type | 1 | Archive | |
Supplemental | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Bundle |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Bundle Member Entry class provides a member reference to a collection.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Bundle_Member_Entry | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | lid_reference | 0..1 | ||
lidvid_reference | 0..1 | |||
member_status | 1 | Primary | ||
Secondary | ||||
reference_type | 1 | bundle_has_browse_collection | ||
bundle_has_calibration_collection | ||||
bundle_has_context_collection | ||||
bundle_has_data_collection | ||||
bundle_has_document_collection | ||||
bundle_has_geometry_collection | ||||
bundle_has_member_collection | ||||
bundle_has_schema_collection | ||||
bundle_has_spice_kernel_collection | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Bundle |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Collection class provides a description of a set of products.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Collection | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | collection_type | 1 | Browse | |
Calibration | ||||
Context | ||||
Data | ||||
Document | ||||
Geometry | ||||
Miscellaneous | ||||
SPICE Kernel | ||||
XML Schema | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Collection |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Inventory class describes a file and an inventory consisting of references to members.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Inventory | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | Inventory | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Collection |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Inventory class defines the inventory for members of a collection.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Table_Delimited | ||||
. . . . Inventory | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | reference_type | 1 | inventory_has_member_product | |
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
field_delimiter | 1 | Comma | ||
Horizontal Tab | ||||
Semicolon | ||||
Vertical Bar | ||||
comma | ||||
horizontal tab | ||||
semicolon | ||||
vertical bar | ||||
parsing_standard_id | 1 | PDS DSV 1 | R | |
record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | ||
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
records | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
has_delimited_record | 1 | Record_Delimited | ||
uniformly_sampled | 0..1 | Uniformly_Sampled | ||
Referenced from | File_Area_Inventory |
This section provides the set of product classes used for PDS operations.
The operations class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Product_AIP
+ + Product_Attribute_Definition
+ + Product_DIP
+ + Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3
+ + Product_SIP
+ + Product_Service
+ + Product_Software
The class hierarchy above includes 19 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 11 Operations UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the operations classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product AIP class defines a product for the Archival Information Package.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_AIP | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Information_Package_Component | 1..* | Information_Package_Component | |
product_data_object | 1 | Archival_Information_Package | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Attribute Definition provides an attribute definition in XML encoding.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Attribute_Definition | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | DD_Attribute_Full | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Class Definition provides a class definition in XML encoding.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Class_Definition | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | DD_Class_Full | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product DIP class defines a product for the Dissemination Information Package.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_DIP | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Information_Package_Component | 1..* | Information_Package_Component | |
product_data_object | 1 | Dissemination_Information_Package | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product DIP_Deep_Archive class defines a product for the Dissemination Information Package for the deep archive.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_DIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Information_Package_Component | 1..* | Information_Package_Component | |
product_data_object | 1 | DIP_Deep_Archive | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Data Set PDS3 product is used to create proxy labels for the data sets in the PDS3 Data Set catalog.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Data_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Data_Set_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product File Repository class consists of a single text file. This product is used to register a file in a repository.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_File_Repository | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 1 | File_Area_Binary | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:An Instrument Host product describes an instrument host. This product captures the PDS3 catalog instrument host information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Instrument_Host_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:An Instrument product describes an instrument. This product captures the PDS3 catalog instrument information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Instrument_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Instrument_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:An Mission product describes a mission. This product captures the PDS3 catalog mission information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Mission_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Mission_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Proxy PDS3 class defines a product with enough information to register a PDS3 data product.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Proxy_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 1..* | File_Area_Binary | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product SIP class defines a product for the Submission Information Package.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_SIP | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Information_Package_Component | 1..* | Information_Package_Component | |
product_data_object | 1 | Submission_Information_Package | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product SIP Deep Archive class defines a Submission Information Package (SIP) for the NASA planetary science deep archive.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Information_Package_Component | 1 | Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive | |
product_data_object | 1 | SIP_Deep_Archive | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product Service class defines a product for registering services. Service descriptions from this product are used to register services as intrinsic registry objects.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Service | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | file_area | 0..* | File_Area_Service_Description | |
product_data_object | 1 | Service | ||
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:Product Software is a product consisting of a set of one or more software formats.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Software | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_description | 1 | Software | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
software_format_set | 0..* | Software_Binary | ||
Software_Script | ||||
Software_Source | ||||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:The Product_Subscription_PDS3 class provides the list of subscriptions for a PDS3 subscriber.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Subscription_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | |
subscriber | 1 | Subscriber_PDS3 | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A target product describes a target. This product captures a reduced set of the PDS3 catalog target information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Target_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Target_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product Volume PDS3 product captures the PDS3 volume information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Volume_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product
Class Description:A Product Volume Set PDS3 product captures the PDS3 volume set information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product | |||
. Product_Volume_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | product_data_object | 1 | Volume_Set_PDS3 | |
reference_list | 0..1 | Reference_List | ||
Inherited Association | has_identification_area | 1 | Identification_Area | |
Referenced from | none |
This section provides the set of product classes used for PDS operations and their component classes..
The class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclass relation for each class in a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + + Aggregation_Object
+ + + Conceptual_Context_Object
+ + Digital_Object
+ + + Native_Object
+ + + Observational_Object
+ + + Supplemental_Object
+ + + + Ancillary_Object
+ + + + Archive_Support_Object
+ + + + Document_Object
+ + + + Finding_Aid_Object
+ + + + SPICE_Kernel_Object
+ + + + Update_Object
+ + Physical_Object
+ + + Physical_Context_Object
+ + + External_Reference_Extended
+ + + File_Area_Binary
+ + + File_Area_Checksum_Manifest
+ + + File_Area_SIP_Deep_Archive
+ + + File_Area_Service_Description
+ + + File_Area_Transfer_Manifest
+ + + File_Area_XML_Schema
+ + + + Checksum_Manifest
+ + + + Service_Description
+ + + + + Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive
+ + + + + Transfer_Manifest
+ + DD_Association
+ + DD_Value_Domain
+ + TNDO_Context
+ + + Agency
+ + + Node
+ + + PDS_Affiliate
+ + + PDS_Guest
+ + + Service
+ + + Data_Set_PDS3
+ + + Instrument_Host_PDS3
+ + + Instrument_PDS3
+ + + Mission_PDS3
+ + + Subscriber_PDS3
+ + + Target_PDS3
+ + + Volume_PDS3
+ + + Volume_Set_PDS3
+ + + DD_Attribute
+ + + DD_Attribute_Full
+ + + DD_Class
+ + + DD_Class_Full
+ + + DD_Rule
+ + + DD_Rule_Statement
+ + + Information_Package
+ + + + Archival_Information_Package
+ + + + DIP_Deep_Archive
+ + + + Dissemination_Information_Package
+ + + + SIP_Deep_Archive
+ + + + Submission_Information_Package
+ + + Information_Package_Component
+ + + Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive
+ + + Ingest_LDD
+ + + Property_Map
+ + + Property_Map_Entry
+ + + Property_Maps
+ + + Software
+ + + Software_Binary
+ + + Software_Script
+ + + Software_Source
+ + + Symbolic_Literals_PDS
The class hierarchy above includes 80 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 12 Product UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the data product classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Agency class provides a description of an entity that provides regional or national level governance over nodes within the federated Planetary Data System.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Agency | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
name | 1 | European Space Agency | ||
National Aeronautics and Space Administration | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Aggregation Object class defines a Conceptual Object that is used to aggregate other objects.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Conceptual_Object | ||||
. . Aggregation_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Ancillary Object defines a Supplemental Object that cannot reasonably be classified as any other Supplemental Object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
. . . Ancillary_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Archival Information Package (AIP) class defines an Information Package consisting of the Content Information and the associated Preservation Description Information (PDI), which is preserved within an archive that conforms to the Open Archive Information System (OAIS) Reference Model.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package | ||||
. . . Archival_Information_Package | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_AIP |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Archive Support defines a Supplemental Object that is used by the system for an archive function.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
. . . Archive_Support_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Checksum_Manifest class defines a two column table for file references and checksums.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Checksum_Manifest | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | parsing_standard_id | 1 | MD5Deep 4.n | R |
record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | ||
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Ancillary | |||
File_Area_Checksum_Manifest |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Conceptual Context Object class defines a Conceptual Object that is used to provide contextual information for an Observational Object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Conceptual_Object | ||||
. . Conceptual_Context_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Conceptual Object class defines a non-tangible object that is also not a digital object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Conceptual_Object | ||||
Subclass | Aggregation_Object | |||
Conceptual_Context_Object | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Agency | |||
Bundle | ||||
DD_Attribute | ||||
DD_Attribute_Full | ||||
DD_Class | ||||
DD_Class_Full | ||||
Data_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Field_Statistics | ||||
Geometry | ||||
Ingest_LDD | ||||
Investigation | ||||
Mission_PDS3 | ||||
Node | ||||
Object_Statistics | ||||
Observing_System | ||||
Other | ||||
Quaternion | ||||
Resource | ||||
Update | ||||
Vector | ||||
Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Volume_Set_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD_Association class defines the association between two classes or a class and an attribute in a data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. DD_Association | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | constant_value | 0..1 | ||
local_identifier | 1..* | |||
maximum_occurrences | 1 | |||
minimum_occurrences | 1 | |||
reference_type | 1 | attribute_of | ||
component_of | ||||
extension_of | ||||
parent_of | ||||
restriction_of | ||||
subclass_of | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | dd_attribute_reference | 0..1 | DD_Attribute_Reference | |
dd_class_reference | 0..1 | DD_Class_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Class | |||
DD_Class_Full |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD_Association_External class defines the association between classes and attributes within the local data dictionary and those external to the local data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. DD_Association_External | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | maximum_occurrences | 1 | ||
minimum_occurrences | 1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
namespace_id | 1 | |||
reference_type | 1 | attribute_of | ||
component_of | ||||
extension_of | ||||
parent_of | ||||
restriction_of | ||||
subclass_of | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Class |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The DD_Attribute class defines an attribute for a data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . DD_Attribute | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
definition | 1 | |||
local_identifier | 1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
nillable_flag | 1 | |||
submitter_name | 1 | |||
version_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
internal_reference | 0..* | Internal_Reference | ||
terminological_entry | 0..* | Terminological_Entry | ||
value_domain_entry | 1 | DD_Value_Domain | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Ingest_LDD |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The DD_Attribute_Full class provides a more complete definition of an attribute in the data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD Attribute Reference class provides a reference to an attribute using a namespace identifier and the attribute name.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. DD_Attribute_Reference | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | name | 1 | ||
namespace_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Association | |||
DD_Rule |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The DD_Class class defines a class for a data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . DD_Class | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | abstract_flag | 0..1 | ||
definition | 1 | |||
element_flag | 0..1 | |||
local_identifier | 1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
submitter_name | 1 | |||
version_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
dd_association | 1..* | DD_Association | ||
DD_Association_External | ||||
internal_reference | 0..* | Internal_Reference | ||
terminological_entry | 0..* | Terminological_Entry | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Ingest_LDD |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The DD_Class_Full class provides a more complete definition of a class for a data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . DD_Class_Full | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | abstract_flag | 0..1 | ||
comment | 0..1 | |||
definition | 1 | |||
element_flag | 0..1 | |||
local_identifier | 1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
namespace_id | 1 | |||
registered_by | 1 | |||
registration_authority_id | 1 | |||
steward_id | 1 | atm | ||
geo | ||||
img | ||||
naif | ||||
ops | ||||
pds | ||||
ppi | ||||
rings | ||||
rs | ||||
sbn | ||||
submitter_name | 1 | |||
type | 1 | PDS3 | ||
PDS4 | ||||
version_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
dd_association | 0..* | DD_Association | ||
terminological_entry | 0..* | Terminological_Entry | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Class_Definition |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD Class Reference class provides a reference to a class using a namespace identifier and the class name.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. DD_Class_Reference | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | name | 1 | ||
namespace_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Association | |||
DD_Rule |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD_Permissible_Value class lists permissible values and their meanings.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. DD_Permissible_Value | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | value | 1 | ||
value_meaning | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | terminological_entry | 0..* | Terminological_Entry | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Value_Domain |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD_Permissible_Value_Full class lists permissible values, their meanings, and the dates when active.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. DD_Permissible_Value_Full | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | value | 1 | ||
value_begin_date | 1 | |||
value_end_date | 1 | |||
value_meaning | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | terminological_entry | 0..* | Terminological_Entry | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Value_Domain_Full |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The DD_Rule class defines a Schematron rule for a data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . DD_Rule | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | local_identifier | 1 | ||
rule_assign | 0..* | |||
rule_context | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | dd_attribute_reference | 0..1 | DD_Attribute_Reference | |
dd_class_reference | 0..1 | DD_Class_Reference | ||
rule_statement | 1..* | DD_Rule_Statement | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Ingest_LDD |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The DD_Rule_Statement class defines a Schematron rule statement.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . DD_Rule_Statement | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | rule_description | 0..1 | ||
rule_message | 1 | |||
rule_test | 1 | |||
rule_type | 1 | Assert | ||
Assert Every | ||||
Assert If | ||||
Report | ||||
rule_value | 0..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Rule |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD_Value_Domain class defines an attribute's permissible values and their constraints.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The DD_Value_Domain_Full class provides a more complete definition of a attribute's value domain.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Dissemination Information Package Deep Archive class is an Information Package derived from one or more AIPs and is received by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package | ||||
. . . DIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_DIP_Deep_Archive |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Data Object class defines a thing about which almost nothing is known.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
Subclass | Conceptual_Object | |||
Digital_Object | ||||
Physical_Object | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Data Set PDS3 class is used to capture the data set information from the PDS3 Data Set Catalog.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Data_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | abstract_desc | 1 | ||
archive_status | 1 | ARCHIVED | ||
IN_QUEUE | ||||
SAFED | ||||
citation_text | 1 | |||
confidence_level_note | 1 | |||
data_set_desc | 1 | |||
data_set_id | 1 | |||
data_set_name | 1 | |||
data_set_release_date | 1 | |||
data_set_terse_desc | 1 | |||
producer_full_name | 1 | |||
start_date_time *Deprecated* | 0..1 | |||
start_time | 0..1 | |||
stop_date_time *Deprecated* | 0..1 | |||
stop_time | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Physical_Object | ||||
nssdc | 0..* | NSSDC | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Data_Set_PDS3 |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Digital Object class defines a sequence of digital bits.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
Subclass | Native_Object | |||
Observational_Object | ||||
Supplemental_Object | ||||
Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Array | |||
Array_1D | ||||
Array_2D | ||||
Array_2D_Image | ||||
Array_2D_Map | ||||
Array_2D_Spectrum | ||||
Array_3D | ||||
Array_3D_Image | ||||
Array_3D_Movie | ||||
Array_3D_Spectrum | ||||
Checksum_Manifest | ||||
Document | ||||
Document_File | ||||
Encoded_Binary | ||||
Encoded_Byte_Stream | ||||
Encoded_Header | ||||
Encoded_Image | ||||
Encoded_Native | ||||
File | ||||
Header | ||||
Inventory | ||||
Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
SPICE_Kernel | ||||
Service_Description | ||||
Software | ||||
Software_Binary | ||||
Software_Script | ||||
Software_Source | ||||
Stream_Text | ||||
Table_Base | ||||
Table_Binary | ||||
Table_Character | ||||
Table_Delimited | ||||
Transfer_Manifest | ||||
XML_Schema |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Dissemination Information Package (DIP) class defines an Information Package, derived from one or more AIPs, that is received by a consumer.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package | ||||
. . . Dissemination_Information_Package | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_DIP |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Document Object defines a Supplemental Object that provides readable evidence for humans.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
. . . Document_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The External_Reference_Extended class is used to reference a source outside the PDS registry system. This extension is used in the local data dictionary.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. External_Reference | ||||
. . External_Reference_Extended | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | name | 0..1 | ||
url | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
doi | 0..1 | |||
reference_text | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Terminological_Entry |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Binary class describes a file that contains an encoded byte stream.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Binary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 0..* | Encoded_Binary | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_File_Repository | |||
Product_Proxy_PDS3 |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Checksum Manifest class describes a file that contains a two column table for file references and checksums.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Checksum_Manifest | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | Checksum_Manifest | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Information_Package_Component |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area SIP Deep Archive class describes the File Area for the Submission Information Package (SIP) for the NASA planetary science deep archive.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Service Description class describes a file that contains a service description.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Service_Description | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1..* | Service_Description | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Service |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area Transfer Manifest class describes a file that contains a two column table that maps the logical identifiers and version ids of products to their file specification names.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_Transfer_Manifest | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | Transfer_Manifest | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Information_Package_Component |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The File Area XML Schema class describes a file that contains a resource used for the PDS4 implementation into XML.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. File_Area | ||||
. . File_Area_XML_Schema | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_File | 1 | File | |
has_tagged_data_object | 1 | XML_Schema | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_XML_Schema |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Finding Aid Object defines a Supplemental Object that supports a user when attempting to locate data.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
. . . Finding_Aid_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Information Package class defines the Information Package as described in the OAIS Reference Model and is the parent class of all specific IP classes.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package | ||||
Subclass | Archival_Information_Package | |||
DIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Dissemination_Information_Package | ||||
SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Submission_Information_Package | ||||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Information_Package_Component class associates a Bundle, Collections or Basic Products with Checksum and Storage Manifests.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package_Component | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | checksum_manifest_checksum | 0..1 | ||
checksum_type | 0..1 | |||
transfer_manifest_checksum | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Checksum_Manifest | 0..1 | File_Area_Checksum_Manifest | |
has_Transfer_Manifest | 0..1 | File_Area_Transfer_Manifest | ||
internal_reference | 1..* | Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_AIP | |||
Product_DIP | ||||
Product_DIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Product_SIP |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Information Package Component Deep Archive class is an Information Package Component for the NASA planetary science deep archive.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | checksum_type | 1 | ||
manifest_checksum | 1 | |||
manifest_url | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_manifest | 1 | File_Area_SIP_Deep_Archive | |
internal_reference | 1 | Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_SIP_Deep_Archive |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Ingest_LDD class provides a form for collecting class and attribute definitions.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Ingest_LDD | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
external_property_maps_id | 0..* | |||
full_name | 1 | |||
last_modification_date_time | 1 | |||
ldd_version_id | 1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
namespace_id | 1 | |||
steward_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
has_Property_Maps | 0..* | Property_Maps | ||
local_attribute | 0..* | DD_Attribute | ||
local_class | 0..* | DD_Class | ||
local_rule | 0..* | DD_Rule | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Instrument Host class provides a description of the phyiscal object upon which an instrument is mounted. This class captures the PDS3 catalog Instrument Host information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Instrument_Host_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | instrument_host_desc | 1 | ||
instrument_host_id | 1 | |||
instrument_host_name | 1 | |||
instrument_host_type | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Instrument class provides a description of a phyiscal object that collects data. This class captures the PDS3 catalog Instrument information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Instrument_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | instrument_desc | 1 | ||
instrument_id | 1 | |||
instrument_name | 1 | |||
instrument_serial_number | 1 | |||
instrument_type | 1 | |||
instrument_version_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Instrument_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Manifest SIP Deep Archive class is a Table Delimited for the NASA planetary science deep archive's Submission Information Package (SIP).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Table_Delimited | ||||
. . . . Manifest_SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
field_delimiter | 1 | Comma | ||
Horizontal Tab | ||||
Semicolon | ||||
Vertical Bar | ||||
comma | ||||
horizontal tab | ||||
semicolon | ||||
vertical bar | ||||
parsing_standard_id | 1 | PDS DSV 1 | R | |
record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | ||
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
records | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
has_delimited_record | 1 | Record_Delimited | ||
uniformly_sampled | 0..1 | Uniformly_Sampled | ||
Referenced from | File_Area_SIP_Deep_Archive |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Mission PDS3 class describes an activity involved in the collection of data. This class captures the PDS3 catalog Mission information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Mission_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | mission_desc | 1 | ||
mission_name | 1 | |||
mission_objectives_summary | 1 | |||
mission_start_date | 1 | |||
mission_stop_date | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Mission_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The NSSDC Information class provides identification information for data submitted to the NSSDC.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. NSSDC | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | medium_type | 1 | ||
nssdc_collection_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Data_Set_PDS3 |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Native Object defines a Digital Object in the original format returned by the spacecraft or experimental system when that format cannot be described using one of the PDS4 formats specified for observational data (tables or arrays).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Native_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Node class provides a description of an entity that provides local governance within the federated Planetary Data System.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Node | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
