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Periodic Comet Names and Designations

This list was compiled for the Planetary Data System Small Bodies Node (PDS SBN) to provide a cross reference between a periodic comet's official designation and its name. For completeness, it also includes the previous names by which a comet may have been known, as well as the Belyaev/Carusi catalog identification numbers. A more detailed description of the table's contents is given following the table.

To determine which objects to include in the list, we adopt the IAU definition for short-period comets. This includes all numbered periodic comets (those observed on at least two apparitions) and unnumbered comets whose orbital periods have been determined to be less than 200 years. An exception to this is the sungrazing comets observed by SOHO, for which three apparitions are required. (The orbits of these comets are not determined accurately enough to unambiguously distinguish the same object after only two orbits.)

The initial list of periodic comets was extracted from the 2003 version of the Catalog of Cometary Orbits (Marsden & Williams). Periodic updates to this list are obtained from IAU Circulars, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars and Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams. The list is complete through the date given. A file containing the order in which the comets were designated as periodic (starting in 1995) is given here. Due to changes in policies regarding MPC updates around the start of 2012, entries from after that date are only added to the list when their orbital elements have included an epoch, suggesting that the orbits are well-determined.

Note: When this list was initially compiled there were a number of entries for which the serial number in the PDS Name was incorrect. On January 13, 2006 these were corrected to reflect the proper order in which they were designated as periodic. A list of the changes is given here. Also included are any subsequent changes and the reason they were made.

Periodic Comet Names and Designations

Last Update: 29 Nov 2016

 Official       Orbital       Time of          PDS Name                 Belyaev /     Previous 
Designation     Period       Perihelion                                 Carusi ID      Name             
148P/1963 W1      7.85    1963 Oct 28.5128   Anderson-LINEAR 1                        Anderson          
 50P/1951 T1      7.76    1951 Nov 23.4090   Arend 1                        52P/                        
 49P/1951 C2      6.71    1950 Dec 18.9221   Arend-Rigaux 1                 51P/                        
   P/2011 N1     15.77    2012 May 30.2998   ASH 1                                                      
 47P/1948 Q1      7.48    1948 Oct  4.7790   Ashbrook-Jackson 1             49P/                        
   D/1884 O1      5.38    1884 Aug 16.9680   Barnard 1                     508P/                        
177P/1889 M1    117.36    1889 Jun 21.2488   Barnard 2                     510P/                        
206P/1892 T1      6.52    1892 Dec 11.1746   Barnard-Boattini 1            512P/      Barnard 3         
   C/2001 W2     76.0     2001 Dec 23.9184   BATTERS 1                                                  
268P/2005 V1      9.54    2005 Aug 12.6043   Bernardi 1                                                 
297P/2008 J2      6.49    2008 Mar 20.8454   Beshore 1                                                  
  3D/1826 D1      6.72    1826 Mar 18.9498   Biela 1                         4P/                        
289P/1819 W1      5.18    1819 Nov 20.274    Blanpain 1                    504P/                        
   P/2008 O3     24.5     2008 Jun  3.882    Boattini 1                                                 
340P/2008 T1      8.71    2008 Feb 26.3310   Boattini 2                                                 
   P/2008 Y1     10.5     2009 Feb 25.0858   Boattini 3                                                 
   P/2009 B1     17.29    2009 Feb  6.2408   Boattini 4                                                 
   P/2009 Q4      5.56    2009 Nov 19.9256   Boattini 5                                                 
   P/2010 U1     17.1     2010 Mar 27.9218   Boattini 6                                                 
   P/2011 V1      7.54    2011 May 11.8600   Boattini 7                                                 
   P/2011 Y2     15.50    2012 Mar 21.7042   Boattini 8                                                 
   C/2011 Y3     40.13    2011 Aug 22.8330   Boattini 9                                                 
 85P/1975 A1     11.0     1975 Jan  5.6148   Boethin 1                     525P/                        
   C/2014 Q3    152.71    2014 Nov 19.0621   Borisov 1                                                  
 19P/1904 Y2      6.91    1905 Jan 17.2944   Borrelly 1                     23P/                        
140P/1983 C1     15.7     1983 Mar 15.1936   Bowell-Skiff 1                543P/                        
   C/1984 A1    151.      1983 Dec 27.7925   Bradfield 1                   548P/                        
   C/1989 A3     81.9     1988 Dec  5.2437   Bradfield 2                                                
   P/2011 U2     12.69    2012 May  8.1224   Bressi 1                                                   
   C/2015 H1    192.15    2015 Mar 28.7154   Bressi 2                                                   
