Searching For Publications Based on MAVEN Data
An ongoing approach for tracking publications based on data from the MAVEN instruments is to utilize NASA's Astrophysical Data System (ADS)
Go to http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.html and enter your search parameters (note: you can constrain Author, Time Interval, Title Words, and/or Abstract Words).
The names of team members and associates are listed below. A search on these names will allow you to complete a list of their productive co-authors and provide an updated source that you can utilize to develop your individual search routine or bibliography.
Principal Investigator, Bruce Jakosky
Deputy Principal Investigator, Janet Luhmann
Project Scientist, Joe Grebowsky
Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS)
Paul Mahaffy, Instrument Lead (GSFC)
Wayne Kasprzak (GSFC)
Mehdi Benna (GSFC)
Meredith K Elrod (GSFC)
Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrometer (IUVS)
Nick Schneider, Instrument Lead (LASP)
Ian Stewart (LASP)
Erik Richard (LASP)
John Clarke (Boston University)
Franck Montmessin (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Bill McClintock, (LASP)
Accelerometer (ACC)
Richard Zurek, Lead (JPL)
Bob Tolson (National Institute of Aerospace)
Darren Baird (Johnson Space Center)
SupraThermal and Thermal Ion Composition (STATIC)
Jim McFadden, Instrument Lead (SSL)
Bill Peterson (LASP)
Francois Leblanc (IRAP)
Solar Energetic particles (SEP)
Davin Larson, Instrument Lead (SSL)
Rob Lillis (SSL)
Solar Wind Electron Analyzer (SWEA)
David L. Mitchell, Instrument Lead (SSL)
Christian Mazelle (IRAP)
Jean-Andre Savaud (IRAP)
Dominique Toublanc (IRAP)
Solar Wind Ion Analyzer (SWIA)
Jasper Halekas, Instrument Lead (SSL)
Langmuir Probe and Waves (LPW)
Bob Ergun, Instrument Lead (LASP)
Greg Delory (SSL)
Laila Andersson (LASP)
Frank Eparvier (LASP)
Tom Woods (LASP)
Phil Chamberlin (LASP)
Anders Eriksson (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
Langmuir Probe and Waves EUV Monitor (LPW-EUV)
Francis Gerard Eparvier (LASP)
Magnetometer (MAG)
Jack Connerney, Instrument Lead (GSFC)
Jared Espley (GSFC)
Interdisciplinary Scientists
Tom Cravens (University of Kansas)
David Brain (LASP)
Xiaohua Fang (LASP)
Jane Fox (Wright State University)
Roger Yelle (University of Arizona)
Andy Nagy (University of Michigan)