institution_name | 1 | |||
name | 1 | Engineering | ||
Geosciences | ||||
Imaging | ||||
Management | ||||
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility | ||||
Planetary Atmospheres | ||||
Planetary Plasma Interactions | ||||
Planetary Rings | ||||
Planetary Science Archive | ||||
Radio Science | ||||
Small Bodies | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Observational Object class defines a Digital Object produced by an observing system.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Observational_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The PDS Affiliate class provides a description of a person who has an association with the planetary science community and has access to PDS resources not normally allowed to the general public.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . PDS_Affiliate | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | affiliation_type | 1 | Affiliate | |
Data Provider | ||||
Manager | ||||
Technical Staff | ||||
alternate_telephone_number | 0..1 | |||
description | 1 | |||
electronic_mail_address | 0..* | |||
institution_name | 1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
phone_book_flag | 1 | |||
postal_address_text | 1 | |||
registration_date | 1 | |||
sort_name | 1 | |||
team_name | 0..* | Engineering | ||
Geosciences | ||||
Headquarters | ||||
Imaging | ||||
Management | ||||
National Space Science Data Center | ||||
Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility | ||||
Planetary Atmospheres | ||||
Planetary Plasma Interactions | ||||
Planetary Rings | ||||
Radio Science | ||||
Small Bodies | ||||
telephone_number | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The PDS_Guest class is the default description of a person who has an association with the planetary science community and who has the most limited access to PDS resources.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . PDS_Guest | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
electronic_mail_address | 0..* | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
registration_date | 1 | |||
sort_name | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Context |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Physical Context Object class defines a Phyiscal Object that is used to provide contextual information for an Observational Object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Physical_Object | ||||
. . Physical_Context_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Physical Object class defines a tangible object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Physical_Object | ||||
Subclass | Physical_Context_Object | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Data_Set_PDS3 | |||
Facility | ||||
Instrument | ||||
Instrument_Host | ||||
Instrument_Host_PDS3 | ||||
Instrument_PDS3 | ||||
Observing_System | ||||
PDS_Affiliate | ||||
PDS_Guest | ||||
Target | ||||
Target_PDS3 | ||||
Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Volume_Set_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Property Map class defines a table consisting of a set of data elements and their values. The data elements in this table are considered to be locally defined and not subject to standards except for nomenclature rules.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Property_Map | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
external_namespace_id | 0..* | |||
identifier | 0..1 | |||
instance_id | 0..* | |||
model_object_id | 1 | |||
model_object_type | 1 | |||
title | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_Property_Map_Entry | 1..* | Property_Map_Entry | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Property_Maps |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The property map entry consists of a property name and one or more values.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Property_Map_Entry | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | property_name | 1 | ||
property_value | 1..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Property_Map |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Property Maps class defines a collection of one or more related Property Maps.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Property_Maps | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
external_property_map_id | 0..* | |||
identifier | 1 | |||
namespace_id | 1 | |||
title | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_property_map | 1..* | Property_Map | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Ingest_LDD |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The SIP Deep Archive class is a Submission Information Package (SIP) for the NASA planetary science deep archive.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package | ||||
. . . SIP_Deep_Archive | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | provider_site_id | 1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_SIP_Deep_Archive |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The SPICE Kernel Object defines a Supplemental Object that provides navigation ancillary information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
. . . SPICE_Kernel_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Service class provides a description of a web service or tool.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
. . Service | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | abstract_desc | 1 | ||
category | 1..* | Analysis | ||
Design | ||||
Dissemination | ||||
Generation | ||||
Planning | ||||
Reader | ||||
Search | ||||
Transformation | ||||
Validation | ||||
Visualization | ||||
description | 0..1 | |||
interface_type | 0..* | API | ||
Command-Line | ||||
GUI | ||||
Service | ||||
name | 1 | |||
release_date | 0..1 | |||
service_type | 1 | Service | ||
Tool | ||||
software_language | 0..* | |||
supported_operating_system_note | 0..1 | |||
system_requirements_note | 0..1 | |||
url | 1..* | |||
version_id | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Service |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Service Description class defines a file that contains a standardized service specification.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Parsable_Byte_Stream | ||||
. . . Service_Description | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | parsing_standard_id | 1 | WADL | R |
WSDL 2.n | ||||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
object_length | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Referenced from | File_Area_Service_Description |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Software class describes a software product
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Software | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | author_list | 0..1 | ||
description | 1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
programmers_manual_id | 1 | |||
software_id | 1 | |||
software_type | 1 | |||
software_version_id | 1 | |||
users_manual_id | 1 | |||
version_id *Deprecated* | 0..1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Software |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Software Binary class provides a description of a software code that is stored as a compiled binary file.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Software_Binary | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | files | 1 | ||
os_version | 1..* | |||
program_notes_id | 1 | |||
software_format_type | 1 | |||
supported_architecture_note | 1..* | |||
supported_operating_system_note | 1..* | |||
system_requirements_note | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Software |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Software Script class provides a description of a software code that is stored as a script.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Software_Script | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | files | 1 | ||
install_note | 1 | |||
supported_environment_note | 1 | |||
system_requirements_note | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Software |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Software Source class provides a description of a software code that is stored as source code.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Software_Source | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | compile_note | 1 | ||
files | 1 | |||
os_version | 1 | |||
program_notes_id | 1 | |||
software_dialect | 1 | |||
software_format_type | 1 | |||
software_language | 1 | |||
supported_architecture_note | 1..* | |||
supported_operating_system_note | 1..* | |||
system_requirements_note | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Software |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Submission Information Package (SIP) class is an Information Package that is delivered by a Data Provider to an archive that conforms to the Open Archive Information System (OAIS) Reference Model for use in the construction of one or more AIPs.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Information_Package | ||||
. . . Submission_Information_Package | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | description | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_SIP |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Subscriber PDS3 class provides the name of the subscriber and their subscription list.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Subscriber_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | full_name | 1 | ||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
subscription_id | 1..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Subscription_PDS3 |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Supplemental Object defines a Digital Object that is supplementary to an Observational Object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
Subclass | Ancillary_Object | |||
Archive_Support_Object | ||||
Document_Object | ||||
Finding_Aid_Object | ||||
SPICE_Kernel_Object | ||||
Update_Object | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Symbolic_Literals_PDS class is used to collect orphan attributes for the pds namespace. These attributes are members by default of the USER class but not members of any domain class.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Symbolic_Literals_PDS | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | nil_reason | 0..1 | anticipated | |
inapplicable | ||||
missing | ||||
unknown | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Tagged NonDigital Object (TNDO) Context class is an abstract class for the context class hierarchy.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context | ||||
Subclass | Agency | |||
Facility | ||||
Instrument | ||||
Instrument_Host | ||||
Investigation | ||||
Node | ||||
Observing_System | ||||
Other | ||||
PDS_Affiliate | ||||
PDS_Guest | ||||
Resource | ||||
Service | ||||
Target | ||||
Telescope | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Tagged NonDigital Object (TNDO) Context PDS3 class is an abstract class for the PDS3 context class hierarchy.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | Data_Set_PDS3 | |||
Instrument_Host_PDS3 | ||||
Instrument_PDS3 | ||||
Mission_PDS3 | ||||
Subscriber_PDS3 | ||||
Target_PDS3 | ||||
Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Volume_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Tagged NonDigital Object (TNDO) Supplemental class is an abstract class for the supplemental class hierarchy.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
Subclass | Band_Bin | |||
Band_Bin_Set | ||||
Bundle | ||||
Collection | ||||
DD_Attribute | ||||
DD_Attribute_Full | ||||
DD_Class | ||||
DD_Class_Full | ||||
DD_Rule | ||||
DD_Rule_Statement | ||||
Display_2D_Image | ||||
Document | ||||
Field_Statistics | ||||
Geometry | ||||
Information_Package | ||||
Information_Package_Component | ||||
Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive | ||||
Ingest_LDD | ||||
Object_Statistics | ||||
Property_Map | ||||
Property_Map_Entry | ||||
Property_Maps | ||||
Quaternion | ||||
Software | ||||
Software_Binary | ||||
Software_Script | ||||
Software_Source | ||||
Symbolic_Literals_PDS | ||||
Update | ||||
Vector | ||||
Vector_Cartesian_3 | ||||
Zip | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Child
Class Description:The Tagged Digital Child class is an abstract class for the components of classes in the tagged digital object class hierarchy.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Child | |||
Subclass | Axis_Array | |||
Element_Array | ||||
Field | ||||
Group | ||||
Packed_Data_Fields | ||||
Record | ||||
Special_Constants | ||||
Uniformly_Sampled | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Tagged Digital Object class is an abstract class for the digital class hierarchy. A tagged object is an information object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
Subclass | Byte_Stream | |||
File | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The Tagged NonDigital Child class is an abstract class for the components of classes in the tagged nondigital object class hierarchy.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
Subclass | DD_Association | |||
DD_Association_External | ||||
DD_Attribute_Reference | ||||
DD_Class_Reference | ||||
DD_Permissible_Value | ||||
DD_Permissible_Value_Full | ||||
DD_Value_Domain | ||||
DD_Value_Domain_Full | ||||
Document_Edition | ||||
NSSDC | ||||
Observing_System_Component | ||||
Quaternion_Component | ||||
Terminological_Entry | ||||
Vector_Component | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Tagged NonDigital Object class is an abstract class for the physical and conceptual class hierarchy. A tagged object is an information object.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
Subclass | TNDO_Context | |||
TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Target class provides a description of a phyiscal object that is the object of data collection. This class captures the PDS3 catalog Target information.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Target_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | orbit_direction | 0..* | ||
primary_body_name | 1 | |||
rotation_direction | 0..1 | |||
target_desc | 1 | |||
target_name | 1 | |||
target_type | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Physical_Object | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Target_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The terminological_entry class provides the name (designation) and definition of the attribute in a specified natural language.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. Terminological_Entry | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | definition | 1 | ||
instance_id | 0..1 | |||
language | 1 | English | ||
Russian | ||||
name | 1 | |||
preferred_flag | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | source | 0..* | External_Reference_Extended | |
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | DD_Attribute | |||
DD_Attribute_Full | ||||
DD_Class | ||||
DD_Class_Full | ||||
DD_Permissible_Value | ||||
DD_Permissible_Value_Full |
Root Class:Tagged_Digital_Object
Class Description:The Transfer_Manifest class defines a table that maps product LIDVIDs to the file_specificaition_names of the products' XML label files.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_Digital_Object | |||
. Byte_Stream | ||||
. . Table_Base | ||||
. . . Table_Character | ||||
. . . . Transfer_Manifest | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | local_identifier | 0..1 | ||
name | 0..1 | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
offset | 1 | |||
records | 1 | |||
record_delimiter | 1 | Carriage-Return Line-Feed | ||
carriage-return line-feed | ||||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | data_object | 1 | Digital_Object | |
has_Record | 1 | Record_Character | ||
uniformly_sampled | 0..1 | Uniformly_Sampled | ||
Referenced from | File_Area_Transfer_Manifest |
Root Class:Data_Object
Class Description:The Update Object defines a Supplemental Object that is used to update an other Objects.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Object | |||
. Digital_Object | ||||
. . Supplemental_Object | ||||
. . . Update_Object | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | bit_string | 1 | ||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Volume_PDS3 class is used to capture the volume information from the PDS3 Data Set Catalog.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Volume_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | archive_status | 1 | ARCHIVED | |
IN_QUEUE | ||||
SAFED | ||||
archive_status_note | 1 | |||
curating_node_id | 0..* | |||
description | 0..1 | |||
medium_type | 1 | |||
publication_date | 1 | |||
volume_de_fullname | 1 | |||
volume_format | 1 | |||
volume_id | 1 | |||
volume_name | 1 | |||
volume_set_id | 1 | |||
volume_size | 1 | |||
volume_version_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Physical_Object | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Volume_PDS3 |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Volume_Set_PDS3 class is used to capture the volume set information from the PDS3 Data Set Catalog.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Context_PDS3 | ||||
. . Volume_Set_PDS3 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 0..1 | ||
volume_series_name | 1 | |||
volume_set_id | 1 | |||
volume_set_name | 1 | |||
volumes | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
Physical_Object | ||||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Product_Volume_Set_PDS3 |
This section provides the sets of classes associated with the imaging discipline.
The image discipline class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Display_Settings
+ + + Quaternion
The class hierarchy above includes 7 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 13 Imaging Discipline UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the discipline classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Color_Display_Settings class provides guidance to data users on how to display a multi-banded Array object on a color-capable display device.
Namespace Id:disp
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Color_Display_Settings | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | blue_channel_band | 1 | ||
color_display_axis | 1 | |||
comment | 0..1 | |||
green_channel_band | 1 | |||
red_channel_band | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Display_Settings |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Display_Direction class specifies how two of the dimensions of an Array object should be displayed in the vertical (line) and horizontal (sample) dimensions of a display device.
Namespace Id:disp
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Display_Direction | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
horizontal_display_axis | 1 | |||
horizontal_display_direction | 1 | Left to Right | ||
Right to Left | ||||
vertical_display_axis | 1 | |||
vertical_display_direction | 1 | Bottom to Top | ||
Top to Bottom | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Display_Settings |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Display_Settings class contains one or more classes describing how data should be displayed on a display device.
Namespace Id:disp
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Display_Settings | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | has_color_display_settings | 0..1 | Color_Display_Settings | |
has_display_direction | 1 | Display_Direction | ||
has_movie_display_settings | 0..1 | Movie_Display_Settings | ||
local_internal_reference | 1 | Local_Internal_Reference | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Movie_Display_Settings class provides default values for the display of a multi-banded Array using a software application capable of displaying video content.
Namespace Id:disp
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Movie_Display_Settings | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | comment | 0..1 | ||
frame_rate | 0..1 | |||
loop_back_and_forth_flag | 0..1 | false | ||
true | ||||
loop_count | 0..1 | |||
loop_delay | 0..1 | |||
loop_flag | 0..1 | false | ||
true | ||||
time_display_axis | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Display_Settings |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Object
Class Description:The Quaternion class models a mathematical construct that consists of four individual numeric components. Quaternions are a convenient mechanism for encapsulating orientation information since they require only four units of numeric storage, as opposed to the nine needed for a rotation matrix.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Object | |||
. TNDO_Supplemental | ||||
. . Quaternion | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | description | 1 | ||
local_identifier | 0..1 | |||
name | 1 | |||
type | 1 | SPICE | ||
Spacecraft Telemetry | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | data_object | 1 | Conceptual_Object | |
quaternion_component | 4 | Quaternion_Component | ||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Tagged_NonDigital_Child
Class Description:The Quaternion_Component class provides a component of a quaternion.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:1.n.0.0
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Tagged_NonDigital_Child | |||
. Quaternion_Component | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | data_type | 1 | ASCII_Real | |
description | 0..1 | |||
name | 0..1 | |||
sequence_number | 1 | |||
value | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | Quaternion |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:The Telemetry_Parameters class contains downlink-related attributes used primarily during mission operations.
Namespace Id:img
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Telemetry_Parameters | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | application_process_id | 0..1 | ||
application_process_name | 0..1 | |||
earth_received_start_date_time | 0..1 | |||
earth_received_stop_date_time | 0..1 | |||
expected_packets | 0..1 | |||
packet_map_mask | 0..1 | |||
received_packets | 0..1 | |||
spice_file_name | 0..1 | |||
telemetry_format_id | 0..1 | |||
telemetry_provider_id | 0..1 | |||
telemetry_source_name | 0..1 | |||
telemetry_source_type | 0..1 | DATA_PRODUCT | ||
SFDU | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
This section provides the sets of classes associated with the rings discipline.
The rings discipline class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + NAIF_Supplement
+ + Rings_Supplement
The class hierarchy above includes 5 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
The following sections present the discipline classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:This class is required for NAIF attributes that are to be used across disciplines.
Namespace Id:rings
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. NAIF_Supplement | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | spice_kernel_file_name | 0..1 | ||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:This class is required for all radio ring occultations
Namespace Id:rings
Version Id:
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:This class is required for all radio ring occultation calibration and geometry supplemental files.
Namespace Id:rings
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Radio_Occultation_Support | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | dsn_station_number | 1 | ||
frequency_band | 1 | C | ||
D | ||||
E | ||||
F | ||||
G | ||||
H | ||||
K | ||||
Ka | ||||
Ku | ||||
Q | ||||
R | ||||
S | ||||
U | ||||
V | ||||
W | ||||
X | ||||
Y | ||||
maximum_observed_event_time | 1 | |||
minimum_observed_event_time | 1 | |||
occultation_type | 1 | Radio | ||
Solar | ||||
Stellar | ||||
orbit_number | 0..* | |||
planetary_occultation_flag | 0..1 | N | ||
Y | ||||
reference_time_utc | 1 | |||
ring_observation_id | 1 | |||
ring_occultation_direction | 1 | Both | ||
Egress | ||||
Ingress | ||||
Multiple | ||||
ring_profile_direction | 1 | Egress | ||
Ingress | ||||
Multiple | ||||
sampling_parameter_interval | 1 | |||
sampling_parameter_name | 1 | |||
sampling_parameter_unit | 1 | |||
spice_filename | 0..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:This class is required for all Rings Node currated data products
Namespace Id:rings
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Product_Components | |||
. Rings_Supplement | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | ring_observation_id | 1 | ||
source_pds3_id | 0..* | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Product_Components
Class Description:This class is required for all stellar ring occultations
Namespace Id:rings
Version Id:
This section provides the sets of classes associated with the Geometry discipline.
The discipline class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
The class hierarchy above includes 0 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
The following sections present the discipline classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
This section provides the sets of classes associated with the Cartography discipline.
The discipline class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
The class hierarchy above includes 0 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
The following sections present the discipline classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
This section defines the PDS4 data types.
The Data Type class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + + Complex
+ + + + ComplexLSB16
+ + + + ComplexLSB8
+ + + + ComplexMSB16
+ + + + ComplexMSB8
+ + + Decimal_Integer
+ + + + SignedBitString
+ + + + SignedByte
+ + + + SignedLSB2
+ + + + SignedLSB4
+ + + + SignedLSB8
+ + + + SignedMSB2
+ + + + SignedMSB4
+ + + + SignedMSB8
+ + + + UnsignedBitString
+ + + + UnsignedByte
+ + + + UnsignedLSB2
+ + + + UnsignedLSB4
+ + + + UnsignedLSB8
+ + + + UnsignedMSB2
+ + + + UnsignedMSB4
+ + + + UnsignedMSB8
+ + + Decimal_Real
+ + + + IEEE754LSBDouble
+ + + + IEEE754LSBSingle
+ + + + IEEE754MSBDouble
+ + + + IEEE754MSBSingle
+ + + ASCII_AnyURI
+ + + ASCII_Boolean
+ + + ASCII_Date
+ + + ASCII_Date_DOY
+ + + ASCII_Date_Time
+ + + ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
+ + + ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
+ + + ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
+ + + ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
+ + + ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
+ + + ASCII_Date_YMD
+ + + ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
+ + + ASCII_File_Name
+ + + ASCII_File_Specification_Name
+ + + ASCII_Integer
+ + + ASCII_MD5_Checksum
+ + + ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
+ + + ASCII_Numeric_Base16
+ + + ASCII_Numeric_Base2
+ + + ASCII_Numeric_Base8
+ + + ASCII_Real
+ + + ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
+ + + ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
+ + + ASCII_String
+ + + ASCII_Text_Collapsed
+ + + ASCII_Text_Preserved
+ + + ASCII_Time
+ + + UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
+ + + UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
+ + + UTF8_String
+ + + UTF8_Text_Preserved
The class hierarchy above includes 64 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 15 DataType UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII AnyURI class indicates a URI or its subclasses URN and URL.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_AnyURI | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:anyURI | R | |
Inherited Attribute | formation_rule | 1 | ||
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Boolean class indicates a boolean. The allowed values are 'true' and 'false'.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Boolean | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:boolean | R |
Inherited Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ||
character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | ||
formation_rule | 1 | |||
maximum_characters | 1 | |||
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_characters | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII DOI class indicates a digital object identifier (DOI).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_DOI | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | 10.ssss/sss | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | 10\.\S+/\S+ | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date class indicates a date in either YMD or DOY format.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Date | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-DOY | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | (-)?[0-9]{4} | R | |
(-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6])))) | ||||
(-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2])) | ||||
(-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1])) | ||||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_DOY class indicates a date in DOY format.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Date_DOY | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | YYYY-DOY | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z?) | R | |
(-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(Z?) | ||||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_Time class indicates a date in either YMD or DOY format and time.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_Time_DOY class indicates a date in DOY format and time.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC class indicates a date (in DOY format) and time in UTC.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_Time_UTC class indicates a date and time in UTC format.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_Time_YMD class indicates a date in YMD format and time.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC class indicates a date (in YMD format) and time in UTC.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Date_YMD class indicates a date in YMD format.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Date_YMD | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | YYYY-MM-DD | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z?) | R | |
(-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))(Z?) | ||||
(-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(Z?) | ||||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII Directory Path Name class indicates a system directory path.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Directory_Path_Name | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | dir1/dir2/ | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII File Name class indicates a system file name.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_File_Name | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | file_name.file_extension | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII File Specification Name class indicates a system file including directory path, file name, and file extension.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_File_Specification_Name | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | dir1/dir2/file_name.file_extension | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Integer class indicates an integer.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Integer | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:integer | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_LID class indicates a logical identifier.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_LID | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | urn:nasa:pds:xxxx | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 14 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_LIDVID class indicates a logical identifier and version identifier.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_LIDVID | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | urn:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 19 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_LIDVID_LID class indicates a logical identifier and version identifier or simply the logical identfier.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | urn:nasa:pds:xxxx/urn:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 14 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII MD5 Checksum class indicates a checksum computed by the Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5).