154P/1992 Q1     10.7     1992 Jun  7.7969   Brewington 1                                               
   D/1886 K1      5.44    1886 Jun  7.2122   Brooks 1                      509P/                        
 16P/1889 N1      7.07    1889 Sep 30.8540   Brooks 2                       19P/                        
  5D/1846 D2      5.57    1846 Feb 25.8685   Brorsen 1                       6P/                        
 23P/1847 O1     73.1     1847 Sep 10.0474   Brorsen-Metcalf 1              27P/                        
   P/2005 T5     19.54    2005 Nov  3.5322   Broughton 1                                                
 87P/1981 E1      6.52    1981 Jun 11.3452   Bus 1                         541P/                        
330P/1999 V1     16.8     1999 Oct 25.0500   Catalina 1                                                 
   P/1999 XN120   8.54    2000 May  1.5442   Catalina 2                                                 
300P/2005 JQ5     4.42    2005 Jul 28.0340   Catalina 3                                                 
257P/2005 JY126   7.27    2006 Feb 21.3281   Catalina 4                                                 
   C/2005 N5    153.68    2005 Aug 22.6812   Catalina 5                                                 
   P/2007 C2     18.63    2007 Sep  4.5991   Catalina 6                                                 
346P/2007 T6      9.52    2007 Aug 19.6680   Catalina 7                                                 
   P/2007 VQ11   12.582   2008 Feb 13.5568   Catalina 8                                                 
   C/2008 E1     34.88    2008 Aug 11.2841   Catalina 9                                                 
   P/2009 WX51    5.41    2010 Jan 31.0741   Catalina 10                                                
   P/2013 AL76   16.57    2012 Dec 13.3168   Catalina 11                                                
   P/2011 CR42    6.58    2011 Nov 29.9316   Catalina 12                                                
   C/2013 U1     41.42    2013 Nov 18.4285   Catalina 13                                                
   P/2014 J1     25.47    2014 Jun 20.0043   Catalina 14                                                
   C/2014 TG64   57.5     2014 May 25.9880   Catalina 15                                               
   P/2015 W2     19.9     2015 Sep 26.3661   Catalina 16                                               
   C/2015 X2     62.87    2015 Dec 20.6728   Catalina 17                                               
227P/2004 EW38    6.80    2003 Nov 19.8968   Catalina-LINEAR 1                                          
319P/2008 S1      6.74    2008 Oct  1.8303   Catalina-McNaught 1                                        
   P/2005 JD108  16.35    2005 Aug 10.4828   Catalina-NEAT 1                                            
   P/2013 R3      5.26    2013 Jul 21.4827   Catalina-PanSTARRS 1                                       
299P/2014 D2      9.15    2015 Feb 23.2806   Catalina-PanSTARRS 2                                       
101P/1977 Q1     15.9     1978 Feb 14.9242   Chernykh 1                    529P/                        
 95P/1977 UB     50.7     1996 Feb 14.7458   Chiron                                                     
210P/2003 K2      5.75    2003 Apr  7.8527   Christensen 1                                              
164P/2004 Y1      6.91    2004 Jun 21.8935   Christensen 2                                              
286P/2005 L4      8.35    2005 Aug 24.6292   Christensen 3                                              
170P/2005 M1      8.63    2006 Jan 26.7810   Christensen 4                                              
   C/2005 O2    115.5     2005 Sep  8.4038   Christensen 5                                              
   P/2005 T2      7.48    2005 Apr 11.2792   Christensen 6                                              
   C/2005 W2     82.8     2006 Mar 27.4951   Christensen 7                                              
   C/2006 F2     43.2     2006 Mar 31.2038   Christensen 8                                              
287P/2006 R2      8.51    2006 Jun 15.0005   Christensen 9                                              
   P/2006 S1      6.53    2006 Aug 30.1833   Christensen 10                                             
   P/2006 S4     15.58    2006 Jun  1.6985   Christensen 11                                             
266P/2006 U5      6.63    2007 Jan 18.8554   Christensen 12                                             
   P/2006 WY182  15.92    2007 Jan 17.8829   Christensen 13                                             
   P/2007 B1     14.08    2007 Jan 19.9570   Christensen 14                                             
298P/2007 C1      6.52    2007 Mar  5.2614   Christensen 15                                             
   C/2014 W7     38.37    2014 Dec 31.6207   Christensen 16                                             
   P/2016 A2     10.3     2015 Jun 17.3877   Christensen 17                                             
 67P/1969 R1      6.55    1969 Sep 11.0372   Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1                                    
108P/1985 V1      7.22    1985 Oct 30.0936   Ciffreo 1                                                  
167P/2004 PY42   64.8     2001 Apr 24.       CINEOS 1                                                   
 71P/1973 L1      5.52    1973 May 24.8836   Clark 1                        72P/                        
 32P/1926 V1      8.52    1927 Mar 22.1980   Comas Sola 1                   35P/                        
 27P/1928 W1     27.9     1928 Nov  4.9696   Crommelin 1                    11P/                        
 33P/1909 X1      6.48    1909 Nov 29.2276   Daniel 1                       36P/                        
  6P/1851 M1      6.39    1851 Jul  9.1767   d'Arrest 1                      7P/                        
   D/1894 F1      7.40    1894 Feb  9.9349   Denning 1                     513P/                        
 72P/1881 T1      8.71    1881 Sep 13.8318   Denning-Fujikawa 1             71P/      Denning           
122P/1846 D1     76.1     1846 Mar  6.0467   de Vico 1                     506P/                        
 54P/1844 Q1      5.46    1844 Sep  2.9748   de Vico-Swift-NEAT 1           18P/      de Vico-Swift     
 66P/1944 K1     14.8     1944 Jun 17.4947   du Toit 1                                                  
 79P/1945 G1      5.28    1945 Apr 18.7209   du Toit-Hartley 1              78P/      du Toit 2         
 57P/1941 O1      5.55    1941 Jul 21.2094   du Toit-Neujmin-Delporte 1     59P/                        
   C/1921 H1     62.3     1921 May  5.3468   Dubiago 1                     519P/                        
174P/2000 EC98   35.34    2015 Apr 24.6126   Echeclus                                                   
   P/2011 NO1    13.02    2011 Jan 20.5343   Elenin 1                                                   
   P/2014 X1     15.66    2015 Jan  7.7426   Elenin 2                                                   
   C/2015 X4     77.6     2015 Nov  3.6868   Elenin 3                                                   
133P/1996 N2      5.61    1996 Apr 18.4794   Elst-Pizarro 1                                             
  2P/1818 W1      3.29    1819 Jan 27.7540   Encke 1                         3P/                        
  4P/1843 W1      7.44    1843 Oct 17.6437   Faye 1                          5P/                        
 15P/1886 S1      6.65    1886 Nov 22.8897   Finlay 1                       17P/                        
 37P/1929 P1      6.38    1929 Jun 26.0438   Forbes 1                       40P/                        
 34D/1927 L1     11.3     1927 Jun 14.5551   Gale 1                         37P/                        
186P/2007 B3     10.80    2008 Mar 20.5030   Garradd 1                                                  
296P/2007 H3      6.55    2007 Aug 15.3280   Garradd 2                                                  
   P/2007 R4     14.14    2007 Sep 27.2764   Garradd 3                                                  
259P/2008 R1      4.50    2008 Jul 25.3084   Garradd 4                                                  
 90P/1972 T1     14.5     1973 Jan 24.6712   Gehrels 1                     524P/                        
 78P/1973 S1      7.94    1973 Dec  1.6048   Gehrels 2                      77P/                        
 82P/1975 U1      8.11    1977 Apr 23.1910   Gehrels 3                     527P/                        
270P/1997 C1     17.4     1996 Jan 29.2065   Gehrels 4                                                  
142P/1988 V1     11.3     1988 May 23.9954   Ge-Wang 1                                                  
205P/1896 R2      6.65    1896 Oct 28.5342   Giacobini 1                   515P/                        
 21P/1900 Y1      6.46    1900 Nov 28.4965   Giacobini-Zinner 1             24P/                        
   C/2006 U7     41.4     2007 Mar 27.6943   Gibbs 1                                                    
   P/2006 W1     13.9     2006 Mar 29.5281   Gibbs 2                                                    
263P/2006 Y2      5.27    2006 Dec 28.7531   Gibbs 3                                                    
   P/2007 K2     19.1     2007 Jun  8.4597   Gibbs 4                                                    
   P/2007 R2      6.38    2007 Aug 26.6687   Gibbs 5                                                    
341P/2007 R3      8.86    2007 Jul  6.5825   Gibbs 6                                                    
   P/2007 T4     12.04    2007 Jul 20.7473   Gibbs 7                                                    
335P/2008 Y2      6.80    2009 Jan 22.4095   Gibbs 8                                                    
339P/2009 K1      7.05    2009 Jun 25.9070   Gibbs 9                                                    
229P/2009 S1      7.77    2009 Aug  4.1771   Gibbs 10                                                   
248P/2010 W1     14.59    2011 Feb  8.7360   Gibbs 11                                                   
   P/2011 C2     20.0     2012 Jan  7.7131   Gibbs 12                                                   
   P/2011 S1     25.42    2014 Aug 27.1247   Gibbs 13                                                   
331P/2012 F5      5.20    2010 Mar 24.3058   Gibbs 14                                                   
   P/2012 K3      6.47    2012 Sep  3.5654   Gibbs 15                                                   
313P/2014 S4      5.56    2014 Sep  9.1062   Gibbs 16                                                   
   P/2014 W12     3.44    2014 Nov 14.1907   Gibbs 17                                                   
   P/2016 R4     12.32    2016 Jul 20.5210   Gibbs 18                                                   
 84P/1931 R1      6.45    1931 Nov 18.9850   Giclas 1                      535P/                        
   P/2007 Q2     13.23    2007 Aug 23.8774   Gilmore 1                                                  