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_MD5_Checksum | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | 0123456789abcdef | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 32 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 32 | R | |
pattern | 1 | [0-9a-fA-F]{32} | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_NonNegative_Integer class indicates a non-negative integer.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_NonNegative_Integer | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:nonNegativeInteger | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII Numeric Base16 class indicates a ASCII encoded string constrained to hexadecimal digits.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Numeric_Base16 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:hexBinary | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII Numeric Base2 class indicates a ASCII encoded string constrained to binary digits.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Numeric_Base2 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | [0-1]{1,255} | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII Numeric Base8 class indicates a ASCII encoded string constrained to octal digits.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Numeric_Base8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
pattern | 1 | [0-7]{1,255} | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Real class indicates a real.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Real | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:double | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed class indicates a limited length, whitespace-collapsed string.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Short_String_Preserved class indicates a limited length, whitespace-preserved string.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Short_String_Preserved | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_String class indicates a limited length ASCII text string with whitespaces removed.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_String | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
maximum_characters | 1 | |||
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Text_Collapsed class indicates an unlimited length, whitespace-collapsed text string.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Text_Collapsed | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Text_Preserved class indicates an unlimited length, whitespace-preserved text string.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Text_Preserved | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_Time class indicates a time value.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_Time | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | HH:MM:SS.SSS | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | R | ||
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | (([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z?) | R | |
(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)((\.[0-9]+)|)(Z?) | ||||
(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z?) | ||||
24:00((:00((\.0+)|))|)(Z?) | ||||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The ASCII_VID class indicates a version identifier.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . ASCII_VID | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ASCII | R |
formation_rule | 1 | M.n | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 100 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 3 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
pattern | 1 | 0\.([1-9]|([0-9][0-9]+)) | R | |
[1-9][0-9]* | ||||
[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+ | ||||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The Character Data Type class is the parent class for data types used to classify the values of attributes in class descriptions, i.e., product labels and character digital objects.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Complex Binary Data Types
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Complex | ||||
Subclass | ComplexLSB16 | |||
ComplexLSB8 | ||||
ComplexMSB16 | ||||
ComplexMSB8 | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Complex number consisting of two LSB 8 byte decimal reals.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Complex | ||||
. . . ComplexLSB16 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Complex number consisting of two LSB 4 byte decimal reals.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Complex | ||||
. . . ComplexLSB8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Complex number consisting of two MSB 8 byte decimal reals.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Complex | ||||
. . . ComplexMSB16 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Complex number consisting of two MSB 4 byte decimal reals.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Complex | ||||
. . . ComplexMSB8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Decimal Integer Binary Data Types
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
Subclass | SignedBitString | |||
SignedByte | ||||
SignedLSB2 | ||||
SignedLSB4 | ||||
SignedLSB8 | ||||
SignedMSB2 | ||||
SignedMSB4 | ||||
SignedMSB8 | ||||
UnsignedBitString | ||||
UnsignedByte | ||||
UnsignedLSB2 | ||||
UnsignedLSB4 | ||||
UnsignedLSB8 | ||||
UnsignedMSB2 | ||||
UnsignedMSB4 | ||||
UnsignedMSB8 | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Floating Point Binary Data Types
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Real | ||||
Subclass | IEEE754LSBDouble | |||
IEEE754LSBSingle | ||||
IEEE754MSBDouble | ||||
IEEE754MSBSingle | ||||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:IEEE 754 LSB double precision floating point
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Real | ||||
. . . IEEE754LSBDouble | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:IEEE 754 LSB single precision floating point
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Real | ||||
. . . IEEE754LSBSingle | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:IEEE 754 MSB double precision floating point
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Real | ||||
. . . IEEE754MSBDouble | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:IEEE 754 MSB single precision floating point
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Real | ||||
. . . IEEE754MSBSingle | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed Bit String
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedBitString | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 8-bit byte
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedByte | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 2's-complement LSB 2-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedLSB2 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 2's-complement LSB 4-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedLSB4 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 2's-complement LSB 8-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedLSB8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 2's-complement MSB 2-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedMSB2 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 2's-complement MSB 4-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedMSB4 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Signed 2's-complement MSB 8-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . SignedMSB8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed class indicates a limited length, whitespace-collapsed string constrained to the UTF-8 character encoding.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The UTF8_Short_String_Preserved class indicates a limited length, whitespace-preserved string constrained to the UTF-8 character encoding.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . UTF8_Short_String_Preserved | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | 255 | R | |
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The UTF8_String class indicates a limited length UTF8 text string with whitespaces removed.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . UTF8_String | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R |
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:token | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | ||
character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | ||
formation_rule | 1 | |||
maximum_characters | 1 | |||
maximum_value | 1 | |||
minimum_value | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:The UTF8_Text_Preserved class indicates an unlimited length, whitespace-preserved text string constrained to the UTF-8 character encoding.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Character_Data_Type | ||||
. . UTF8_Text_Preserved | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | character_constraint | 1 | R | |
maximum_characters | 1 | R | ||
maximum_value | 1 | R | ||
minimum_characters | 1 | 1 | R | |
minimum_value | 1 | R | ||
xml_schema_base_type | 1 | xsd:string | R | |
Inherited Attribute | character_encoding | 1 | UTF-8 | |
formation_rule | 1 | |||
pattern | 1 | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned Bit String
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedBitString | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 8-bit byte
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedByte | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 2's-complement LSB 2-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedLSB2 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 2's-complement LSB 4-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedLSB4 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 2's-complement LSB 8-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedLSB8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 2's-complement MSB 2-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedMSB2 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 2's-complement MSB 4-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedMSB4 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Data_Type
Class Description:Unsigned 2's-complement MSB 8-byte integer
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Data_Type | |||
. Binary_Data_Type | ||||
. . Decimal_Integer | ||||
. . . UnsignedMSB8 | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | none | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
This section defines the PDS4 units of measure.
The units of measure class hierarchy is illustrated in the following diagram. This diagram presents the subclassOf relation for each class using a hierarchical (tree) format, providing a visual representation of the classes in relation to their parent classes.
+ + Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance
+ + Units_of_Angle
+ + Units_of_Area
+ + Units_of_Current
+ + Units_of_Length
+ + Units_of_Mass
+ + Units_of_Misc
+ + Units_of_None
+ + Units_of_Optical_Path_Length
+ + Units_of_Rates
+ + Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance
+ + Units_of_Spectral_Radiance
+ + Units_of_Storage
+ + Units_of_Time
+ + Units_of_Voltage
+ + Units_of_Volume
The class hierarchy above includes 28 unique classes.
The classes in this section are illustrated using a Unified Modeling Language (UML) class hierarchy diagram in the following figure.
Figure 16 DataType UML Class Diagram
The following sections present the classes in a table format. The table includes the class hierarchy, class attributes, and class associations. The class attributes and associations listed include both those used to define the class and those inherited from parent classes. Cardinalities are provided where appropriate.
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:The Unit_Of_Measure is a definite magnitude of a quantity.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
Subclass | Units_of_Acceleration | |||
Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance | ||||
Units_of_Angle | ||||
Units_of_Angular_Velocity | ||||
Units_of_Area | ||||
Units_of_Current | ||||
Units_of_Frame_Rate | ||||
Units_of_Frequency | ||||
Units_of_Length | ||||
Units_of_Map_Scale | ||||
Units_of_Mass | ||||
Units_of_Misc | ||||
Units_of_None | ||||
Units_of_Optical_Path_Length | ||||
Units_of_Pressure | ||||
Units_of_Radiance | ||||
Units_of_Rates | ||||
Units_of_Solid_Angle | ||||
Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance | ||||
Units_of_Spectral_Radiance | ||||
Units_of_Storage | ||||
Units_of_Temperature | ||||
Units_of_Time | ||||
Units_of_Velocity | ||||
Units_of_Voltage | ||||
Units_of_Volume | ||||
Units_of_Wavenumber | ||||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | ||
type | 1 | |||
unit_id | 1 | |||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Acceleration is a magnitude of acceleration.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Acceleration | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | m/s**2 | R |
type | 1 | Acceleration | R | |
unit_id | 1 | cm/s**2 | R | |
km/s**2 | ||||
m/s**2 | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance is a magnitude of mass.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | mol | R |
type | 1 | Amount_Of_Substance | R | |
unit_id | 1 | mol | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Angle is a magnitude of angle.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Angle | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | deg | R |
type | 1 | Angle | R | |
unit_id | 1 | arcmin | R | |
arcsec | ||||
deg | ||||
hr | ||||
mrad | ||||
rad | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Angular_Velocity is a magnitude of speed of rotation.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Angular_Velocity | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | deg/s | R |
type | 1 | Angular_Velocity | R | |
unit_id | 1 | deg/day | R | |
deg/s | ||||
rad/s | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Area is a magnitude of area.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Area | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | m**2 | R |
type | 1 | Area | R | |
unit_id | 1 | m**2 | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Current is a magnitude of current.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Current | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | A | R |
type | 1 | Current | R | |
unit_id | 1 | A | R | |
mA | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Frame_Rate is a magnitude of change.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Frame_Rate | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | frames/s | R |
type | 1 | Frame_Rate | R | |
unit_id | 1 | frames/s | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Frequency is a magnitude of frequency.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Frequency | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | Hz | R |
type | 1 | Frequency | R | |
unit_id | 1 | Hz | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Length is a magnitude of length.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Length | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | m | R |
type | 1 | Length | R | |
unit_id | 1 | AU | R | |
Angstrom | ||||
cm | ||||
km | ||||
m | ||||
micrometer | ||||
mm | ||||
nm | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Map_Scale is a proportional representation.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Map_Scale | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | pixel/deg | R |
type | 1 | Scale | R | |
unit_id | 1 | km/pixel | R | |
m/pixel | ||||
mm/pixel | ||||
pixel/deg | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Mass is a magnitude of mass.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Mass | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | kg | R |
type | 1 | Mass | R | |
unit_id | 1 | g | R | |
kg | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Misc provides an assortment of derived units.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Misc | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | DN | R |
type | 1 | Miscellaneous | R | |
unit_id | 1 | DN | R | |
electron/DN | ||||
pixel | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_None indicates that no unit of measure applies.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_None | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | none | R |
type | 1 | None | R | |
unit_id | 1 | none | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Optical_Path_Length is a magnitude of optical path length.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Optical_Path_Length | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | airmass | R |
type | 1 | Optical_Path_Length | R | |
unit_id | 1 | airmass | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Pressure is a magnitude of pressure.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Pressure | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | bar | R |
type | 1 | Pressure | R | |
unit_id | 1 | Pa | R | |
bar | ||||
hPa | ||||
mbar | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Radiance is a magnitude of radiance.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Radiance | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | W/(m**2*sr) | R |
type | 1 | Radiance | R | |
unit_id | 1 | W*m**-2*sr**-1 | R | |
W/(m**2*sr) | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Rate is a magnitude of change.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Rates | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | counts/bin | R |
type | 1 | Rates | R | |
unit_id | 1 | counts/bin | R | |
kilobits/s | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Solid_Angle is a magnitude of a solid angle.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Solid_Angle | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | sr | R |
type | 1 | Solid_Angle | R | |
unit_id | 1 | sr | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:A measure of the power of radiation at a particular frequency or wavelength that passes through a unit area.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | W/m**3 | R |
type | 1 | Spectral_Irradiance | R | |
unit_id | 1 | SFU | R | |
W*m**-2*Hz**-1 | ||||
W*m**-2*nm**-1 | ||||
W*m**-3 | ||||
W/m**2/Hz | ||||
W/m**2/nm | ||||
W/m**3 | ||||
uW*cm**-2*um**-1 | ||||
μW/cm**2/μm | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:A measure of the power of radiation at a particular frequency or wavelength that passes through a unit area and a unit solid angle in a specified direction.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Spectral_Radiance | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | W/m**3/sr | R |
type | 1 | Spectral_Radiance | R | |
unit_id | 1 | W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1 | R | |
W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1 | ||||
W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 | ||||
W*m**-3*sr**-1 | ||||
W/m**2/sr/Hz | ||||
W/m**2/sr/nm | ||||
W/m**2/sr/μm | ||||
W/m**3/sr | ||||
uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 | ||||
μW/cm**2/sr/μm | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Storage is an amount of computer storage.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Storage | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | byte | R |
type | 1 | Storage | R | |
unit_id | 1 | byte | R | |
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Temperature is a magnitude of temperature.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Temperature | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | degC | R |
type | 1 | Temperature | R | |
unit_id | 1 | K | R | |
degC | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Time is a magnitude of time.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Time | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | s | R |
type | 1 | Time | R | |
unit_id | 1 | day | R | |
hr | ||||
julian day | ||||
microseconds | ||||
min | ||||
ms | ||||
s | ||||
yr | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Velocity is a magnitude of velocity.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Velocity | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | m/s | R |
type | 1 | Velocity | R | |
unit_id | 1 | cm/s | R | |
km/s | ||||
m/s | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Voltage is a magnitude of voltage.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Voltage | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | V | R |
type | 1 | Voltage | R | |
unit_id | 1 | V | R | |
mV | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Volume is a magnitude of volume.
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Volume | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | L | R |
type | 1 | Volume | R | |
unit_id | 1 | L | R | |
m**3 | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
Root Class:Unit_Of_Measure
Class Description:Units_of_Wavenumber is the number of waves that occur per unit distance, i.e., inverse length
Namespace Id:pds
Version Id:
Entity | Card | Value/Class | Ind | |
Hierarchy | Unit_Of_Measure | |||
. Units_of_Wavenumber | ||||
Subclass | none | |||
Attribute | specified_unit_id | 1 | 1/cm | R |
type | 1 | Wavenumber | R | |
unit_id | 1 | 1/cm | R | |
1/m | ||||
1/nm | ||||
cm**-1 | ||||
m**-1 | ||||
nm**-1 | ||||
Inherited Attribute | none | |||
Association | none | |||
Inherited Association | none | |||
Referenced from | none |
This section presents the data model for the Information Object, a fundamental component of the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model. The Information Object provides a model for the unification of PDS Objects under the PDS defined extensions, the PDS_Information_Object, the Tagged_Data_Object, and two Context classes.
Figure 17 PDS Object Unification Using OAIS Information Object
The Specification Dictionary provides the definitions of data elements and associations. The data elements are those that are used as class attributes in this specification. They represent a subset of those in the Planetary Science Data Dictionary. The associations are those that are defined and used in this specification.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Class
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Facility
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Address
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Affiliate - The individual has a relationship with PDS that is more substantial than 'none' or 'data user'and is not described by one of the other enumerated values
- Data Provider - The individual prepares and/or delivers data to PDS
- Manager - The individual is a manager within PDS
- Technical Staff - The individual works for PDS in a technical capacity.
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_Identification
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Alias
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Alias
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Title
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Specified Unit Id: m
Class Name: Telescope
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Specified Unit Id: m
Class Name: Telescope
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 127
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Status
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- ARCHIVED - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is ARCHIVED (passed peer review with all liens resolved. Available through the Data Set Catalog and at NSSDC).
- ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the data set are ARCHIVED, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION (peer review completed; liens are in the process of being resolved; use with caution).
- IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the data set are IN LIEN RESOLUTION, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- IN_PEER_REVIEW - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is IN_PEER_REVIEW (under peer review at the curation node but evaluation is not complete; use with caution).
- IN_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is IN_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the data set are IN PEER REVIEW, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- IN_QUEUE - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is IN_QUEUE (received at the curation node but no action has been taken by the curation node; use with caution).
- IN_QUEUE_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is IN_QUEUE_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the data set are IN QUEUE, but other parts have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- LOCALLY_ARCHIVED - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is LOCALLY_ARCHIVED (passed peer review with all liens resolved; considered archived by the curation node but awaiting completion of the standard archiving process; possible TBD items include the arrival of the archive volume at NSSDC and ingestion of catalog information into the Data Set Catalog).
- LOCALLY_ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is LOCALLY_ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the data set are LOCALLY ARCHIVED, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- PRE_PEER_REVIEW - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is PRE_PEER_REVIEW (being prepared for peer review under the direction of the curation node; use with caution).'
- PRE_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is PRE_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the data set are in PRE PEER REVIEW, but other parts are IN QUEUE and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- SAFED - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is SAFED (the data set has been received by the PDS with no evaluation; data will not be formally archived).
- SUPERSEDED - Archive status of the PDS3 data set is SUPERSEDED (this data set has been replaced by a newer version, implying that the data set is not to be used unless the requester has specific reasons; when a data set has been superseded the Engineering Node, will notify NSSDC that their databases need to be updated to advise users of the new status and the location of the replacement data set).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Status
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- ARCHIVED - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is ARCHIVED (passed peer review with all liens resolved. Available through the Data Set Catalog and at NSSDC).
- ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the volume are ARCHIVED, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION (peer review completed; liens are in the process of being resolved; use with caution).
- IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is IN_LIEN_RESOLUTION_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the volume are IN LIEN RESOLUTION, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- IN_PEER_REVIEW - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is IN_PEER_REVIEW (under peer review at the curation node but evaluation is not complete; use with caution).
- IN_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is IN_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the volume are IN PEER REVIEW, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- IN_QUEUE - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is IN_QUEUE (received at the curation node but no action has been taken by the curation node; use with caution).
- IN_QUEUE_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is IN_QUEUE_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the volume are IN QUEUE, but other parts have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- LOCALLY_ARCHIVED - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is LOCALLY_ARCHIVED (passed peer review with all liens resolved; considered archived by the curation node but awaiting completion of the standard archiving process; possible TBD items include the arrival of the archive volume at NSSDC and ingestion of catalog information into the Data Set Catalog).
- LOCALLY_ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is LOCALLY_ARCHIVED_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the volume are LOCALLY ARCHIVED, but other parts are in earlier stages of the archiving process and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- PRE_PEER_REVIEW - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is PRE_PEER_REVIEW (being prepared for peer review under the direction of the curation node; use with caution).
- PRE_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is PRE_PEER_REVIEW_ACCUMULATING (some parts of the volume are in PRE PEER REVIEW, but other parts are IN QUEUE and/or have not yet been delivered to PDS; use with caution).
- SAFED - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is SAFED (the volume has been received by the PDS with no evaluation; data will not be formally archived).
- SUPERSEDED - Archive status of the PDS3 volume is SUPERSEDED (this volume has been replaced by a newer version, implying that the volume is not to be used unless the requester has specific reasons; when a volume has been superseded the Engineering Node, will notify NSSDC that their databases need to be updated to advise users of the new status and the location of the replacement volume).