 26P/1922 K1      4.98    1922 May 15.6943   Grigg-Skjellerup 1             29P/                        
 65P/1970 U2      6.80    1969 Apr 18.8866   Gunn 1                         56P/                        
  1P/1682 Q1     76.7     1682 Sep 15.2794   Halley 1                                                   
   D/1978 R1      5.97    1978 Oct  9.4965   Haneda-Campos 1               534P/                        
 51P/1953 P1      6.97    1953 Sep 22.1413   Harrington 1                   53P/                        
 52P/1955 F1      7.20    1954 Dec 12.8464   Harrington-Abell 1             54P/                        
   D/1952 B1      6.36    1951 Oct 30.4145   Harrington-Wilson 1           522P/                        
100P/1985 L1      5.61    1985 Jun 11.6508   Hartley 1                                                  
103P/1986 E2      6.26    1985 Jun  4.8979   Hartley 2                                                  
110P/1988 D1      6.83    1987 Jul 15.7855   Hartley 3                                                  
161P/1983 V1     21.50    1984 Jan  8.7089   Hartley-IRAS 1                547P/                        
   D/1766 G1      4.35    1766 Apr 27.909    Helfenzrieder 1               501P/                        
151P/1987 Q3     14.4     1987 Aug 12.1778   Helin 1                                                    
152P/1993 K2      9.45    1993 Jun 30.3453   Helin-Lawrence 1                                           
117P/1989 T2      9.50    1987 Oct 12.3912   Helin-Roman-Alu 1                                          
132P/1989 U1      8.20    1989 Oct 31.2948   Helin-Roman-Alu 2                                          
111P/1989 A2      8.13    1988 Sep 13.3026   Helin-Roman-Crockett 1                                     
168P/1998 W2      6.92    2005 Nov  2.4811   Hergenrother 1                                             
175P/2000 C1      6.63    2000 Mar 19.8701   Hergenrother 2                                             
275P/1999 D1     13.8     1999 Feb 18.0263   Hermann 1                                                  
 35P/1939 O1    155.      1939 Aug  9.464    Herschel-Rigollet 1            38P/                        
   P/2006 D1     13.10    2005 Oct 25.9960   Hill 1                                                     
310P/2006 S6      8.51    2006 Oct 18.2533   Hill 2                                                     
195P/2006 W4     16.49    2009 Jan 21.0129   Hill 3                                                     
326P/2007 V2      8.20    2007 Jul 30.9320   Hill 4                                                     
   P/2008 L2     14.7     2008 Aug 18.5498   Hill 5                                                     
   P/2008 T4      9.37    2008 Dec 23.9168   Hill 6                                                     
211P/2008 X1      6.73    2009 May  7.7712   Hill 7                                                     
   P/2009 O3     21.92    2009 May 18.6318   Hill 8                                                     
   P/2009 Q1     13.06    2009 Jul  4.0743   Hill 9                                                     
232P/2009 W1      9.49    2009 Oct  1.5370   Hill 10                                                    
   P/2010 A1      9.15    2009 Aug  6.8117   Hill 11                                                    
   P/2010 A3     14.90    2010 Apr  3.6833   Hill 12                                                    
   P/2010 U2      8.84    2010 Nov  9.3100   Hill 13                                                    
   P/2014 A2     14.40    2013 Oct 28.3871   Hill 14                                                    
   P/2014 L3     23.34    2014 Jun 28.5758   Hill 15                                                    
 17P/1892 V1      6.90    1892 Jun 13.9509   Holmes 1                       20P/                        
   C/2013 D1     37.62    2013 Apr 13.7393   Holvorcem 1                                                
127P/1990 R2      6.16    1990 Oct  4.5084   Holt-Olmstead 1                                            
 45P/1948 X1      5.22    1948 Nov 17.7165   Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova 1      46P/                        
 88P/1981 Q1      6.48    1981 May  4.3552   Howell 1                      542P/                        
178P/1999 X1      7.04    1999 Jun 20.8337   Hug-Bell 1                                                 
153P/2002 C1    364.      2002 Mar 18.9799   Ikeya-Zhang 1                                              
332P/2010 V1      5.38    2010 Oct 13.1178   Ikeya-Murakami 1                                           
126P/1983 M1     13.2     1983 Aug 23.7994   IRAS 1                        546P/                        
   P/2015 PD229  19.2     2015 Aug 14.5285   ISON-Cameron 1                                             
 58P/1936 S1      8.57    1936 Oct  3.3680   Jackson-Neujmin 1                                          
290P/1998 U3     14.9     1999 Mar 10.0703   Jager 1                                  Jaeger 1          
   P/2010 E2     25.40    2010 Apr  7.9132   Jarnac 1                                                   
179P/1995 A1     14.33    1993 Aug 17.2819   Jedicke 1                                                  
269P/1996 A1     19.3     1995 Aug 15.8941   Jedicke 2                                                  
 48P/1949 Q1      6.86    1949 Sep 16.5221   Johnson 1                      50P/                        
 59P/1963 Q1      8.95    1963 Dec  7.0119   Kearns-Kwee 1                  64P/                        
 68P/1965 U1     10.9     1965 Aug 18.3607   Klemola 1                                                  
   P/1997 B1     25.2     1997 Mar  2.3470   Kobayashi 1                                                
 75P/1975 C1      6.23    1975 Jan 18.1826   Kohoutek 1                                                 
 70P/1970 Y1      6.16    1970 Oct  7.0530   Kojima 1                                                   
 22P/1906 Q1      6.58    1906 May  3.1772   Kopff 1                        26P/                        
203P/1999 WJ7    10.0     2000 Feb 15.8316   Korlevic 1                                                 
183P/1999 DN3     9.602   1998 Sep 30.4678   Korlevic-Juric 1                                           
 99P/1977 H2     15.0     1976 Dec 31.8474   Kowal 1                       528P/                        
104P/1979 B1      6.43    1979 Jan 13.6980   Kowal 2                       536P/                        
158P/2001 RG100  10.29    2002 Jul 25.7649   Kowal-LINEAR 1                                             
143P/1984 H1      7.35    1984 Jun  8.3272   Kowal-Mrkos 1                 551P/                        
134P/1983 J3     16.0     1983 Apr  1.7774   Kowal-Vavrova 1               544P/                        
   P/2005 W3     16.2     2005 Aug 23.1142   Kowalski 1                                                 
   P/2006 F1     10.14    2008 Feb 19.7770   Kowalski 2                                                 
   P/2007 T2      5.43    2007 Sep 19.0218   Kowalski 3                                                 
   P/2009 Y2     16.6     2010 Mar 30.6985   Kowalski 4                                                 
   C/2011 S2     65.8     2011 Oct 26.3511   Kowalski 5                                                 
   C/2012 Q1    133.8     2012 Feb  9.4771   Kowalski 6                                                 
   C/2012 T6     54.24    2012 Aug 26.3931   Kowalski 7                                                 
   P/2013 G1     18.0     2013 Dec 10.5158   Kowalski 8                                                 
   P/2014 U2      5.60    2014 Oct  7.0589   Kowalski 9                                                
   P/2015 D5     27.5     2014 May 28.3641   Kowalski 10                                               
   P/2016 Q4     69.02    2018 Jan 29.0868   Kowalski 11                                               
144P/1994 A1      7.37    1993 Dec 12.8624   Kushida 1                                                  
147P/1993 X1      7.40    1993 Dec 10.2645   Kushida-Muramatsu 1                                        
279P/2009 QG31    6.76    2009 Oct 10.4297   La Sagra 1                                                 
   P/2009 T2     20.95    2010 Jan 12.8469   La Sagra 2                                                 
233P/2009 WJ50    5.29    2010 Mar 12.3953   La Sagra 3                                                 
324P/2010 R2      5.45    2010 Jun 25.7098   La Sagra 4                                                 
   P/2012 NJ     24.76    2012 Jun 13.0731   La Sagra 5                                                 
   P/2012 S2      9.33    2012 Aug 18.8727   La Sagra 6                                                 
   P/1996 R2      7.36    1997 Jan 19.3034   Lagerkvist 1                                               
308P/1997 T3     17.3     1998 Mar 11.2712   Lagerkvist-Carsenty 1                                      
200P/1997 V1     11.0     1997 Sep 15.1305   Larsen 1                                                   
   C/2004 C1     39.6     2003 Mar 19.3321   Larsen 2                                                   
280P/2004 H2      9.56    2004 May 10.9281   Larsen 3                                                   
264P/2004 H3      7.68    2004 Mar 12.9259   Larsen 4                                                   
261P/2005 N3      6.80    2005 Dec 10.5082   Larson 1                                                   
   P/2007 R1     14.78    2007 Aug 22.9905   Larson 2                                                   
   P/2007 V1     11.07    2007 Dec  8.5894   Larson 3                                                   
250P/2011 A1      7.21    2010 Nov 14.3590   Larson 4                                                   
   P/2014 E1      7.15    2014 May 22.0240   Larson 5                                                   
   C/2007 S2     44.42    2008 Sep 14.7621   Lemmon 1                                                   
   P/2008 CL94   15.4     2006 Jul  9.1877   Lemmon 2                                                   
   P/2011 VJ5     6.24    2011 Dec  8.7004   Lemmon 3                                                   
   P/2011 FR143  17.85    2011 Mar 10.7443   Lemmon 4                                                   
   C/2012 BJ98   70.65    2012 Sep 20.4326   Lemmon 5                                                  
   P/2012 SB6     7.73    2012 Oct 31.9958   Lemmon 6                                                  
   P/2013 TL117   6.84    2014 Feb 18.2188   Lemmon 7                                                  
   P/2012 WA34   10.52    2013 Jan 24.4233   Lemmon-PanSTARRS 1                                        
302P/2007 RJ236   8.855   2016 Apr 30.5092   Lemmon-PanSTARRS 2                                         