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Address - The attribute has been classified as being an Address
- Angle - The attribute has been classified as being an Angle
- Attribute - The attribute has been classified as being an Attribute
- Bit - The attribute has been classified as being a Bit
- Checksum - The attribute has been classified as being a Checksum
- Collection - The attribute has been classified as being a Collection
- Constant - The attribute has been classified as being a Constant
- Cosine - The attribute has been classified as being a Cosine
- Count - The attribute has been classified as being a Count
- DOI - The attribute has been classified as being a DOI
- Delimiter - The attribute has been classified as being a Delimiter
- Description - The attribute has been classified as being a Description
- Deviation - The attribute has been classified as being a Deviation
- Direction - The attribute has been classified as being a Direction
- Distance - The attribute has been classified as being a Distance
- Duration - The attribute has been classified as being a Duration
- Factor - The attribute has been classified as being a Factor
- Flag - The attribute has been classified as being a Flag
- Format - The attribute has been classified as being a Format
- Group - The attribute has been classified as being a Group
- Home - The attribute has been classified as being a Home
- ID - The attribute has been classified as being an Identifier
- Latitude - The attribute has been classified as being a Latitude
- Length - The attribute has been classified as being a Length
- List - The attribute has been classified as being a List
- Location - The attribute has been classified as being a Location
- Logical - The attribute has been classified as being a Logical
- Longitude - The attribute has been classified as being a Longitude
- Mask - The attribute has been classified as being a Mask
- Maximum - The attribute has been classified as being a Maximum
- Mean - The attribute has been classified as being a Mean
- Median - The attribute has been classified as being a Median
- Minimum - The attribute has been classified as being a Minimum
- Name - The attribute has been classified as being a Name
- Note - The attribute has been classified as being a Note
- Number - The attribute has been classified as being a Number
- Offset - The attribute has been classified as being an Offset
- Order - The attribute has been classified as being an Order
- Parallel - The attribute has been classified as being a Parallel
- Password - The attribute has been classified as being a Password
- Path - The attribute has been classified as being a Path
- Pattern - The attribute has been classified as being a Pattern
- Pixel - The attribute has been classified as being a Pixel
- Quaternion - The attribute has been classified as being a Quaternion
- Radius - The attribute has been classified as being a Radius
- Ratio - The attribute has been classified as being a Ratio
- Reference - The attribute has been classified as being a Reference
- Resolution - The attribute has been classified as being a Resolution
- Role - The attribute has been classified as being a Role
- Rotation - The attribute has been classified as being a Rotation
- Scale - The attribute has been classified as being a Scale
- Sequence - The attribute has been classified as being a Sequence
- Set - The attribute has been classified as being a Set
- Size - The attribute has been classified as being a Size
- Status - The attribute has been classified as being a Status
- Summary - The attribute has been classified as being a Summary
- Syntax - The attribute has been classified as being a Syntax
- Temperature - The attribute has been classified as being a Temperature
- Text - The attribute has been classified as being a Text
- Title - The attribute has been classified as being a Title
- Type - The attribute has been classified as being a Type
- Unit - The attribute has been classified as being a Unit
- Unknown - The attribute has an Unknown classification
- Value - The attribute has been classified as being a Value
- Vector - The attribute has been classified as being a Vector
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: List
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Citation_Information
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: List
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: List
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Array
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Array_1D
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Array_1D has 1 axis
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Array_2D
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 2 - Array_2D has 2 axes
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Array_3D
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 3 - Array_3D has 3 axes
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Order
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Last Index Fastest - The values of a multi-dimensional array are stored in an order such that the last index changes fastest and the first index slowest.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Axis_Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Schematron Rule: The names of the first and second axis of an Array_2D_Image must be set to Line and Sample.
Schematron Rule: The name of the first axis of an Array_2D_Image must be set to either Line or Sample.
Schematron Rule: The name of the second axis of an Array_2D_Image must be set to either Line or Sample.
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 512
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Packed_Data_Fields
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: [0-1]{1,255}
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Mask
Conceptual Domain: Numeric
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Digital_Object
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Color_Display_Settings
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Bundle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Archive - The Bundle contains at least one data collection
- Supplemental - The Bundle does not contain a data collection
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Analysis - The tool or service provides functionality for analyzing data.
- Design - The tool or service provides functionality for designing product labels.
- Dissemination - The tool or service provides functionality for downloading products.
- Generation - The tool or service provides functionality for generating product labels.
- Planning - The tool or service provides functionality for planning data deliveries.
- Reader - The tool or service provides functionality for reading product labels and/or data files.
- Search - The tool or service provides functionality for searching for and retrieving information about data.
- Transformation - The tool or service provides functionality for transforming product labels and data into alternative formats.
- Validation - The tool or service provides functionality for validating product labels and data files.
- Visualization - The tool or service provides functionality for visualizing data.
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_AnyURI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_AnyURI must be ASCII.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_DOI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_DOI must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_DOY must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_Time must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_Time_DOY must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_Time_UTC must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_Time_YMD must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Date_YMD must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Directory_Path_Name must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_File_Name must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Specification_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_File_Specification_Name must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_LID must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_LIDVID must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_LIDVID_LID must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_MD5_Checksum must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base2 must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base8
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base8 must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Real
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Short_String_Preserved must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_String
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_String must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Text_Collapsed must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Text_Preserved must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_Time must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII - Values of ASCII_VID must be ASCII
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_AnyURI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- UTF-8 - Values of ASCII_AnyURI have UTF-8 character encoding.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- UTF-8 - Values of Character_Data_Type have UTF-8 character encoding
Type: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Class Name: Information_Package_Component
Minimum Characters: 32
Maximum Characters: 32
Format: 0123456789abcdef
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{32}
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Checksum
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Information_Package_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Collection
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Browse - This is a BROWSE collection
- Calibration - This is a CALIBRATION collection
- Context - This is a CONTEXT collection
- Data - This is a DATA collection
- Document - This is a DOCUMENT collection
- Geometry - This is a GEOMETRY collection
- Miscellaneous - This is a MISCELLANEOUS collection
- SPICE Kernel - This is a SPICE Kernel collection
- XML Schema - This is an XML SCHEMA collection
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Color_Display_Settings
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Color_Display_Settings
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Display_Direction
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Alias
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Context_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: File
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Local_Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Boolean - The value is classified as Boolean
- Integer - The value is classified as Integer
- Name - The value is classified as Name
- Numeric - The value is classified as Numeric
- Real - The value is classified as Real
- Short_String - The value is classified as Short_String
- Text - The value is classified as Text
- Time - The value is classified as Time
- Type - The value is classified as Type
- Unknown - The value has an Unknown classification
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Zip
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- GZIP - Product_Zipped is in container type GZIP, a compressed file format based on the DEFLATE algorithm. See
- LZIP - Product_Zipped is in container type LZIP, a compressed file format that is created using the Lempel–Ziv–Markov chain algorithm. See
- TAR - Product_Zipped is in container type TAR, a file format that aggregates many small files, their ownership and status information, and their relative organization into a single larger file. See
- ZIP - Product_Zipped is in container type ZIP, a file format that aggregates one or more smaller files and/or folders, some of which may have been compressed, into a single file. See
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telescope
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Facility
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Class Name: File
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Primary_Result_Summary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Dust - Particles ranging in size from a few molecules to approximately 0.1 micrometer in diameter.
- Electric Field - A vector force field controlled primarily by the presence of electrons and/or ions
- Electrons - Subatomic particles with negative elementary charge.
- Far Infrared - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 1 THz - 10 THz (frequency), 30 micrometers - 300 micrometers (wavelength), or 4 meV - 40 meV (photon energy)
- Gamma Ray - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: greater than 10 EHz (frequency), less than 0.01 nm (wavelength), or more than 100 keV (photon energy)
- Infrared - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 300 GHz - 405 THz (frequency), 750 nm - 1 mm (wavelength), or 1.24 meV - 1.7 eV (photon energy)
- Ions - Atoms or molecules in which the number of electrons and protons is unequal, giving them a net negative or positive electric charge.
- Magnetic Field - A vector force field produced by moving electric charges (currents) and/or the intrinsic magnetic properties of materials
- Microwave - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 300 MHz - 300 GHz (frequency), 1 mm - 1 m (wavelength), or 12 micro eV - 1.2 meV (photon energy)
- Millimeter - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 30 GHz - 300 GHz (frequency), 1 mm - 10 mm (wavelength), or 120 micro eV - 1.2 meV (photon energy)
- Near Infrared - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 300 THz - 1.5 PHz (frequency), 1 micrometer - 5 micrometer (wavelength), or 1 eV - 6 eV (photon energy)
- Particles - Discrete (but small) objects that can be characterized by a few simple physical properties such as volume and mass.
- Pressure - Measurement of ambient atmospheric pressure.
- Radio - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 3 Hz - 300 GHz (frequency), 1 mm - 100,000 km (wavelength), or 12 feV - 1.2 meV (photon energy)
- Sub-Millimeter - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 0.3 THz - 3 THz (frequency), 0.1 mm - 1 mm (wavelength), or 1.2 meV - 12 meV (photon energy)
- Temperature - Measurement of ambient temperature.
- Ultraviolet - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 790 THz - 30 PHz (frequency), 10 nm - 390 nm (wavelength), or 3 eV - 120 eV (photon energy)
- Visible - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 405 THz - 790 THz (frequency), 390 nm - 750 nm (wavelength), or 1.7 eV - 3.3 eV (photon energy)
- X-Ray - Electromagnetic radiation in the approximate range: 30 PHz - 30 EHz (frequency), 0.01 nm - 10 nm (wavelength), or 120 eV - 120 keV (photon energy))
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Element_Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ComplexLSB16 - Values of Element_Array are stored as two 64-bit floating point numbers with the least significant byte first
- ComplexLSB8 - Values of Element_Array are stored as two 32-bit floating point numbers with the least significant byte first
- ComplexMSB16 - Values of Element_Array are stored as two 64-bit floating point numbers with the more significant byte first
- ComplexMSB8 - Values of Element_Array are stored as two 32-bit floating point numbers with the more significant byte first
- IEEE754LSBDouble - Values of Element_Array are stored as 64-bit IEEE binary floating point numbers with the least significant byte first
- IEEE754LSBSingle - Values of Element_Array are stored as 32-bit IEEE binary floating point numbers with the least significant byte first
- IEEE754MSBDouble - Values of Element_Array are stored as 64-bit IEEE binary floating point numbers with the most significant byte first
- IEEE754MSBSingle - Values of Element_Array are stored as 32-bit IEEE binary floating point numbers with the most significant byte first
- SignedBitString - Values of Element_Array are stored as signed bit strings
- SignedByte - Values of Element_Array are stored as 8-bit signed binary integers
- SignedLSB2 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 16-bit signed binary integers with the less significant byte first
- SignedLSB4 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 32-bit signed binary integers with the less significant byte first
- SignedLSB8 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 64-bit signed binary integers with the less significant byte first
- SignedMSB2 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 16-bit signed binary integers with the more significant byte first
- SignedMSB4 - Values of Element_Array are stored as twos-complement 32-bit binary integers with the most significant byte first
- SignedMSB8 - Values of Element_Array are stored as twos-complement 64-bit binary integers with the most significant byte first
- UnsignedBitString - Values of Element_Array are stored as unsigned bit strings
- UnsignedByte - Values of Element_Array are stored as 8-bit unsigned binary integers
- UnsignedLSB2 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 16-bit unsigned binary integers with the less significant byte first
- UnsignedLSB4 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 32-bit unsigned binary integers with the least significant byte first
- UnsignedLSB8 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 64-bit unsigned binary integers with the least significant byte first
- UnsignedMSB2 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 16-bit unsigned binary integers with the more significant byte first
- UnsignedMSB4 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 32-bit unsigned binary integers with the most significant byte first
- UnsignedMSB8 - Values of Element_Array are stored as 64-bit unsigned binary integers with the most significant byte first
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_AnyURI - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_AnyURI
- ASCII_Boolean - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Boolean
- ASCII_DOI - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_DOI
- ASCII_Date_DOY - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Date_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
- ASCII_Date_YMD - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Date_YMD
- ASCII_Directory_Path_Name - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
- ASCII_File_Name - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_File_Name
- ASCII_File_Specification_Name - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_File_Specification_Name
- ASCII_Integer - Values in Table_Binary_Field have data type ASCII_Integer
- ASCII_LID - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_LID
- ASCII_LIDVID - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_LIDVID
- ASCII_LIDVID_LID - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_LIDVID_LID
- ASCII_MD5_Checksum - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_MD5_Checksum
- ASCII_NonNegative_Integer - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
- ASCII_Numeric_Base16 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base16
- ASCII_Numeric_Base2 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base2
- ASCII_Numeric_Base8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base8
- ASCII_Real - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Real
- ASCII_String - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_String
- ASCII_Time - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_Time
- ASCII_VID - Values in Field_Binary have data type ASCII_VID
- ComplexLSB16 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ComplexLSB16
- ComplexLSB8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ComplexLSB8
- ComplexMSB16 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ComplexMSB16
- ComplexMSB8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type ComplexMSB8
- IEEE754LSBDouble - Values in Field_Binary have data type IEEE754LSBDouble
- IEEE754LSBSingle - Values in Field_Binary have data type IEEE754LSBSingle
- IEEE754MSBDouble - Values in Field_Binary have data type IEEE754MSBDouble
- IEEE754MSBSingle - Values in Field_Binary have data type IEEE754MSBSingle
- SignedBitString - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedBitString
- SignedByte - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedByte
- SignedLSB2 - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedLSB2
- SignedLSB4 - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedLSB4
- SignedLSB8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedLSB8
- SignedMSB2 - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedMSB2
- SignedMSB4 - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedMSB4
- SignedMSB8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type SignedMSB8
- UTF8_String - Values in Field_Binary have data type UTF8_String
- UnsignedBitString - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedBitString
- UnsignedByte - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedByte
- UnsignedLSB2 - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedLSB2
- UnsignedLSB4 - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedLSB4
- UnsignedLSB8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedLSB8
- UnsignedMSB2 - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedMSB2
- UnsignedMSB4 - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedMSB4
- UnsignedMSB8 - Values in Field_Binary have data type UnsignedMSB8
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- SignedBitString - Values of Field_Bit are stored as signed bit strings
- UnsignedBitString - Values of Field_Bit are stored as unsigned bit strings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_AnyURI - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_AnyURI
- ASCII_Boolean - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Boolean
- ASCII_DOI - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_DOI
- ASCII_Date_DOY - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Date_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
- ASCII_Date_YMD - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Date_YMD
- ASCII_Directory_Path_Name - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
- ASCII_File_Name - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_File_Name
- ASCII_File_Specification_Name - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_File_Specification_Name
- ASCII_Integer - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Integer
- ASCII_LID - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_LID
- ASCII_LIDVID - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_LIDVID
- ASCII_LIDVID_LID - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_LIDVID_LID
- ASCII_MD5_Checksum - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_MD5_Checksum
- ASCII_NonNegative_Integer - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
- ASCII_Numeric_Base16 - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base16
- ASCII_Numeric_Base2 - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base2
- ASCII_Numeric_Base8 - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base8
- ASCII_Real - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Real
- ASCII_String - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_String
- ASCII_Time - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_Time
- ASCII_VID - Values in Field_Character have data type ASCII_VID
- UTF8_String - Values in Field_Character have data type UTF8_String
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_AnyURI - The delimited field has data type ASCII_AnyURI
- ASCII_Boolean - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_Boolean
- ASCII_DOI - The delimited field has data type ASCII_DOI
- ASCII_Date_DOY - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Date_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
- ASCII_Date_YMD - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Date_YMD
- ASCII_Directory_Path_Name - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
- ASCII_File_Name - The delimited field has data type ASCII_File_Name
- ASCII_File_Specification_Name - The delimited field has data type ASCII_File_Specification_Name
- ASCII_Integer - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Integer
- ASCII_LID - The delimited field has data type ASCII_LID
- ASCII_LIDVID - The delimited field has data type ASCII_LIDVID
- ASCII_LIDVID_LID - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_LIDVID_LID
- ASCII_MD5_Checksum - The delimited field has data type ASCII_MD5_Checksum
- ASCII_NonNegative_Integer - The delimited field has data type ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
- ASCII_Numeric_Base16 - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Numeric_Base16
- ASCII_Numeric_Base2 - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Numeric_Base2
- ASCII_Numeric_Base8 - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_Numeric_Base8
- ASCII_Real - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Real
- ASCII_String - Values in Field_Delimited have data type ASCII_String
- ASCII_Time - The delimited field has data type ASCII_Time
- ASCII_VID - The delimited field has data type ASCII_VID
- UTF8_String - Values in Field_Delimited have data type UTF8_String
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Quaternion_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_Real - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Real
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_Real - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Real
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Class Name: Update_Entry
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Class
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Terminological_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Information_Package
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Node
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: PDS_Guest
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Maps
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Volume_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Agency
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Bundle
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Citation_Information
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Schematron Rule: The description in Citation_Information must be greater than 0 and less than 5000 bytes (not counting spaces).
Schematron Rule: In Product_Bundle both Citation_Information and its description are required..
Schematron Rule: In Product_Collection both Citation_Information and its description are required..
Schematron Rule: In Product_Document both Citation_Information and its description are required.
Schematron Rule: In Product_File_Text both Citation_Information and its description are required.
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Collection
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document_Edition
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Encoded_Byte_Stream
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: External_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Facility
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Group
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Instrument
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Investigation
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Modification_Detail
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Observing_System
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Observing_System_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Other
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Packed_Data_Fields
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Parsable_Byte_Stream
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Primary_Result_Summary
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Quaternion
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Quaternion_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Resource
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Table_Base
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Target
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Target_Identification
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Telescope
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Update
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Update_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Vector
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Vector_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Zip
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document_File
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Discipline_Facets
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Atmospheres - atmospheric observations
- Fields - electric and magnetic field data
- Flux Measurements - photometry/polarimetry not resulting in images or spectra
- Imaging - any non-spectroscopic image, of any dimensionality (color, movies, etc.)
- Particles - ions, electrons, and anything not classified as 'dust'
- Ring-Moon Systems - other ring or ring-moon system data
- Small Bodies - other small body observations, including dust, shape models, etc.
- Spectroscopy - light wavelength/wave number spectra of any and all dimensionalities
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Document
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document_File
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 7-Bit ASCII Text - The Document_File contains simple text using only the 7-Bit ASCII character set. ANSI X3.4-1986.
- Encapsulated Postscript - The Document_File is governed by the external standard Encapsulated Postscript (EPS).
- GIF - The Document_File is governed by the standard Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).
- HTML - The Document_File is governed by one of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) standards such as IETF RFC 2070, W3C Recommendation 14-Jan-1997, ISO 8879:1986, or ISO/IEC 15445:2000.
- HTML 2.0 - *Deprecated* - The Document_File is governed by the standard HyperText Markup Language (HTML), IETF RFC 2070.
- HTML 3.2 - *Deprecated* - The Document_File is governed by the standard HyperText Markup Language (HTML), W3C Recommendation 14-Jan-1997.
- HTML 4.0 - *Deprecated* - The Document_File is governed by the standard HyperText Markup Language (HTML), ISO 8879:1986.
- HTML 4.01 - *Deprecated* - The Document_File is governed by the standard HyperText Markup Language (HTML), ISO/IEC 15445:2000.
- JPEG - The Document_File is governed by the standard Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), ISO/IEC 10918-1.
- LaTEX - The Document_File is governed by the standard LaTEX, Version LaTeX2e.
- Microsoft Excel - The Document_File is governed by a Microsoft Excel standard (xls, xlsx), Microsoft Corporation.
- Microsoft Word - The Document_File is governed by a Microsoft Word standard, Microsoft Corporation.
- PDF - The Document_File is governed by the standard Portable Document Format (PDF), ISO 32000-1:2008.
- PDF/A - The Document_File is governed by the standard Portable Document Format / Archive (PDF/A), ISO 19005-1:2005.
- PNG - The Document_File is governed by the standard Portable Network Graphics (PNG), ISO/IEC 15948:2004.