   P/2014 R5      8.10    2014 Jun 19.9975   Lemmon-PanSTARRS 3                                       
   P/2015 D6     19.33    2015 Jul  7.4405   Lemmon-PanSTARRS 4                                       
   P/2015 TO19    9.75    2016 Mar  7.8325   Lemmon-PanSTARRS 5                                       
   P/2015 B4     25.9     2015 Feb 19.9295   Lemmon-PanSTARRS 6                                       
   C/1991 L3     51.3     1991 Jul  8.1932   Levy 1                                                     
255P/2006 T1      5.24    2006 Oct  7.4282   Levy 2                                                     
   D/1770 L1      5.60    1770 Aug 14.0409   Lexell 1                      502P/                        
292P/1998 Y2     15.1     1998 Dec 17.8038   Li 1                                                       
   C/1999 E1     65.9     1999 Jan 31.7121   Li 2                                                       
   C/1998 G1     42.0     1998 Nov 16.6348   LINEAR 1                                                   
   P/1998 VS24    9.56    1998 Nov  2.6568   LINEAR 2                                                   
   C/1998 Y1    110.      1998 Nov 21.5775   LINEAR 3                                                   
187P/1999 J5      9.45    1999 May 12.8467   LINEAR 4                                                   
   C/1999 G1    133.      1998 Jul 31.9997   LINEAR 5                                                   
   C/1999 S3     82.6     1999 Nov  9.0096   LINEAR 6                                                   
241P/1999 U3     10.7     1999 Nov 18.4668   LINEAR 7                                                   
   C/1999 XS87   72.8     1999 Aug  6.6066   LINEAR 8                                                   
194P/2000 B3      8.01    2000 Feb 14.1605   LINEAR 9                                                   
165P/2000 B4     76.4     2000 Jun 14.7736   LINEAR 10                                                  
239P/1999 XB69    9.40    2000 Feb 17.0403   LINEAR 11                                                  
252P/2000 G1      5.36    2000 Mar  9.8095   LINEAR 12                                                  
   C/2000 G2     53.6     2000 Feb  6.1533   LINEAR 13                                                  
   C/2000 D2     71.9     2000 Mar  8.6123   LINEAR 14                                                  
   P/2000 R2      6.10    2000 Sep 12.6574   LINEAR 15                                                  
216P/2001 CV8     7.64    2001 Feb 12.2860   LINEAR 16                                                  
217P/2001 MD7     7.91    2001 Nov 30.1327   LINEAR 17                                                  
   C/2002 A1     77.7     2001 Dec  3.1796   LINEAR 18                                                  
   C/2002 A2     76.6     2001 Dec  9.5822   LINEAR 19                                                  
   C/2002 B1     31.2     2002 Apr 20.0112   LINEAR 20                                                  
228P/2001 YX127   8.53    2003 Mar  6.9729   LINEAR 21                                                  
214P/2002 CW134   6.84    2002 Feb 28.9405   LINEAR 22                                                  
295P/2002 AR2    12.4     2002 Jan 16.5312   LINEAR 23                                                  
   P/2002 EJ57   16.5     2001 Dec 19.1541   LINEAR 24                                                  
221P/2002 JN16    6.50    2002 Jul 27.5942   LINEAR 25                                                  
225P/2002 T1      6.67    2002 Oct  8.0852   LINEAR 26                                                  
   P/2002 T5     18.46    2003 Jun 27.8626   LINEAR 27                                                  
   C/2003 F1     93.91    2003 Jun 28.4234   LINEAR 28                                                  
218P/2003 H4      6.10    2003 May 14.3025   LINEAR 29                                                  
197P/2003 KV2     4.85    2003 Jul 10.8481   LINEAR 30                                                  
256P/2003 HT15    9.88    2003 Apr 17.6844   LINEAR 31                                                  
265P/2003 O2      8.77    2003 Sep  5.8087   LINEAR 32                                                  
306P/2003 O3      5.47    2003 Aug 14.0639   LINEAR 33                                                  
   C/2002 CE10   30.75    2003 Jun 22.0988   LINEAR 34                                                  
   C/2003 R1     87.0     2003 Jun 29.5921   LINEAR 35                                                  
285P/2003 U2      9.60    2003 Dec  4.8815   LINEAR 36                                                  
   C/2003 U1    109.44    2003 Nov  3.3981   LINEAR 37                                                  
219P/2002 LZ11    6.99    2003 Mar 15.6630   LINEAR 38                                                  
236P/2003 UY275   7.20    2003 Jul  2.0865   LINEAR 39                                                  
   C/2003 W1    126.33    2003 Nov  9.4626   LINEAR 40                                                  
209P/2004 CB      5.033   2004 Apr  2.1628   LINEAR 41                                                  
251P/2004 HC18    6.52    2004 Jun 18.6769   LINEAR 42                                                  
160P/2004 NL21    7.95    2004 Oct 13.0215   LINEAR 43                                                  
   P/2004 WR9    14.92    2005 Jan 11.4920   LINEAR 45                                                  
222P/2004 X1      4.86    2004 Nov  1.9426   LINEAR 46                                                  
309P/2005 Q4      9.42    2005 Sep 28.2432   LINEAR 47                                                  
   P/2004 FY140  11.0     2005 Aug  6.5428   LINEAR 48                                                  
   P/2005 SD      5.55    2005 Nov 16.4290   LINEAR 49                                                  
307P/2000 QJ46   14.39    2000 Dec 10.3467   LINEAR 50                                                  
277P/2005 YQ127   7.60    2005 Nov  3.9531   LINEAR 51                                                  
176P/1999 RE70    5.7     2000 Feb  6.9493   LINEAR 52                                                  
249P/2006 U1      4.63    2006 Aug 28.5333   LINEAR 53                                                  
294P/2008 A2      5.71    2008 Jun 12.0334   LINEAR 54                                                  
   C/2008 R3     78.25    2008 Nov 22.4827   LINEAR 55                                                  
   P/2008 WZ96    6.14    2009 Jan 23.9424   LINEAR 56                                                  
230P/2009 U6      6.27    2009 Aug  8.8233   LINEAR 57                                                  
   P/2010 A2      3.47    2009 Dec  4.6708   LINEAR 58                                                  
   P/2010 A5     11.48    2010 Apr 19.3572   LINEAR 59                                                  
234P/2002 CF140   7.47    2009 Dec 23.4780   LINEAR 60                                                  
235P/2002 FA9     8.01    2010 Mar 21.6348   LINEAR 61                                                  
237P/2002 LN13    7.23    2009 Dec  2.7231   LINEAR 62                                                  
247P/2002 VP94    7.89    2011 Jan  4.1417   LINEAR 63                                                  
   P/2010 WK     13.75    2010 Oct 19.6926   LINEAR 64                                                  
   C/2011 J3     86.79    2011 Jan 24.3937   LINEAR 65                                                  
333P/2007 VA85    8.68    2016 Apr  3.8901   LINEAR 66    
   P/2015 TP200  19.7     2016 Oct 28.1918   LINEAR 67                                                  
345P/2008 SH164   8.09    2008 Jun  2.6099   LINEAR 68                                                  
329P/2003 WC7    11.80    2004 Feb  5.7487   LINEAR-Catalina 1                                          
   P/2010 TO20   13.60    2009 Jan  2.5523   LINEAR-Grauer 1                                            
   P/2004 V5     22.42    2005 Feb 28.7657   LINEAR-Hill 1                                              
   P/2008 QP20    6.52    2008 Nov  2.7058   LINEAR-Hill 2                                              
188P/1998 S1      9.13    1998 Nov  2.7655   LINEAR-Mueller 1                                           
301P/2001 BB50   13.5     2001 Jan 30.4132   LINEAR-NEAT 1                                              
193P/2001 Q5      6.55    2001 Jun 11.6055   LINEAR-NEAT 2                                              
204P/2001 TU80    7.00    2001 Dec 10.0100   LINEAR-NEAT 3                                              
231P/2003 CP7     8.05    2003 Apr 29.3155   LINEAR-NEAT 4                                              
224P/2003 XD10    6.10    2003 Sep 16.8464   LINEAR-NEAT 5                                              
   P/2004 R3      7.52    2004 May 24.4862   LINEAR-NEAT 6                                              
   P/2004 T1      6.47    2004 Nov  7.7709   LINEAR-NEAT 7                                              
   P/2001 R6      8.35    2001 Oct 27.0791   LINEAR-Skiff 1                                             
   P/2000 S4     19.0     2000 Oct 19.1027   LINEAR-Spacewatch 1                                        
   P/1999 RO28    6.62    1999 Oct  2.3460   LONEOS 1                                                   
   C/2000 S3     39.9     2000 Jul 16.2788   LONEOS 2                                                   
150P/2000 WT168   7.66    2001 Mar 23.3242   LONEOS 3                                                   
201P/2001 R1      6.49    2002 Feb 17.5639   LONEOS 4                                                   
   C/2001 OG108  48.5     2002 Mar 15.2061   LONEOS 5                                                   
182P/2001 WF2     5.014   2002 Jan 29.8481   LONEOS 6                                                   
159P/2003 UD16   14.31    2004 Mar  3.0782   LONEOS 7                                                   
   P/2004 A1     22.19    2004 Aug 25.8138   LONEOS 8                                                   
315P/2004 VR8    10.67    2005 Sep  2.5127   LONEOS 9                                                   
   P/2005 GF8    14.16    2005 Aug 17.3694   LONEOS 10                                                  
   P/2005 SB216  18.98    2007 Feb 11.3910   LONEOS 11                                                  
267P/2006 Q2      5.96    2006 Sep  2.8996   LONEOS 12                                                  
   P/2005 RV25    9.00    2006 Nov  8.4513   LONEOS-Christensen 1                                       
   P/2005 XA54   15.19    2006 Mar  7.9046   LONEOS-Hill 1                                              
328P/1998 QP54    8.61    1998 Oct  6.3974   LONEOS-Tucker 1                                            
 77P/1975 L1      6.98    1974 Nov  4.4359   Longmore 1                     76P/                        