- Postscript - The Document_File is governed by the standard Postscript (PS)
- Rich Text - The Document_File is governed by the standard Rich Text Format (RTF), Microsoft Corporation.
- TIFF - The Document_File is governed by the standard Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Version 6.n, 1992.
- UTF-8 Text - The Document_File contains simple text using UTF-8 Unicode character encodings. RFC 3629.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: DOI
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: External_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: DOI
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Science_Facets
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Atmosphere - an envelope of uncharged gases and particles surrounding the target and bound to it primarily by gravitational forces
- Heliosphere - the solar atmosphere extending roughly from the outer corona to the edge of the solar plasma at the heliopause, which separates primarily solar plasma from the interstellar medium.
- Interior - the solid and/or liquid portion of a target enclosed by its surface.
- Interstellar - the region between stars, which is outside of any star's heliopause.
- Ionosphere - an envelope of plasma and charged particles surrounding the target and bound to it primarily by gravitational forces.
- Magnetosphere - an envelope of charged particles, bounded on the upper side by the magnetopause and which is primarily under the control of the target body's magnetic field.
- Surface - the boundary between the solid/liquid portion of a target and its atmosphere, ionosphere, or magnetosphere (or space).
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document_Edition
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Citation_Information
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: List
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: List
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Address
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Guest
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Address
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Class
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Axis_Array
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Encoded_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- CCSDS Space Communications Protocols - The digital object is governed by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) recommended standards on telecommand, telemetry and space datalink protocols.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Encoded_Byte_Stream
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Encoded_Header
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- TIFF - The Header is governed by the standard Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Version 6.0, 1992.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Encoded_Image
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- GIF - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).
- J2C - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard JPEG2000 compressed image codestream.
- JPEG - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), ISO/IEC 10918-1.
- PDF - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard Portable Document Format (PDF), ISO 32000-1:2008.
- PDF/A - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard Portable Document Format / Archive (PDF/A), ISO 19005-1:2005.
- PNG - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard Portable Network Graphics (PNG), ISO/IEC 15948:2004.
- TIFF - The Encoded_Image is governed by the standard Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Version 6.n, 1992.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Encoded_Native
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- SEED 2.4 - SEED (Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data) is an international standard format for archiving seismic data. The standard is maintained by the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN). The details of the format are documented in the SEED Reference Manual, version 2.4 (published: 2009-01).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: SPICE_Kernel
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Binary - The data object contains binary and possibly some character encoded data.
- Character - The data object contains only character encoded data, for example ASCII or UTF-8 encoded characters.
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Constant
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Maps
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Group_Facet1
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 2D (Spectroscopy) - A 2D array in which each pixel value directly represents the spectral measurement at that point. The physical axes of the array align with the axes of the spectral data.
- Color (Imaging) - 3D data, typically with two spatial axes, where the third axis contains display color levels (RGB, CMYK, false color, etc.)
- Color Movie (Imaging) - 4D data, typically with two spatial, one color, and one temporal axis
- Dust Study (Small Bodies) - Dust measurements of all kinds and all targets
- Dynamical Properties (Small Bodies) - Orbital parameters, proper elements, etc.
- Electric (Fields) - Electrical field measurements
- Electrons (Particles) - Electron measurements
- Gas Study (Small Bodies) - Gas measurements of all kinds and targets
- Grayscale (Imaging) - 2D data, typically with two spatial axes
- Historical Reference (Small Bodies) - Discovery circumstances, reference collections
- Ions (Particles) - Ion measurements
- Lightcurve (Small Bodies) - Light intensity variation with time, including rotational, secular, and occultation light curves
- Linear (Spectroscopy) - A table representing a single spectrum
- Magnetic (Fields) - Magnetic field measurements
- Meteoritics (Small Bodies) - Meteoroid streams, meteorite studies
- Meteorology (Atmospheres) - Meteorological observations
- Movie (Imaging) - 3D data, typically with two spatial and one temporal axis
- Neutrals (Particles) - Neutral particle measurements
- Photometry (Flux Measurements) - Photon measurements resulting in magnitudes, colors, etc.
- Physical Properties (Small Bodies) - Mass, density, albedo, etc.
- Polarimetry (Flux Measurements) - Linear and circular polarization studies
- Production Rates (Small Bodies) - Quantification of mass loss from, e.g., the nucleus of a comet: molecular production rates, Af?, etc.
- Ring Compositional Map (Ring-Moon Systems) - 3D data, typically with two spatial axes, where the third axis uses either color or intensity to depict chemical or particle size variations within the rings.
- Ring Occultation Profile (Ring-Moon Systems) - Derived ring occultation data uniformly sampled along the radial axis. The occulted signal may be either, radio, solar, or stellar in origin.
- Ring Thermal Map (Ring-Moon Systems) - 3D data, typically with two spatial axes, where the third axis uses either color or intensity to depict temperature variations within the rings.
- Satellite Astrometry (Ring-Moon Systems) - Astrometry of natural satellite in ring systems
- Shape Model (Small Bodies) - Shape models, slope models, terrain models, elevation models, etc.
- Spectral Cube (Spectroscopy) - Any 3D structure containing spectral data
- Spectral Image (Spectroscopy) - A 2D image of a spectrum, as projected on a focal plane. There may be multiple orders present, and the axes of the spectrum/spectra typically do not align with the edges of the image.
- Structure (Atmospheres) - Atmospheric structure observations
- Tabulated (Spectroscopy) - A table with one spectrum per record, possibly for a different target in each record
- Taxonomy (Small Bodies) - Physical and dynamical taxonomies of small bodies
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Group_Facet2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Background (Fields) - Data characterize the slowly varying background field (typically at less than 100 Hz)
- Cosmic Ray (Particles) - Data characterize the particle envornment at energies greater than about 10 MeV
- Energetic (Particles) - Data characterize the particle environment at energies in the approximate range 30keV-0.1 MeV
- Plasma (Particles) - Data characterize the particle environment at energies less than about 30keV
- Solar Energetic (Particles) - Data characterize the particle environment at energies in the approximate range 0.1-10MeV
- Waves (Fields) - Data characterize higher frequency field variations and/or oscillations (typically at greater than 100 Hz).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Table_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Delimiter
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Comma - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by a single ASCII comma character (0x2C)
- Horizontal Tab - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by a single ASCII horizontal tab character (0x09)
- Semicolon - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by a single ASCII semicolon character (0x3B)
- Vertical Bar - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by a single ASCII vertical bar character (0x7C)
- comma - *Deprecated* - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by ASCII commas (0x2C)
- horizontal tab - *Deprecated* - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by horizontal tab characters (0x09)
- semicolon - *Deprecated* - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by ASCII semicolons (0x3B)
- vertical bar - *Deprecated* - Fields in the delimited table are delimited by ASCII vertical bar characters ('|' - 0x7C)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Format
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Format
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Format
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Format
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Location
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Location
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Field
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Group
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Record
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: File
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: File
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Size
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Software_Script
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Document_Edition
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Uniformly_Sampled
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_DOI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 10.ssss/sss - The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is expressed as the decimal number "10." followed by a character string followed by a forward slash "/" followed by another character string. The format and its use are specified by the International DOI Federation (see
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-DOY - The date must be expressed in either the YYYY-MM-DD or the YYYY-DOY format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999), MM is the 2-digit month (01-12), DD is the 2-digit day-of-month (01-31), and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-DOY - The value must be expressed in the YYYY-DOY format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999) and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS(Z)/YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) - The date must be expressed in either the YYYY-MM-DD or the YYYY-DOY format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999), MM is the 2-digit month-of-year (01-12), DD is the 2-digit day-of-month, and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366). "T" is a delimiter separating date and time. Time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), SSS is milliseconds (000-999), and "(Z)" indicates that "Z" may be optionally appended to denote UTC.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) - The date must be expressed in the YYYY-DOY format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999) and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366). "T" is a delimiter separating date and time. Time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), SSS is milliseconds (000-999), and "(Z)" indicates that "Z" may be optionally appended to denote UTC.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ - The date must be expressed in the YYYY-DOY format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999) and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366). "T" is a delimiter separating date and time. Time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSSZ format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), SSS is milliseconds (000-999), and "Z" denotes UTC.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ/YYYY-DOYTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ - The date must be expressed in either the YYYY-MM-DD or the YYYY-DOY format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999), MM is the 2-digit month-of-year (01-12), DD is the 2-digit day-of-month, and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366). "T" is a delimiter separating date and time. Time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), SSS is milliseconds (000-999), and "Z" denotes that the combination is given in UTC.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) - The date must be expressed in the YYYY-MM-DD format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999), MM is the 2-digit month-of-year (01-12), DD is the 2-digit day-of-month, and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366). "T" is a delimiter separating date and time. Time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), SSS is milliseconds (000-999), and "(Z)" indicates that "Z" may be optionally appended to denote UTC.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ - The date must be expressed in the YYYY-MM-DD format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999), MM is the 2-digit month-of-year (01-12), DD is the 2-digit day-of-month, and DOY is the 3-digit day-of-year (001-366). "T" is a delimiter separating date and time. Time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSS(Z) format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), SSS is milliseconds (000-999), and "Z" denotes UTC.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- YYYY-MM-DD - The date must be expressed in the YYYY-MM-DD format where YYYY is the 4-digit year (-9999 to 9999), MM is the 2-digit month-of-year (01-12), and DD is the 2-digit day-of-month (01-31).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- dir1/dir2/ - The path name to the directory must be given as the sequence of directories traversed between the current working directory and the target directory where each directory name is followed by the forward slash character ("/"). See the PDS4 Standards Reference section "File and Directory Naming" for rules on forming directory names.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- file_name.file_extension - The file name is expressed as a base file name plus a file name extension separated by the ASCII period character ("."). Rules for forming file names are given in the PDS4 Standards Reference section "File and Directory Naming".
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Specification_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- dir1/dir2/file_name.file_extension - The complete path name to the file is given as the sequence of directories traversed between the current working directory and the target directory where each directory name is followed by the forward slash character ("/") plus the file name, which is expressed as a base file name plus a file name extension separated by the ASCII period character ("."). Rules for forming file and directory names are given in the PDS4 Standards Reference section "File and Directory Naming".
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- urn:nasa:pds:xxxx - The logical identifier is formed by concatenating "urn", "nasa", and "pds" with an identifer (represented by "xxxx") chosen by the data provider. Colons separate the fields. Rules for forming logical identifiers are given in the PDS4 Standards Reference section "Logical Indentifier".
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- urn:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n - A versioned identifier (LIDVID) is formed by appending a version identifier (VID) of the form M.n to a logical identifier (LID) of the form usa:nasa:pds:xxxx. Rules for forming versioned identifiers are given in the PDS4 Standards Reference section "Identifiers".
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- urn:nasa:pds:xxxx/urn:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n - The value must be a logical identifier (LID) of the form usa:nasa:psa:xxxx or a versioned identifier (LIDVID) of the form usa:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n. Rules for forming logical and versioned identifiers are given in the PDS4 Standards Reference section "Identifiers".
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 0123456789abcdef - The value must be a character string of exactly 32 characters consisting of the digits 0-9 and the lower case letters a-f or upper case letters A-F (but not mixed case).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- HH:MM:SS.SSS - The time must be expressed in the HH:MM:SS.SSS format where HH is the 2-digit hour (00-23), MM is the 2-digit minute (00-59), SS is the 2-digit integer second (00-60), and SSS is milliseconds (000-999).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- M.n - A version identifier (VID) has the form M.n where M denotes the major version and n denotes the minor version. Rules for forming version identifiers are given in the PDS4 Standards Reference section "Identifiers".
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Frame_Rate
Valid Units: frames/s
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Minimum Value: 1.0
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- C - Frequency range: 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
- D - Frequency range: 2.20 to 3.30 GHz
- E - Frequency range: 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
- F - Frequency range: 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
- G - Frequency range: 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
- H - Frequency range: 7.05 to 10.10 GHz
- K - Frequency range: 5.0 to 26.5 GHz
- Ka - Frequency range: 26.5 to 40.0 GHz
- Ku - Frequency range: 12.4 to 18.0 GHz
- Q - Frequency range: 33 to 50 GHz
- R - Frequency range: 1.70 to 2.60 GHz
- S - Frequency range: 2.60 to 3.95 GHz
- U - Frequency range: 40 to 60 GHz
- V - Frequency range: 50 to 75 GHz
- W - Frequency range: 75 to 110 GHz
- X - Frequency range: 8.2 to 12.4 GHz
- Y - Frequency range: 325 to 500 GHz
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- C - Frequency range: 5.85 to 8.20 GHz
- D - Frequency range: 2.20 to 3.30 GHz
- E - Frequency range: 3.30 to 4.90 GHz
- F - Frequency range: 4.90 to 7.05 GHz
- G - Frequency range: 3.95 to 5.85 GHz
- H - Frequency range: 7.05 to 10.10 GHz
- K - Frequency range: 5.0 to 26.5 GHz
- Ka - Frequency range: 26.5 to 40.0 GHz
- Ku - Frequency range: 12.4 to 18.0 GHz
- Q - Frequency range: 33 to 50 GHz
- R - Frequency range: 1.70 to 2.60 GHz
- S - Frequency range: 2.60 to 3.95 GHz
- U - Frequency range: 40 to 60 GHz
- V - Frequency range: 50 to 75 GHz
- W - Frequency range: 75 to 110 GHz
- X - Frequency range: 8.2 to 12.4 GHz
- Y - Frequency range: 325 to 500 GHz
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Subscriber_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Update_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Color_Display_Settings
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Group_Field_Binary
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Group_Field_Character
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Group_Field_Binary
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Location
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Group_Field_Character
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Location
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Group
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Group
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Record
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Display_Direction
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Display_Direction
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
- Left to Right - The lowest indexed element along an array axis should be displayed at the left edge of a display device and elements with higher indices should be displayed further to the right. Note that this is the standard display direction for most major image formats.
- Right to Left - The lowest indexed element along an array axis should be displayed at the right edge of a display device and elements with higher indices should be displayed further to the left. Note that virtually no image display formats use this display direction. Use this only when deliberately mirroring the image around the vertical axis.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Maps
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Identification_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- - Information Model version was the first public release of PDS4 (May 7, 2013)
- - Information Model version was released on October 1, 2013
- - Information Model version was released on March 18, 2014.
- - Information Model version was released on March 28, 2014.
- - Information Model version was released on September 10, 2014.
- - Information Model version was released on September 29, 2014.
- - Information Model version was released on March 10, 2015.
- - Information Model version was released on September 30, 2015.
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Script
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Terminological_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Node
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: [a-zA-Z]{1}([-/, ._a-zA-Z0-9]*)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: [a-zA-Z]{1}([-/, ._a-zA-Z0-9]*)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Instrument_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Instrument_Host_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- API - The tool or service provides an Application Programming Interface for interfacing with the software.
- Command-Line - The tool provides a command-line interface and is most commonly executed in a terminal window.
- GUI - The tool or service provides a graphical user interface, either as a desktop application or a web-based interface, for interfacing with the software.
- Service - The service provides a web-based programming interface (e.g., HTTP, SOAP, etc.).
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Constant
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: SPICE_Kernel
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- CK - SPICE_Kernel is type CK (orientation kernel)
- DBK - SPICE_Kernel is type DBK (database kernel)
- DSK - SPICE_Kernel is type DSK (digital shape kernel)
- EK - SPICE_Kernel is type EK (events kernel)
- FK - SPICE_Kernel is type FK (frames kernel)
- IK - SPICE_Kernel is type IK (instrument kernel)
- LSK - SPICE_Kernel is type LSK (leap seconds kernel)
- MK - SPICE_Kernel is type MK (meta kernel, which names SPICE kernels to be used together)
- PCK - SPICE_Kernel is type PCL (planetary constants kernel)
- SCLK - SPICE_Kernel is type SCLK (spacecraft clock kernel)
- SPK - SPICE_Kernel is type SPK (ephemeris kernel)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Citation_Information
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document_Edition
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Terminological_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- English - Values in Terminological_Entry are in English
- Russian - Values in Terminological_Entry are in Russian
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Uniformly_Sampled
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: XML_Schema
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Class Name: Bundle_Member_Entry
Minimum Characters: 14
Maximum Characters: 255
Format: urn:nasa:pds:xxxx
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Reference
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Class Name: Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 14
Maximum Characters: 255
Format: urn:nasa:pds:xxxx
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Reference
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Schematron Rule: The number of colons found in the lid_reference is valid.
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lid_reference must start with either: 'urn:nasa:pds:' or 'urn:esa:psa:'/>
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lid_reference must not include a value that contains '::' followed by version id
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lid_reference must not include a value that contains '::' followed by version id
Schematron Rule: The number of colons found in lid_reference is validated.
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lid_reference must start with either: 'urn:nasa:pds:' or 'urn:esa:psa:'/>
Class Name: Bundle_Member_Entry
Minimum Characters: 19
Maximum Characters: 255
Format: urn:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Reference
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Class Name: Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 19
Maximum Characters: 255
Format: urn:nasa:pds:xxxx::M.n
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Reference
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Schematron Rule: The number of colons found in the lidvid_reference is valid.
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lidvid_reference must start with either: 'urn:nasa:pds:' or 'urn:esa:psa:'/>
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lidvid_reference must include a value that contains '::' followed by version id
Schematron Rule: The number of colons found in lidvid_reference is validated.
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lidvid_reference must start with either: 'urn:nasa:pds:' or 'urn:esa:psa:'/>
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute lidvid_reference must include a value that contains '::' followed by version id
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Display_2D_Image
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Direction
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Down - The preferred orientation of lines within an image for viewing on a display device is Down
- Up - The preferred orientation of lines within an image for viewing on a display device is Up
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Subscriber_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Axis_Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Byte_Stream
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: File
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Geometry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Quaternion
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Update
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Local_Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Time_Coordinates
Minimum Characters: 8
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Local_Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Time_Coordinates
Minimum Characters: 8
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Identification_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Schematron Rule: pds:logical_identifier must have the form "urn:agencyId:authorityId:bundleID:collectionID:productID"
Schematron Rule: The attribute pds:product_class must match parent product class name.
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute logical_identifier must only contain lower-case letters'
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute logical_identifier must start with either: 'urn:nasa:pds:' or 'urn:esa:psa:'/>
Schematron Rule: The value of the attribute logical_identifier must not include a value that contains '::'
Schematron Rule: In Product_Bundle the number of colons in logical_identifier is valid.
Schematron Rule: In Product_Collection, the number of colons found in logical identifier is validated.
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
- false - When looping, the movie should only be played in the forward direction. This is the default behavior.
- true - When looping, the movie should be played in the forward direction, followed by the reverse direction, iteratively.
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Minimum Value: 0.0
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
- false - The movie should be not be 'looped' or played repeatedly.
- true - The movie should be 'looped' or played repeatedly.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_AnyURI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_DOI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_Directory_Path_Name may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_File_Name may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Specification_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_File_Specification_Name may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_LID may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_LIDVID may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_LIDVID_LID may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 32 - Values of ASCII_MD5_Checksum may have no more than 32 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base16 may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base2 may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base8
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base8 may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Real
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of ASCII_Short_String_Preserved may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 100 - Values of ASCII_VID may have no more than 100 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 255 - Values of UTF8_Short_String_Preserved may have no more than 255 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association_External
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Record_Delimited
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Real
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Class Name: File
Minimum Characters: 32
Maximum Characters: 32
Format: 0123456789abcdef
Pattern: ([a-f0-9]{32})
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Checksum
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Minimum Characters: 32
Maximum Characters: 32
Format: 0123456789abcdef
Pattern: ([a-f0-9]{32})
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Checksum
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: NSSDC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Bundle_Member_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Primary - The collection is a primary member of the bundle
- Secondary - The collection is a secondary member of the bundle
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_AnyURI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_DOI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Directory_Path_Name must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_File_Name must have at least one character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Specification_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_File_Specification_Name must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 14 - Values of ASCII_LID must have at least 14 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 19 - Values of ASCII_LIDVID must have at least 19 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 14 - Values of ASCII_LIDVID_LID must have at least 14 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 32 - Values of ASCII_MD5_Checksum must have at least 32 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base16 must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base2 must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base8
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base8 must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Real
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Short_String_Preserved must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_String
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_String must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Text_Collapsed must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of ASCII_Text_Preserved must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 3 - Values of ASCII_VID must have at least 3 characters
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of UTF8_Short_String_Preserved must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_String
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of UTF8_String must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1 - Values of UTF8_Text_Preserved must have at least 1 character
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association_External
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Real
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Constant
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Mission_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Mission_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Mission_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Summary
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Mission_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Mission_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: Modification_Detail
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association_External
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: External_Reference_Extended
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Node
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Engineering - The Node has name Engineering
- Geosciences - The Node has name Geosciences
- Imaging - The Node has name Imaging
- Management - The Node has name Management
- Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility - The Node has name Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility
- Planetary Atmospheres - The Node has name Planetary Atmospheres
- Planetary Plasma Interactions - The Node has name Planetary Plasma Interactions
- Planetary Rings - The Node has name Planetary Rings
- Planetary Science Archive - The Node has name Planetary Science Archive
- Radio Science - The Node has name Radio Science
- Small Bodies - The Node has name Small Bodies
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Guest
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Agency
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- European Space Agency - The Agency has name European Space Agency
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration - The Agency has name National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Byte_Stream
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Facility
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Group
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Investigation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Investigation_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Investigation_Area
- $name - The value for name is to be provided by software during template processing.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Observing_System
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Observing_System
- $name - The value for name is to be provided by software during template processing.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Observing_System_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Observing_System/pds:Observing_System_Component
- $name - The value for name is to be provided by software during template processing.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Quaternion
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Quaternion_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Resource
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_Identification
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Target_Identification
- $name - The value for name is to be provided by software during template processing.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Terminological_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association_External
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Maps
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Symbolic_Literals_PDS
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- anticipated - The value is temporarily not available.
- inapplicable - There is no value.
- missing - The correct value is not readily available to the sender of this data. However, a correct value probably exists.
- unknown - The correct value is not readily available to the sender of this data. Furthermore, a correct value may not exist.
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Constant
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: NSSDC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Encoded_Byte_Stream
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Header
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Parsable_Byte_Stream
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Radio - Radio occultation
- Solar - Solar occultation
- Stellar - Stellar occultation
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Radio - Radio occultation
- Solar - Solar occultation
- Stellar - Stellar occultation
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Radio - Radio occultation
- Solar - Solar occultation
- Stellar - Stellar occultation
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Array
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Encoded_Byte_Stream
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Parsable_Byte_Stream
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Table_Base
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Direction
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 512
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Mask
Conceptual Domain: Numeric
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Checksum_Manifest
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- MD5Deep 4.n - The checksum manifest is governed by the Message-Digest Algorithm (MD5) output of the MD5 Deep Package Version 4.n (see
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service_Description
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- WADL - The service is governed by the standard Web Application Description Language (WADL).
- WSDL 2.n - The service is governed by the standard Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.n.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Header
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 7-Bit ASCII Text - The Header contains simple text using only the 7-Bit ASCII character set. ANSI X3.4-1986.
- CDF 3.4 ISTP/IACG - The Header is governed by Version 3.4 of the CDF format specification, the ISTP/IACG guidelines and PDS constraints.
- FITS 3.0 - The Header is governed by the standard Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), Version 3.0.
- ISIS2 - The Header is governed by the standard Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS), USGS Astrogeology Isis Cube, Version 2.
- ISIS2 History Label - An ISIS history label contains text information that records the sequence of processing operations that created an ISIS file. A description of the format of the label is available in section 5.2 of the ISIS2 Overview documentation.
- ISIS3 - The Header is governed by the standard Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS), USGS Astrogeology ISIS Cube, Version 3.
- PDS DSV 1 - The format is delimiter separated value (DSV); see Standards Reference section 4C.1.
- PDS ODL 2 - The Header is governed by the standard Planetary Data System (PDS) Object Description Language (ODL), Version 2.n.
- PDS3 - The Header is governed by the Planetary Data System (PDS) Data Standards Version 3.n.
- Pre-PDS3 - The Header is governed by Planetary Data System (PDS) Data Standards prior to Version 3.0.
- UTF-8 Text - The Header contains simple text using UTF-8 Unicode character encodings. RFC 3629.
- VICAR1 - The Header is governed by the standard Video Image Communication And Retrieval (VICAR).
- VICAR2 - The Header is governed by the standard Video Image Communication And Retrieval (VICAR).
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Parsable_Byte_Stream
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: SPICE_Kernel
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- SPICE - The SPICE_Kernel conforms to standards used within the NAIF/SPICE system of data files (kernels) and software; see
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stream_Text
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 7-Bit ASCII Text - The Stream Text contains simple text using only the 7-Bit ASCII character set. ANSI X3.4-1986.
- UTF-8 Text - The Stream Text contains simple text using UTF-8 Unicode character encodings. RFC 3629.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Table_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- PDS DSV 1 - The table format conforms to the PDS4 Standards Reference section "Parsable Bytes Stream"
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: XML_Schema
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Schematron ISO/IEC 19757-3:2006 - Schematron files are governed by the standard for Schematron (see
- XML Schema Version 1.1 - XML_Schema is governed by the standard for XML Schema 1.1 (see
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_DOI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 10\.\S+/\S+ - The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is expressed as the decimal number "10." followed by a character string followed by a forward slash "/" followed by another character string. The format and its use are specified by the International DOI Federation (see
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(Z?)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)24:00((:00((\.0+)?))?)(Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z)?
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)24:00((:00((\.0+)?))?)(Z)?
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)24((:00)|(:00:00))?(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)24:00:00(\.([0]{1,4}))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z?)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)24((:00)|(:00:00))?(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)24:00:00(\.([0]{1,4}))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(T)24:00((:00((\.0+)?))?)(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((00[1-9])|(0[1-9][0-9])|([1-2][0-9][0-9])|(3(([0-5][0-9])|(6[0-6]))))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)24:00((:00((\.0+)?))?)(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(Z)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3]))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)24((:00)|(:00:00))?(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)24:00:00(\.([0]{1,4}))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(Z?)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3]))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)(\.([0-9]{1,4}))?(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)24((:00)|(:00:00))?(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(T)24:00:00(\.([0]{1,4}))(Z)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(Z)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (-)?[0-9]{4}(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))(Z?)
- (-)?[0-9]{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))(Z?)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- [0-9a-fA-F]{32}
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- [0-1]{1,255} - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base2 are constructed from 1-255 characters, each of which is either 0 or 1
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base8
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- [0-7]{1,255} - Values of ASCII_Numeric_Base8 are constructed from 1-255 characters, each of which is a digit in the range 0-7
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- (([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9](Z?)
- (([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3])):[0-5][0-9]:(([0-5][0-9])|60)((\.[0-9]+)|)(Z?)
- (([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-4]))(Z?)
- 24:00((:00((\.0+)|))|)(Z?)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 0\.([1-9]|([0-9][0-9]+))
- [1-9][0-9]*
- [1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Pattern
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- N - The ring occultation track does not intersect the planet.
- Y - Some portion of the ring occultation track also intersects the planet.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- N - The ring occultation track does not intersect the planet.
- Y - Some portion of the ring occultation track also intersects the planet.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- N - The ring occultation track does not intersect the planet.
- Y - Some portion of the ring occultation track also intersects the planet.
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Boolean
Class Name: Terminological_Entry
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Flag
Conceptual Domain: Boolean
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Primary_Result_Summary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Calibrated - Data converted to physical units, which makes values independent of the instrument.
- Derived - Results that have been distilled from one or more calibrated data products (for example, maps, gravity or magnetic fields, or ring particle size distributions). Supplementary data, such as calibration tables or tables of viewing geometry, used to interpret observational data should also be classified as 'derived' data if not easily matched to one of the other three categories.
- Partially Processed - Data that have been processed beyond the raw stage but which have not yet reached calibrated status.
- Raw - Original data from an instrument. If compression, reformatting, packetization, or other translation has been applied to facilitate data transmission or storage, those processes will be reversed so that the archived data are in a PDS approved archive format.
- Telemetry - An encoded byte stream used to transfer data from one or more instruments to temporary storage where the raw instrument data will be extracted.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Primary_Result_Summary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Calibrated - Data converted to physical units, which makes values independent of the instrument.
- Derived - Results that have been distilled from one or more calibrated data products (for example, maps, gravity or magnetic fields, or ring particle size distributions). Supplementary data, such as calibration tables or tables of viewing geometry, used to interpret observational data should also be classified as 'derived' data if not easily matched to one of the other three non-telemetry categories.
- Partially Processed - Data that have been processed beyond the raw stage but which have not yet reached calibrated status.
- Raw - Original data from an instrument. If compression, reformatting, packetization, or other translation has been applied to facilitate data transmission or storage, those processes will be reversed so that the archived data are in a PDS approved archive format.
- Telemetry - An encoded byte stream used to transfer data from one or more instruments to temporary storage where the raw instrument data will be extracted.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Identification_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Product_AIP - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_AIP
- Product_Ancillary - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Ancillary
- Product_Attribute_Definition - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Attribute_Definition
- Product_Browse - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Browse
- Product_Bundle - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Bundle
- Product_Class_Definition - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Class_Definition
- Product_Collection - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Collection
- Product_Context - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Context
- Product_DIP - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_DIP
- Product_DIP_Deep_Archive - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_DIP_Deep_Archive
- Product_Data_Set_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Data_Set_PDS3
- Product_Document - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Document
- Product_File_Repository - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_File_Repository
- Product_File_Text - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_File_Text
- Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3
- Product_Instrument_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Instrument_PDS3
- Product_Mission_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Mission_PDS3
- Product_Native - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Native
- Product_Observational - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Observational
- Product_Proxy_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Proxy_PDS3
- Product_SIP - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_SIP
- Product_SIP_Deep_Archive - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_SIP_Deep_Archive
- Product_SPICE_Kernel - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_SPICE_Kernel
- Product_Service - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Service
- Product_Software - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Software
- Product_Subscription_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Subscription_PDS3
- Product_Target_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Target_PDS3
- Product_Thumbnail - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Thumbnail
- Product_Update - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Update
- Product_Volume_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Volume_PDS3
- Product_Volume_Set_PDS3 - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Volume_Set_PDS3
- Product_XML_Schema - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_XML_Schema
- Product_Zipped - This is a product that is described by the class definition Product_Zipped
Schematron Rule: The ROOT element must be one of the allowed types.
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Property_Map_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: SIP_Deep_Archive
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: Document
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: Citation_Information
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Primary_Result_Summary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Calibration - Data collected to determine the relationship between measurement values and physical units.
- Checkout - Data collected during operational tests
- Engineering - Data collected about support systems and structures, which are ancillary to the primary measurements.
- Navigation - Data collected to support navigation
- Observation Geometry - Data used to compute instrument observation geometry, such as SPICE kernels.
- Science - Data collected primarily to answer questions about the targets of the investigation.
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Checksum_Manifest
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Carriage-Return Line-Feed - Records in the Checksum Manifest are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D_0x0A)
- carriage-return line-feed - *Deprecated* - Records in the Checksum Manifest are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D0x0A)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stream_Text
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Delimiter
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Carriage-Return Line-Feed - Records in the Stream Text are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D_0x0A)
- carriage-return line-feed - *Deprecated* - Records in the stream text are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D0x0A)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Table_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Delimiter
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Table_Character
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Delimiter
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Carriage-Return Line-Feed - Records in the delimited table are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D_0x0A)
- carriage-return line-feed - *Deprecated* - Records in the character table are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D0x0A)
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Table_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Delimiter
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Carriage-Return Line-Feed - Records in the delimited table are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D_0x0A)
- carriage-return line-feed - *Deprecated* - Records in the delimited table are delimited by ASCII carriage-return line-feed pairs (0x0D0x0A)
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Record_Binary
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Storage
Valid Units: byte
Specified Unit Id: byte
Class Name: Record_Character
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Length
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: File
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Table_Base
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Table_Delimited
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Color_Display_Settings
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ICRF - International celestial reference frame
- MOON_ME_DE421 - Moon mean Earth based on JPL DE421
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector_Cartesian_3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- ICRF - International celestial reference frame
- MOON_ME_DE421 - Moon mean Earth based on JPL DE421
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: External_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- attribute_of - The referenced attribute is a member of this class
- component_of - The referenced class is a component of this class
- extension_of - *Deprecated* - The referenced class is an extension of this class
- parent_of - This class is a parent of the referenced class
- restriction_of - *Deprecated* - The referenced class is a restriction of this class
- subclass_of - *Deprecated* - The referenced class is a subclass of this class
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Association_External
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- attribute_of - The referenced attribute is a member of this class
- component_of - The referenced class is a component of this class
- extension_of - The referenced class is an extension of this class
- parent_of - This class is a parent of the referenced class
- restriction_of - The referenced class is a restriction of this class
- subclass_of - The referenced class is a subclass of this class
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Bundle_Member_Entry
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- bundle_has_browse_collection - The bundle has a browse collection member
- bundle_has_calibration_collection - The bundle has a calibration collection member
- bundle_has_context_collection - The bundle has a context collection member
- bundle_has_data_collection - The bundle has a data collection member
- bundle_has_document_collection - The bundle has a document collection member
- bundle_has_geometry_collection - The bundle has a geometry collection member
- bundle_has_member_collection - The bundle has a member collection member
- bundle_has_schema_collection - The bundle has a schema collection member
- bundle_has_spice_kernel_collection - The bundle has a spice kernel collection member
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Internal_Reference
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Extended Values for: pds:Observing_System_Component/pds:Internal_Reference
- is_instrument - The referenced class is a context product describing the instrument.
- is_instrument_host - The referenced class is a context product describing the instrument_host
- is_other - The referenced class is a context product describing something not classified
- is_facility - The referenced class is a context product describing the facility
- is_telescope - The referenced class is a context product describing the telescope
Extended Values for: pds:Product_AIP/pds:Information_Package_Component/pds:Internal_Reference
- package_has_collection - The Archival Information Package contains a Collection.
- package_has_bundle - The Archival Information Package contains a Bundle.
- package_has_product - The Archival Information Package contains a basic Product.
- package_compiled_from_package - The Archival Information Package is compiled from a Submission Information Package.
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Ancillary/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- ancillary_to_data - The ancillary product is associated to a data product
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Browse/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- browse_to_data - The browse product is associated to a data product
- browse_to_thumbnail - The browse product is associated to a thumbnail
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Bundle/pds:Context_Area/pds:Investigation_Area/pds:Internal_Reference
- bundle_to_investigation - The bundle is associated to an investigation
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Bundle/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- bundle_to_errata - The bundle is associated to an errata document
- bundle_to_document - The bundle is associated to a document
- bundle_to_investigation - The bundle is associated to an investigation
- bundle_to_instrument - The bundle is associated to an instrument
- bundle_to_instrument_host - The bundle is associated to an instrument host
- bundle_to_target - The bundle is associated to a target
- bundle_to_resource - The bundle is associated to a resource
- bundle_to_associate - The bundle is associated to a product
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Collection/pds:Context_Area/pds:Investigation_Area/pds:Internal_Reference
- collection_to_investigation - The collection is associated to an investigation
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Collection/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- collection_to_resource - The collection is associated to a resource
- collection_to_associate - The collection is associated to a product
- collection_to_calibration - The collection is associated to calibration data
- collection_to_geometry - The collection is associated to geometry
- collection_to_spice_kernel - The collection is associated to spice kernels
- collection_curated_by_node - The collection is curated by the referenced node
- collection_to_document - The collection is associated to a document
- collection_to_browse - The collection is associated to a browse product
- collection_to_context - The collection is associated to a context product
- collection_to_data - The collection is associated to a data product
- collection_to_ancillary - The collection is associated to an ancillary product
- collection_to_schema - The collection is associated to a schema document
- collection_to_errata - The collection is associated to an errata document
- collection_to_bundle - The collection is associated to a bundle
- collection_to_personnel - The collection is associated to personnel
- collection_to_investigation - The collection is associated to an investigation
- collection_to_instrument - The collection is associated to an instrument
- collection_to_instrument_host - The collection is associated to an instrument host
- collection_to_target - The collection is associated to a target
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Context/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- context_to_associate - The context product is associated to a product
- instrument_to_document - The instrument is associated to a document
- instrument_to_instrument_host - The instrument is associated to an instrument host
- instrument_host_to_document - The instrument host is associated to a document
- instrument_host_to_instrument - The instrument_host is associated to an instrument
- instrument_host_to_investigation - The instrument host is associated to an investigation
- instrument_host_to_target - The instrument host is associated to a target
- investigation_to_document - The investigation is associated to a document
- investigation_to_instrument - The investigation is associated to an instrument
- investigation_to_instrument_host - The investigation is associated to an instrument_host
- investigation_to_target - The investigation is associated to a target
- node_to_personnel - The node is associated to a person
- node_to_agency - The node is associated to an agency
- node_to_manager - The node is associated to a manager
- node_to_operator - The node is associated to an operator
- node_to_data_archivist - The node is associated to a data archivist
- resource_to_instrument - The resource is associated to an instrument
- resource_to_instrument_host - The resource is associated to an instrument host
- resource_to_investigation - The resource is associated to an investigation
- resource_to_target - The resource is associated to a target
- target_to_document - The target is associated to a document
- target_to_instrument - The target is associated to an instrument
- target_to_instrument_host - The target is associated to an instrument_host
- target_to_investigation - The target is associated to an investigation
Extended Values for: pds:Product_DIP/pds:Information_Package_Component/pds:Internal_Reference
- package_has_collection - The Dissemination Information Package contains a Collection.
- package_has_bundle - The Dissemination Information Package contains a Bundle.
- package_has_product - The Dissemination Information Package contains a basic Product.
- package_compiled_from_package - The Dissemination Information Package is compiled from an Archival Information Package.
Extended Values for: pds:Product_DIP_Deep_Archive/pds:Information_Package_Component/pds:Internal_Reference
- package_has_collection - The Dissemination Information Package contains a Collection.
- package_has_bundle - The Dissemination Information Package contains a Bundle.
- package_has_product - The Dissemination Information Package contains a basic Product.
- package_compiled_from_package - The Dissemination Information Package is compiled from an Archival Information Package.
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Document/pds:Context_Area/pds:Investigation_Area/pds:Internal_Reference
- document_to_investigation - The document is associated to an investigation
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Document/pds:Context_Area/pds:Target_Identification/pds:Internal_Reference
- document_to_target - The document is associated to a target
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Document/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- document_to_associate - The document is associated to a product
- document_to_investigation - The document is associated to an investigation
- document_to_instrument_host - The document is associated to an instrument_host
- document_to_instrument - The document is associated to an instrument
- document_to_target - The document is associated to a target
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Native/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- described_by_document - The format of the digital object must be described one or more referenced documents
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Investigation_Area/pds:Internal_Reference
- data_to_investigation - The data product is associated to an investigation
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Observation_Area/pds:Target_Identification/pds:Internal_Reference
- data_to_target - The data product is associated to a target
- collection_to_target - The collection is associated to a target
- bundle_to_target - The bundle is associated to a target
- document_to_target - The document is associated to a target
Extended Values for: pds:Product_Observational/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- data_to_associate - The data product is associated to a product
- data_to_resource - The data product is associated to a resource
- data_to_calibration_document - The data product is associated to a calibration document
- data_to_calibration_product - The data product is associated to a calibration product
- data_to_raw_product - The data product is associated to a raw product
- data_to_calibrated_product - The data product is associated to a calibrated product
- data_to_derived_product - The data product is associated to a derived product
- data_to_geometry - The data product is associated to geometry
- data_to_spice_kernel - The data product is associated to spice kernel(s)
- data_to_thumbnail - The data product is associated to a thumbnail
- data_to_document - The data product is associated to a document
- data_curated_by_node - The data product is curated by the referenced node
- data_to_browse - The data product is associated to a browse product
- data_to_ancillary_data - The referencing data product requires the referenced data product to provide specific support for its own use. For example, a table with footnotes can be archived as two products: a data table file with a field giving a footnote code number; and a footnotes file sorted by those code numbers. The label of the data table would then reference the footnotes file with an association type of "data_to_ancillary_data".
Extended Values for: pds:Product_SIP/pds:Information_Package_Component/pds:Internal_Reference
- package_has_collection - The Submission Information Package contains a Collection.
- package_has_bundle - The Submission Information Package contains a Bundle.
- package_has_product - The Submission Information Package is contains a basic Product.
Extended Value for: pds:Product_SIP_Deep_Archive/pds:Information_Package_Component_Deep_Archive/pds:Internal_Reference
- package_has_bundle - The Submission Information Package Deep Archive contains a Bundle.
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Update/pds:Reference_List/pds:Internal_Reference
- update_to_collection - The update is associated to a collection product
Extended Value for: pds:Product_Zipped/pds:Internal_Reference
- zip_to_package - The zip file contains a copy of the package
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Inventory
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- inventory_has_member_product - The collection inventory has member products identified by either LIDVID or LID references
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- 0001_NASA_PDS_1 - The Attribute Registration_Authority is 0001_NASA_PDS_1
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: PDS_Guest
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Group
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Time
Valid Units: day, hr, julian day, microseconds, min, ms, s, yr
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Rings_Supplement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Both - The ring radius along the a portion of the occultation track decreases with time, and along a different portion increases with time.
- Egress - The ring radius along the occultation track increases with time.
- Ingress - The ring radius along the occultation track decreases with time.
- Multiple - Only used for some Hubble-based occultations where the occultation track is not monotonic over relatively short time scales.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Both - The ring radius along the a portion of the occultation track decreases with time, and along a different portion increases with time.
- Egress - The ring radius along the occultation track increases with time.
- Ingress - The ring radius along the occultation track decreases with time.
- Multiple - Only used for some Hubble-based occultations where the occultation track is not monotonic over relatively short time scales.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Both - The ring radius along the a portion of the occultation track decreases with time, and along a different portion increases with time.
- Egress - The ring radius along the occultation track increases with time.
- Ingress - The ring radius along the occultation track decreases with time.
- Multiple - Only used for some Hubble-based occultations where the occultation track is not monotonic over relatively short time scales.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Egress - The ring radius along the occultation track increases with time.
- Ingress - The ring radius along the occultation track decreases with time.
- Multiple - Only used for some Hubble-based occultations where the occultation track is not monotonic over relatively short time scales.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Egress - The ring radius along the occultation track increases with time.
- Ingress - The ring radius along the occultation track decreases with time.
- Multiple - Only used for some Hubble-based occultations where the occultation track is not monotonic over relatively short time scales.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
- Egress - The ring radius along the occultation track increases with time.
- Ingress - The ring radius along the occultation track decreases with time.
- Multiple - Only used for some Hubble-based occultations where the occultation track is not monotonic over relatively short time scales.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Direction
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule_Statement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule_Statement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule_Statement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule_Statement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Assert - The rule statement type is generic Assert.
- Assert Every - The rule statement type is Assert Every.
- Assert If - The rule statement type is Assert If.
- Report - The rule statement type is Report.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Rule_Statement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Display_2D_Image
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Direction
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Right - The preferred orientation of samples within an line for viewing on a display device is Right
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Uniformly_Sampled
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Uniformly_Sampled
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Uniformly_Sampled
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Scale
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Exponential - Values of Uniformly_Sampled are given at uniform spacings of the exponential of an independent variable [e.g., log(1), log(2), log(3), log(4), ...]
- Linear - Values of Uniformly_Sampled are given at uniform (linear) spacings of an independent variable [e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]
- Logarithmic - Values of Uniformly_Sampled are given at uniform spacings of the logarithm of an independent variable [e.g., 1, 10, 100, 1000, ...]
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Uniformly_Sampled
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Constant
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Band_Bin
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Element_Array
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Factor
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Binary
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Factor
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Bit
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Factor
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Character
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Factor
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Factor
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Axis_Array
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Schematron Rule: The sequence number of the first axis of an Array_2D_Image must be set to 1.
Schematron Rule: The sequence number of the second axis of an Array_2D_Image must be set to 2.
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Quaternion_Component
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Vector_Component
Minimum Value: 1
Maximum Value: 16
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Service - The service type Service describes an application that performs a system function on-line.
- Tool - The service type Tool describes an application that performs a system function off-line.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Specified Unit Id: deg
Class Name: Time_Coordinates
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Longitude
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Guest
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Rings_Supplement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: true
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Unit_Of_Measure
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Acceleration
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- m/s**2 - Units_of_Acceleration maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in units of meter per second per second.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- mol - Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit mole
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Angle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- deg - Units_of_Angle maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit degree
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Angular_Velocity
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- deg/s - Units_of_Angular_Velocity maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit degree per second
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- m**2 - Units_of_Area maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit square meter
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Current
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- A - Units_of_Current maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit A
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Frame_Rate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- frames/s - Units_of_Frame_Rate maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit frame per second
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Frequency
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Hz - Units_of_Frequency maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit hertz (cycle per second)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Length
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- m - Units_of_Length maximum, minimum, and permnissible values are given in the unit meter
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Map_Scale
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- pixel/deg - Units_of_Map_Scale maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit pixel per degree.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Mass
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- kg - Units_of_Mass maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit kilogram.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Misc
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- DN - Units_of_Misc maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit data number.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_None
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- none - Units_of_None maximum, minimum, and permissible values are dimensionless.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Optical_Path_Length
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- airmass - Units_of_Optical_Path_Length maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit airmass
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Pressure
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- bar - Units_of_Pressure maximum, minimum, and permissble values are given in the unit bar (one bar = 100,000 Pa)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Radiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- W/(m**2*sr) - Units_of_Radiance maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit watt per square meter per steradian
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Rates
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- counts/bin - Units_of_Rates maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit counts/bin
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Solid_Angle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- sr - Units_of_Solid_Angle maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit steradian.
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- W/m**3 - Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit watts per square meter (of area) per meter (of wavelength)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Spectral_Radiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- W/m**3/sr - Units_of_Spectral_Radiance maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit watts per square meter (of area) per steradian per meter (of wavelength)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Storage
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- byte - Units_of_Storage maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit byte
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Temperature
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- degC - Units_of_Temperature maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit degree Celsius
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- s - Units_of_Time maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit second
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Velocity
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- m/s - Units_of_Velocity maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit meter per second
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Voltage
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- V - Units_of_Voltage maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit volt
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Volume
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- L - Units_of_Volume maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit liter
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Wavenumber
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1/cm - Units_of_Wavenumber maximum, minimum, and permissible values are given in the unit "per centimeter"
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Radio_Occultation_Support
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: NAIF_Supplement
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Band_Bin
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Statistics
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Object_Statistics
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Bit
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: Investigation
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Time_Coordinates
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Nillable: true
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Document_Edition
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- atm - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Atmospheres discipline node
- geo - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Geosciences discipline node
- img - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Imaging support node
- naif - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility support node
- ops - Steward of the attribute is the PDS operations function
- pds - Steward of the attribute is the Planetary Data System
- ppi - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Planetary Plasma Interaction discipline node
- rings - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Rings discipline node
- rs - Steward of the attribute is the PDS radio science function
- sbn - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Small Bodies discipline node
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- atm - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Atmospheres discipline node
- geo - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Geosciences discipline node
- img - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Imaging support node
- naif - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility support node
- ops - Steward of the attribute is the PDS operations function
- pds - Steward of the attribute is the Planetary Data System
- ppi - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Planetary Plasma Interaction discipline node
- rings - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Rings discipline node
- rs - Steward of the attribute is the PDS radio science function
- sbn - Steward of the attribute is the PDS Small Bodies discipline node
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Ingest_LDD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Value: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Bit
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_YMD
Class Name: Investigation
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Class Name: Time_Coordinates
Nillable: true
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time
Class Name: Data_Set_PDS3
Nillable: true
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Group_Facet1
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Group_Facet2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Subscriber_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Script
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Script
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Software_Source
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Note
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: Target_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Description
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Engineering - Team name is Engineering
- Geosciences - Team name is Geosciences
- Headquarters - Team name is Headquarters
- Imaging - Team name is Imaging
- Management - Team name is Management
- National Space Science Data Center - Team name is National Space Science Data Center (until 2014) or National Sapce Science Data Coordinated Archive
- Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility - Team name is Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility
- Planetary Atmospheres - Team name is Planetary Atmospheres
- Planetary Plasma Interactions - Team name is Planetary Plasma Interactions
- Planetary Rings - Team name is Planetary Rings
- Radio Science - Team name is Radio Science
- Small Bodies - Team name is Small Bodies
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 4
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 20
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 60
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_None
Valid Units: none
Class Name: Telemetry_Parameters
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: img
Namespace Id: img
- DATA_PRODUCT - The telemetry source is a data product.
- SFDU - The telemetry source is an SFDU
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: PDS_Affiliate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Telescope
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Specified Unit Id: deg
Class Name: Telescope
Minimum Value: -90
Maximum Value: 90
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Latitude
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Angle
Valid Units: arcmin, arcsec, deg, hr, mrad, rad
Specified Unit Id: deg
Class Name: Telescope
Minimum Value: 0
Maximum Value: 360
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Longitude
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Movie_Display_Settings
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Map
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Property_Maps
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Identification_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Title
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Class Name: Information_Package_Component
Minimum Characters: 32
Maximum Characters: 32
Format: 0123456789abcdef
Pattern: [0-9a-fA-F]{32}
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Checksum
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- PDS3 - The attribute definition originated under PDS3
- PDS4 - The attribute definition originated under PDS4
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- PDS3 - The class definition originated under PDS3
- PDS4 - The class definition originated under PDS4
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Facility
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Laboratory - The facility is a laboratory
- Observatory - The facility is an observatory
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Accelerometer - An instrument that measures proper (i.e., its own) acceleration.
- Alpha Particle Detector - An instrument that measures the number and/or distribution of alpha particles.
- Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer - An instrument that bombards a sample with alpha particles and X-rays and measures the energy spectrum of scattered alpha particles and X-rays to determine the sample's elemental composition.
- Altimeter - An instrument that measures its own altitude above a reference level (for example, a locally flat surface on the Earth)
- Anemometer - An in situ instrument that measures wind speed.
- Atomic Force Microscope - An instrument that uses atomic forces between a probe and a sample to produce high-resolution topographic scans of the sample.
- Barometer - An in situ instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.
- Biology Experiments - An instrument that conducts one or more experiments on samples to determine their potential for biological activity.
- Bolometer - An instrument that estimates radiation intensity by measuring changes in electrical resistivity as the temperature of its sensor varies in response to the incident power density.
- Camera - An instrument that records and stores analog images (compare 'imager').
- Cosmic Ray Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures cosmic rays.
- Drilling Tool - A tool that drills into samples.
- Dust Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures dust.
- Electrical Probe - An in situ instrument that measures electrical properties (e.g., conductivity) of a medium into which it is inserted.
- Energetic Particle Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures energetic charged particles.
- Gamma Ray Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures gamma rays.
- Gas Analyzer - A high-temperature furnace combined with a mass spectrometer that heats a sample and analyzes the mass distribution of the evolved gases.
- Grinding Tool - A tool that grinds into samples.
- Hygrometer - An instrument used to measure the moisture content of its environment.
- Imager - An instrument that records and stores digital images (compare 'camera').
- Imaging Spectrometer - An instrument that combines the functions of a spectrometer and an imager - i.e., it captures and stores multiple images, each at a slightly different wavelength.
- Inertial Measurement Unit - An instrument that measures changes in its own velocity and orientation by using a combination of accelerometers, gyroscopes, and/or other devices.
- Infrared Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the spectral distribution of infrared radiation.
- Laser Induced Breakdown Spectrometer - An instrument that uses an active laser to generate a plasma from a target and then measures the energy spectrum of the evolved plasma.
- Magnetometer - An instrument that measures the strength and/or direction of a magnetic field.
- Mass Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the number of particles in a sample as a function of their mass.
- Microwave Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the spectral distribution of microwave radiation.
- Moessbauer Spectrometer - An instrument that uses the Mossbauer effect to determine the abundance of Fe-bearing minerals in a sample.
- Naked Eye - Observations made with the naked eye and recorded in a data product.
- Neutral Particle Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures neutral particles.
- Neutron Detector - An instrument that measures the number and/or energy distribution of neutrons.
- Photometer - An instrument that measures radiation intensity (e.g., of visible light), sometimes with the goal of inferring optical properties of materials illuminated by the source and observed by the photometer.
- Plasma Analyzer - An instrument that measures the spectral distribution of energy in a low-frequency plasma.
- Plasma Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures low energy charged particles.
- Plasma Wave Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the energy distribution in a low-frequency plasma.
- Polarimeter - An instrument that measures the polarization of electromagnetic radiation.
- Radar - An instrument that transmits and receives radio signals for the purpose of detecting, determining the range (distance) to, velocity of, and/or direction of one or more distant targets.
- Radio Science - An instrument suite used to conduct measurements at radio frequencies.
- Radio Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the spectral distribution of electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies.
- Radio Telescope - An instrument used to focus and capture radio waves.
- Radiometer - An instrument which measures the radiant flux of electromagnetic radiation.
- Reflectometer - An instrument that measures the reflectance of surfaces. An electron reflectometer measures the properties of electrons trapped along magnetic field lines to infer the strength and direction of the field remotely.
- Robotic Arm - A tool used to place in-situ instruments on surface rocks or soil, dig into a surface, and/or to collect surface samples for other instruments to analyze on a spacecraft.
- Spectrograph Imager - See Imaging Spectrometer.
- Spectrometer - An instrument used to measure properties over a specific portion of a spectrum - for example, a mass spectrometer measures the number of particles in discrete mass ranges, and a radio spectrometer measures the amount of electromagnetic radiation as a function of frequency or wavelength.
- Thermal Imager - An instrument that captures an image at thermal infrared wavelengths.
- Thermal Probe - An in situ instrument that measures thermal properties (e.g., temperature) at one or more points along its length.
- Thermometer - An instrument that measures temperature.
- Ultraviolet Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the spectral distribution of ultraviolet radiation.
- Wet Chemistry Laboratory - An instrument that mixes soil samples with solutions to measure material properties such as pH, conductivity, oxidation-reduction potential, etc.
- X-ray Detector - An instrument that detects and/or measures X-rays.
- X-ray Diffraction Spectrometer - An instrument that uses a beam of X-rays to probe the internal structure of a powdered sample and identify its mineral composition.
- X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer - An instrument that measures the emission of secondary X-rays to determine the elemental composition of a sample that has been irradiated with primary X-rays.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Earth Based - *Deprecated* - The Instrument Host is classified as being of type Earth Based
- Earth-based - The instrument host is on or near the surface of Earth (no more than 100 km altitude above the surface).
- Lander - A spacecraft designed for descent to and operation at a single fixed point on the surface of a celestial body.
- Rover - A spacecraft designed for descent to and mobile operation on the surface of a celestial body.
- Spacecraft - A vehicle designed for travel in outer space ('outer space' is the region more than 100 km above the Earth's surface, a convention accepted in many contexts -- see
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Investigation
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Individual Investigation - A set of experiments and/or observations with a clearly defined purpose that uses existing facilities and is under the direction of a single individual. For example, a series of related laboratory experiments/observations conducted by a small university team and funded through a single proposal could be an Individual Investigation. Library research by one person on previously published results to distill common conclusions could also be an Individual Investigation.
- Mission - A set of experiments and/or observations with a clearly defined purpose that occupies the designated resources for all (or at least a significant fraction) of the available time. A mission is usually conducted by a national or international space agency using a small number (often one) of spacecraft especially designed and built for the purpose. For example: (1) the NASA Voyager mission launched two spacecraft to Jupiter and Saturn; (2) the Deep Impact (DI) mission launched a spacecraft, part of which impacted the comet Tempel 2; and (3) the EPOXI mission redefined the objectives of the surviving DI hardware for further exploration of the solar system.
- Observing Campaign - A set of experiments and/or observations with a clearly defined purpose that uses (primarily) existing facilities, but not exclusively. After (and possibly during) the campaign other investigations are carried out using the same facilities. For example, the International Halley Watch mobilized observatories around the world for collection of data during the most recent apparition of Comet Halley. The Shoemaker-Levy-9 (SL9) campaign used both Earth-based and spacecraft instruments to monitor the SL9 impact on Jupiter.
- Other Investigation - Any other set of experiments and/or observations with a unifying theme.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Investigation_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Individual Investigation - A set of experiments and/or observations with a clearly defined purpose that uses existing facilities and is under the direction of a single individual. For example, a series of related laboratory experiments/observations conducted by a small university team and funded through a single proposal could be an Individual Investigation. Library research by one person on previously published results to distill common conclusions could also be an Individual Investigation.
- Mission - A set of experiments and/or observations with a clearly defined purpose that occupies the designated resources for all (or at least a significant fraction) of the available time. A mission is usually conducted by a national or international space agency using a small number (often one) of spacecraft especially designed and built for the purpose. For example: (1) the NASA Voyager mission launched two spacecraft to Jupiter and Saturn; (2) the Deep Impact (DI) mission launched a spacecraft, part of which impacted the comet Tempel 2; and (3) the EPOXI mission redefined the objectives of the surviving DI hardware for further exploration of the solar system.
- Observing Campaign - A set of experiments and/or observations with a clearly defined purpose that uses (primarily) existing facilities, but not exclusively. After (and possibly during) the campaign other investigations are carried out using the same facilities. For example, the International Halley Watch mobilized observatories around the world for collection of data during the most recent apparition of Comet Halley. The Shoemaker-Levy-9 (SL9) campaign used both Earth-based and spacecraft instruments to monitor the SL9 impact on Jupiter.
- Other Investigation - Any other set of experiments and/or observations with a unifying theme.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Observing_System_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Artificial Illumination - The observing system component provides artificial illumination
- Instrument - The observing system component is an instrument
- Laboratory - The observing system component is a laboratory
- Literature Search - The observing system component is a literature search
- Naked Eye - The observing system component is the unaided eye of a person
- Observatory - The observing system component is an observatory
- Spacecraft - The observing system component is a spacecraft
- Telescope - The observing system component is a telescope
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Primary_Result_Summary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Altimetry - Measurement of altitude.
- Astrometry - Precise measurement of positions of heavenly bodies.
- Count - A recording of the number of discrete events
- E/B-Field Vectors - Arrays populated by values of the electric/magnetic field in three orthogonal directions.
- Gravity Model - An approximation to the gravity field of an object derived from measurement and/or theory
- Image - A two-dimensional representation of a field of view
- Lightcurves - This value indicates data products containing time-sequences of magnitude measurements for one or more individual targets (typically asteroids or comets).
- Map - A two-dimensional representation of the plan view of a surface
- Meteorology - Measurements of the meteorological conditions of an atmosphere such as pressure, temperature, wind speed, etc.
- Null Result - Measurements which failed.
- Occultation - Measurements conducted when one celestial body progressively hides another
- Photometry - Measurement of light flux
- Physical Parameters - This value indicates data products containing compilations of one or more physical parameters - like albedo, density, absolute magnitude, etc. It is generally used for data that combines these highly-derived results from multiple sources.
- Polarimetry - Measurement of the polarization state of radiation.
- Radiometry - Measurement of the radiation coming from a body, usually at infrared and longer wavelengths
- Reference - A Reference product provides ancillary information needed to support the use of another data product. Reference products include things like tables of foot notes or lists of detailed citations, and are usually associated with data products compiled from the published literature.
- Shape Model - An approximation to the shape of an object derived from measurements and/or theory
- Spectrum - An array containing values of a dependent variable as a function of an independent variable.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Quaternion
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- SPICE - The quaternion has components zero through three, with the 0th component being the scalar, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd being the vector components.
- Spacecraft Telemetry - The quaternion has components one through four, with the 4th component being the scalar, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd being the vector components.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Resource
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Information.Agency - The web resource provides information about an agency.
- Information.Instrument - The web resource provides information about an instrument
- Information.Instrument_Host - The web resource provides information about an instrument host
- Information.Investigation - The web resource provides information about an investigation
- Information.Node - The web resource provides information about a node
- Information.Person - The web resource provides information about a person
- Information.Resource - The web resource provides information about a generic resource
- Information.Science_Portal - The web resource provides information about a science portal
- Information.Target - The web resource provides information about a target
- System.Browse - The system resource provides browse functionality.
- System.Directory_Listing - The system resource provides a directory listing.
- System.Registry_Query - The system resource provides registry query functionality.
- System.Search - The system resource provides search functionality.
- System.Transform - The system resource provides transform functionality.
- System.Transport - The system resource provides transport functionality.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Asteroid - The target is classified as an asteroid
- Comet - The target is classified as a comet
- Dust - The target is classified as dust
- Dwarf Planet - The target is classified as a dwarf planet
- Equipment - Target is classified as a part of the host spacecraft or another (human) artifact
- Galaxy - The target is classified as a galaxy
- Globular Cluster - The target is classified as a globular cluster
- Meteorite - The target is classified as a meteorite
- Meteoroid - The target is classified as a meteoroid
- Meteoroid Stream - The target is classified as a meteoroid stream
- Nebula - The target is classified as a nebula
- Open Cluster - The target is classified as an open cluster
- Planet - The target is classified as a planet
- Planetary Nebula - The target is classified as a planetary nebula
- Planetary System - The target is classified as a planetary system
- Plasma Cloud - The target is classified as a plasma cloud
- Plasma Stream - Target is classified as a plasma stream.
- Ring - The target is classified as a ring
- Satellite - The target is classified as a satellite
- Star - The target is classified as a star
- Star Cluster - The target is classified as a star cluster
- Sun - The target is classified as a sun
- Terrestrial Sample - The target is classified as a terrestrial sample
- Trans-Neptunian Object - The target is classified as a trans-Neptunian object
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Target_Identification
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Asteroid - The target is classified as an asteroid
- Calibration - The Target is classified as calibration
- Comet - The target is classified as a comet
- Dust - The target is classified as dust
- Dwarf Planet - The target is classified as a dwarf planet
- Equipment - Target is classified as a part of the host spacecraft or another (human) artifact
- Galaxy - The target is classified as a galaxy
- Globular Cluster - The target is classified as a globular cluster
- Meteorite - The target is classified as a meteorite
- Meteoroid - The target is classified as a meteoroid
- Meteoroid Stream - The target is classified as a meteoroid stream
- Nebula - The target is classified as a nebula
- Open Cluster - The target is classified as an open cluster
- Planet - The target is classified as a planet
- Planetary Nebula - The target is classified as a planetary nebula
- Planetary System - The target is classified as a planetary system
- Plasma Cloud - The target is classified as a plasma cloud
- Plasma Stream - Target is classified as a plasma stream.
- Ring - The target is classified as a ring
- Satellite - The target is classified as a satellite
- Star - The target is classified as a star
- Star Cluster - The target is classified as a star cluster
- Sun - The target is classified as a sun
- Terrestrial Sample - The target is classified as a terrestrial sample
- Trans-Neptunian Object - The target is classified as a trans-Neptunian object
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Unit_Of_Measure
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Acceleration
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Acceleration - Units_of_Acceleration is classified as being of type Acceleration
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Amount_Of_Substance - Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance is classified as being of type Amount_Of_Substance
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Angle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Angle - Units_of_Angle is classified as being of type Angle
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Angular_Velocity
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Angular_Velocity - Units_of_Angular_Velocity is classified as being of type Angular_Velocity
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Area - Units_of_Area is classifed as being of type Area
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Current
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Current - Units_of_Current is classified as being of type Current
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Frame_Rate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Frame_Rate - Units_of_Frame_Rate is classified as being of type Frame Rate
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Frequency
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Frequency - Units_of_Frequency is classified as being of type Frequency
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Length
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Length - Units_of_Length is classified as being of type Length
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Map_Scale
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Scale - Units_of_Map_Scale is classified as being of type Scale
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Mass
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Mass - Units_of_Mass is classified as being of type Mass
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Misc
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Miscellaneous - Units_of_Misc is classified as being of type Miscellaneous
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_None
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- None - Units_of_None is classified as being of type None
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Optical_Path_Length
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Optical_Path_Length - Units_of_Optical_Path_Length is classified as being of type Optical_Path_Length
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Pressure
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Pressure - Units_of_Pressure is classified as being of type Pressure
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Radiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Radiance - Units_of_Radiance is classified as being of type Radiance
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Rates
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Rates - Units_of_Rates is classified as being of type Rates
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Solid_Angle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Solid_Angle - Units_of_Solid_Angle is classified as being of type Solid_Angle
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Spectral_Irradiance - Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is classified as being of the type Spectral_Irradiance
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Spectral_Radiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Spectral_Radiance - Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is classified as being of the type Spectral_Radiance
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Storage
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Storage - Units_of_Storage is classified as being of type Storage
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Temperature
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Temperature - Units_of_Temperature is classified as being of type Temperature
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Time - Units_of_Time is classified as being of type Time
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Velocity
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Velocity - Units_of_Velocity is classified as being of type Velocity
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Voltage
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Voltage - Units_of_Voltage is classified as being of type Voltage
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Volume
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Volume - Units_of_Volume is classified as being of the type Volume
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Wavenumber
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Wavenumber - Units_of_Wavenumber is classified as being of the type Wavenumber
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Acceleration - Vector contains the components of an acceleration
- Pointing - Vector contains the components of a direction
- Position - Vector contains the components of a position
- Velocity - Vector contains the components of a velocity
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Axis_Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Element_Array
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Binary
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Bit
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Character
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Unit
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Unit_Of_Measure
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Acceleration
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- cm/s**2 - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Acceleration is cm/s**2
- km/s**2 - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Acceleration is km/s**2
- m/s**2 - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Acceleration is m/s**2
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- mol - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance is mol
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Angle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- arcmin - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angle is arcmin
- arcsec - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angle is arcsec
- deg - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angle is deg
- hr - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angle is hr
- mrad - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angle is mrad
- rad - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angle is rad
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Angular_Velocity
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- deg/day - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angular_Velocity is deg/day
- deg/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angular_Velocity is deg/s
- rad/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Angular_Velocity is rad/s
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- m**2 - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Area is m**2
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Current
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- A - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Current is A
- mA - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Current is mA
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Frame_Rate
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- frames/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Frame_Rate is frames/s
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Frequency
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Hz - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Frequency is Hz
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Length
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- AU - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is AU (astronomical unit)
- Angstrom - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is Angstrom
- cm - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is cm
- km - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is km
- m - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is m
- micrometer - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is micrometer (10-6 m)
- mm - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is mm (10-3 m)
- nm - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Length is nm (10-9 m)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Map_Scale
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- km/pixel - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Map_Scale is km/pixel
- m/pixel - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Map_Scale is m/pixel
- mm/pixel - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Map_Scale is mm/pixel
- pixel/deg - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Map_Scale is pixel/deg
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Mass
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- g - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Mass is g
- kg - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Mass is kg
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Misc
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- DN - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Misc is DN
- electron/DN - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Misc is electron/DN
- pixel - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Misc is pixel
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_None
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- none - Dimensionless quantities have no abbreviated unit
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Optical_Path_Length
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- airmass - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Optical_Path_Length is airmass
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Pressure
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Pa - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Pressure is Pa
- bar - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Pressure is bar (10**5 Pa)
- hPa - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Pressure is hPa (100 Pa)
- mbar - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Pressure is mbar (100 Pa)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Radiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- W*m**-2*sr**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Radiance is W*m**-2*sr**-1
- W/(m**2*sr) - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Radiance is W/(m**2*sr)
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Rates
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- counts/bin - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Rates is counts/bin
- kilobits/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Rates is kilobits/s
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Solid_Angle
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- sr - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Solid_Angle is sr
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- SFU - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is SFU
- W*m**-2*Hz**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is W*m**-2*Hz**-1
- W*m**-2*nm**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is W*m**-2*nm**-1
- W*m**-3 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is W*m**-3
- W/m**2/Hz - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is W/m**2/Hz
- W/m**2/nm - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is W/m**2/nm
- W/m**3 - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is W/m**3
- uW*cm**-2*um**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance is uW*cm**-2*um**-1
- μW/cm**2/μm - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is μW/cm**2/μm
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Spectral_Radiance
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W*m**-2*sr**-1*Hz**-1
- W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W*m**-2*sr**-1*nm**-1
- W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W*m**-2*sr**-1*um**-1
- W*m**-3*sr**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W*m**-3*sr**-1
- W/m**2/sr/Hz - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W/m**2/sr/Hz
- W/m**2/sr/nm - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W/m**2/sr/nm
- W/m**2/sr/μm - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W/m**2/sr/μm
- W/m**3/sr - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is W/m**3/sr
- uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is uW*cm**-2*sr**-1*um**-1
- μW/cm**2/sr/μm - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Spectral_Radiance is μW/cm**2/sr/μm
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Storage
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- byte - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Storage is byte
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Temperature
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- K - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Temperature is K
- degC - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Temperature is degC
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- day - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is day
- hr - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is hr
- julian day - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is julian day
- microseconds - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is microseconds
- min - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is min
- ms - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is ms
- s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is s
- yr - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Time is yr
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Velocity
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- cm/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Velocity is cm/s
- km/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Velocity is km/s
- m/s - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Velocity is m/s
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Voltage
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- V - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Voltage is V
- mV - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Voltage is mV
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Volume
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- L - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Volume is L
- m**3 - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Volume is m**3
Type: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Units_of_Wavenumber
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- 1/cm - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Wavenumber is 1/cm
- 1/m - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Wavenumber is 1/m
- 1/nm - The abbreviated unit of Units_of_Wavenumber is 1/nm
- cm**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Wavenumber is cm**-1
- m**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Wavenumber is m**-1
- nm**-1 - *Deprecated* - The abbreviated unit for Units_of_Wavenumber is nm**-1
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Units_of_Acceleration - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Acceleration.
- Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Amounts_of_Substance
- Units_of_Angle - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Angle
- Units_of_Angular_Velocity - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Angular_Velocity
- Units_of_Area - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Area
- Units_of_Current - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Current
- Units_of_Frame_Rate - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Frame_Rate
- Units_of_Frequency - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Frequency
- Units_of_Length - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Length
- Units_of_Map_Scale - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Map_Scale
- Units_of_Mass - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Mass
- Units_of_Misc - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Misc
- Units_of_None - The attribute being defined is dimensionless.
- Units_of_Optical_Path_Length - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Optical_Path_Length
- Units_of_Pressure - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Pressure
- Units_of_Radiance - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Radiance
- Units_of_Rates - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Rates
- Units_of_Solid_Angle - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Solid_Angle
- Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance
- Units_of_Spectral_Radiance - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Spectral_Radiance
- Units_of_Storage - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Storage
- Units_of_Temperature - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Temperature
- Units_of_Time - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Time
- Units_of_Velocity - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Velocity
- Units_of_Voltage - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Voltage
- Units_of_Volume - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Volume
- Units_of_Wavenumber - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Wavenumber
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- Units_of_Amount_Of_Substance - The attribute being defined uses one of the values of unit_id listed in class Units_of_Amount_of_Substance
- Units_of_Angle - The value is given in a unit which conveys angle
- Units_of_Angular_Velocity - The value is given in a unit which conveys angular velocity
- Units_of_Area - The value is given in a unit which conveys area
- Units_of_Current - The value is given in a unit which conveys current
- Units_of_Frame_Rate - The value is given in a unit which conveys frame rate
- Units_of_Frequency - The value is given in a unit which conveys frequency
- Units_of_Length - The value is given in a unit which conveys length
- Units_of_Map_Scale - The value is given in a unit which conveys map scale
- Units_of_Mass - The value is given in a unit which conveys mass
- Units_of_Misc - The value is given in a unit which is in a miscellaneous category
- Units_of_None - The value is given without regard to a unit of measure
- Units_of_Optical_Path_Length - The value is given in a unit which conveys optical path length
- Units_of_Pressure - The value is given in a unit which conveys pressure
- Units_of_Radiance - The value is given in a unit which conveys radiance
- Units_of_Rates - The value is given in a unit which conveys rates or counts per unit time
- Units_of_Solid_Angle - The value is given in a unit which conveys solid angle
- Units_of_Spectral_Irradiance - The value is given in a unit which conveys spectral irradiance
- Units_of_Spectral_Radiance - The value is given in a unit which conveys spectral radiance
- Units_of_Storage - The value is given in a unit which conveys computer storage
- Units_of_Temperature - The value is given in a unit which conveys temperature
- Units_of_Time - The value is given in a unit which conveys time
- Units_of_Velocity - The value is given in a unit which conveys velocity
- Units_of_Voltage - The value is given in a unit which conveys voltage
- Units_of_Volume - The value is given in a unit which conveys volume
- Units_of_Wavenumber - The value is given in a unit which conveys wavenumber
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Constant
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Class Name: External_Reference_Extended
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Class Name: Resource
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Maximum
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Special_Constants
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Minimum
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Permissible_Value
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Permissible_Value_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Quaternion_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Vector_Component
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Value
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Class Name: DD_Permissible_Value_Full
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_AnyURI - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_AnyURI
- ASCII_Boolean - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Boolean
- ASCII_DOI - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_DOI
- ASCII_Date_DOY - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
- ASCII_Date_YMD - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_YMD
- ASCII_Directory_Path_Name - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
- ASCII_File_Name - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_File_Name
- ASCII_File_Specification_Name - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_File_Specification_Name
- ASCII_Integer - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Integer
- ASCII_LID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_LID
- ASCII_LIDVID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_LIDVID
- ASCII_LIDVID_LID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_LIDVID_LID
- ASCII_MD5_Checksum - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_MD5_Checksum
- ASCII_NonNegative_Integer - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
- ASCII_Numeric_Base16 - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Numeric_Base16
- ASCII_Numeric_Base2 - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Numeric_Base2
- ASCII_Numeric_Base8 - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Numeric_Base8
- ASCII_Real - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Real
- ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
- ASCII_Short_String_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
- ASCII_Text_Collapsed - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Text_Collapsed
- ASCII_Text_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Text_Preserved
- ASCII_Time - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Time
- ASCII_VID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_VID
- UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed - The value is expressed using the data type UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
- UTF8_Short_String_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
- UTF8_Text_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type UTF8_Text_Preserved
- Vector_Cartesian_3 - The value is expressed using the data type Vector_Cartesian_3
- Vector_Cartesian_3_Acceleration - The value is expressed using the data type Vector_Cartesian_3_Acceleration
- Vector_Cartesian_3_Pointing - The value is expressed using the data type Vector_Cartesian_3_Pointing
- Vector_Cartesian_3_Position - The value is expressed using the data type Vector_Cartesian_3_Position
- Vector_Cartesian_3_Velocity - The value is expressed using the data type Vector_Cartesian_3_Velocity
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Value_Domain_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- ASCII_AnyURI - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_AnyURI
- ASCII_Boolean - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Boolean
- ASCII_DOI - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_DOI
- ASCII_Date_DOY - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
- ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
- ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
- ASCII_Date_YMD - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Date_YMD
- ASCII_Directory_Path_Name - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
- ASCII_File_Name - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_File_Name
- ASCII_File_Specification_Name - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_File_Specification_Name
- ASCII_Integer - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Integer
- ASCII_LID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_LID
- ASCII_LIDVID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_LIDVID
- ASCII_LIDVID_LID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_LIDVID_LID
- ASCII_MD5_Checksum - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_MD5_Checksum
- ASCII_NonNegative_Integer - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
- ASCII_Numeric_Base16 - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Numeric_Base16
- ASCII_Numeric_Base2 - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Numeric_Base2
- ASCII_Numeric_Base8 - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Numeric_Base8
- ASCII_Real - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Real
- ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
- ASCII_Short_String_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
- ASCII_Text_Collapsed - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Text_Collapsed
- ASCII_Text_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Text_Preserved
- ASCII_Time - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_Time
- ASCII_VID - The value is expressed using the data type ASCII_VID
- UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed - The value is expressed using the data type UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
- UTF8_Short_String_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
- UTF8_Text_Preserved - The value is expressed using the data type UTF8_Text_Preserved
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Class Name: DD_Permissible_Value_Full
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Time
Conceptual Domain: Time
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Permissible_Value
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Class Name: DD_Permissible_Value_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Text
Conceptual Domain: Text
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Band_Bin
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: img
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Element_Array
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Binary
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Bit
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Character
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Field_Delimited
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Offset
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: Association
Type: Association
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Vector
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Attribute_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: DD_Class_Full
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Service
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Software
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Identification_Area
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Instrument_Host
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Modification_Detail
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Pattern: ([0-9]+)(\.){1}([0-9]+)
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Display_Direction
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Display_Direction
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: img
Namespace Id: disp
- Bottom to Top - The lowest indexed element along an array axis should be displayed at the bottom edge of a display device and elements with higher indices should be displayed higher up. This is the display direction typically used for FITS formatted data.
- Top to Bottom - The lowest indexed element along an array axis should be displayed at the top edge of a display device and elements with higher indices should be displayed lower down. This is the display direction typically used for VICAR formatted data.
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Format
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_Set_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Name
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Size
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Volume_PDS3
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: ID
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Integer
Class Name: Volume_Set_PDS3
Minimum Value: 0
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Count
Conceptual Domain: Integer
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Radio_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Real
Unit of Measure Type: Units_of_Length
Valid Units: AU, Angstrom, cm, km, m, micrometer, mm, nm
Class Name: Stellar_Occultation
Nillable: false
Steward: rings
Namespace Id: rings
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Science_Facets
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- Far Infrared - The wavelength is between approximately 30 and 300 micrometers
- Gamma Ray - The wavelength is less than approximately 0.01 nm
- Infrared - The wavelength is between approximately 0.75 and 300 micrometers
- Microwave - The wavelength is between millimeters and approximately one meter
- Millimeter - The wavelength is between approximately one and a few millimeters
- Near Infrared - The wavelength is between approximately 0.65 and 5.0 micrometers
- Radio - The wavelength is between millimeters and hundreds of thousands of meters
- Submillimeter - The wavelength is between approximately 0.3 and 1.0 millimeters
- Ultraviolet - The wavelength is between approximately 10 and 400 nm
- Visible - The wavelength is between approximately 390 and 700 nm
- X-ray - The wavelength is between approximately 0.01 and 10 nm
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Vector_Cartesian_3
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_AnyURI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:anyURI - ASCII_AnyURI has an XML schema base type of xsd:anyURI
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_DOI
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_DOI has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_DOY has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_Time has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_Time_DOY has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_Time_UTC has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_Time_YMD has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_YMD
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_YMD has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Directory_Path_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - ASCII_Directory_Path_Name has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - ASCII_File_Name has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_File_Specification_Name
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - ASCII_File_Specification_Name has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:integer - ASCII_Integer has an XML schema base type of xsd:integer
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_LID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_LID has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_LIDVID has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_MD5_Checksum
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_MD5_Checksum has an XML schema base type xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_NonNegative_Integer
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:nonNegativeInteger - ASCII_NonNegative_Integer has an XML schema base type xsd:nonNegativeInteger
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Real
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:double - ASCII_Real has an XML schema base type of xsd:double
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Short_String_Preserved has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Text_Preserved has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Time
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Time has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_VID
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_VID has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - UTF8_Short_String_Collapsed has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Short_String_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - UTF8_Short_String_Preserved has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_Text_Preserved
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: ops
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - UTF8_Text_Preserved has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Boolean
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:boolean - ASCII_Boolean has an XML schema base type of xsd:boolean
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_Time_DOY_UTC has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Date_Time_YMD_UTC has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_LIDVID_LID has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base16
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:hexBinary - ASCII_Numeric_Base16 has an XML schema base type of xsd:hexBinary
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base2
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Numeric_Base2 has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Numeric_Base8
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:string - ASCII_Numeric_Base8 has an XML schema base type of xsd:string
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_String
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - ASCII_String has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: ASCII_Text_Collapsed
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - ASCII_Text_Collapsed has an XML schema base type of xsd:token
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: Character_Data_Type
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Short_String_Collapsed
Class Name: UTF8_String
Minimum Characters: 1
Maximum Characters: 255
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Type
Conceptual Domain: Short_String
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
- xsd:token - UTF8_String must be normalized.
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Vector_Cartesian_3
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
Type: ASCII_Real
Class Name: Vector_Cartesian_3
Nillable: false
Attribute Concept: Number
Conceptual Domain: Real
Steward: pds
Namespace Id: pds
The following glossary contains a list of terms used within this specification and the definitions for those terms.