 93P/1980 X1      9.06    1980 Sep  3.4242   Lovas 1                       540P/                        
184P/1986 W1      6.78    1986 Sep  2.257    Lovas 2                                                    
 96P/1986 J2      5.25    1986 Apr 23.5166   Machholz 1                                                 
141P/1994 P1-A    5.23    1994 Sep 18.8024   Machholz 2                                                 
115P/1985 Q1      8.84    1985 Jun  8.1598   Maury 1                                                    
208P/2008 U1      8.11    2008 May 13.1810   McMillan 1                                                 
   P/2010 J3     26.99    2010 Aug 23.4050   McMillan 2                                                 
220P/2004 K2      5.51    2004 Jun 16.8399   McNaught 1                                                 
320P/2004 R1      5.49    2004 Aug 30.2125   McNaught 2                                                 
   P/2005 J1      6.74    2005 Apr 17.3074   McNaught 3                                                 
260P/2005 K3      7.11    2005 Aug 11.4048   McNaught 4                                                 
   P/2005 L1      7.92    2005 Dec 12.9354   McNaught 5                                                 
   P/2005 Y2     15.76    2004 Dec 27.9774   McNaught 6                                                 
336P/2006 G1     10.57    2006 Aug 18.4961   McNaught 7                                                 
   P/2006 H1     13.55    2006 May  7.3829   McNaught 8                                                 
278P/2006 K2      7.10    2006 Jun 27.2180   McNaught 9                                                 
284P/2007 H1      7.02    2007 Aug 17.6417   McNaught 10                                                
191P/2007 N1      6.64    2007 Sep 13.0871   McNaught 11                                                
338P/2008 J3      7.68    2009 Mar 10.7321   McNaught 12                                                
   P/2008 O2      9.53    2009 Apr 21.6701   McNaught 13                                                
   P/2008 Y3     22.74    2009 Jan 11.9366   McNaught 14                                                
   P/2009 Q5     20.39    2009 Sep  8.5621   McNaught 15                                                
   P/2009 S2      8.49    2009 Jun 23.6376   McNaught 16                                                
   P/2009 U4     11.44    2009 Sep  9.0989   McNaught 17                                                
   P/2010 J5      8.33    2009 Nov  6.5926   McNaught 18                                                
254P/2010 T1     10.1     2010 Oct 26.6363   McNaught 19                                                
   C/2011 L1     36.67    2010 Dec 18.3788   McNaught 20                                                
   P/2011 P1     20.56    2010 Jul 17.4528   McNaught 21                                                
   P/2011 Q3     11.36    2010 Aug 14.2961   McNaught 22                                                
   C/2012 H2     64.89    2012 May  3.7006   McNaught 23                                                
   P/2012 O1      6.72    2012 Jul 23.9049   McNaught 24                                                
   P/2012 O2      6.89    2012 Jun 25.0979   McNaught 25                                                
   P/2012 O3      9.73    2012 Aug 16.0720   McNaught 26                                                
   C/2012 Y3    159.21    2012 Aug 25.8367   McNaught 27                                                
   P/2013 J2     15.54    2013 Aug 23.1915   McNaught 28                                                
318P/1994 N2     20.8     1994 Dec  8.1715   McNaught-Hartley 1                                         
130P/1991 S1      6.71    1991 Jun 16.1235   McNaught-Hughes 1                                          
262P/1994 X1     18.2     1994 Sep  7.9444   McNaught-Russell 1                                         
   C/1917 F1    145.      1917 Apr 11.1751   Mellish 1                     517P/                        
 97P/1906 V2      7.78    1906 Oct 10.0746   Metcalf-Brewington 1          516P/      Metcalf           
314P/1997 G1     19.4     1997 Apr  6.7366   Montani 1                                                  
281P/2013 CE31   10.69    2012 May 14.9246   MOSS 1                                                     
124P/1991 F1      5.64    1991 Mar 18.9699   Mrkos 1                                                    
120P/1987 U2      8.44    1987 Dec  4.1105   Mueller 1                                                  
131P/1990 R1      6.56    1990 Nov 19.8663   Mueller 2                                                  
136P/1990 S1      8.64    1990 Aug  1.7541   Mueller 3                                                  
149P/1992 G3      8.97    1992 Feb 16.1561   Mueller 4                                                  
173P/1993 W1     13.8     1994 Sep 12.1011   Mueller 5                                                  
190P/1998 U2      8.71    1998 Oct 20.7392   Mueller 6                                                  
334P/2001 F1     16.4     2000 Nov 21.8341   NEAT 1                                                     
   P/2001 H5     14.7     2001 Jan 28.6949   NEAT 2                                                     
180P/2001 K1      7.536   2000 Nov  6.8998   NEAT 3                                                     
207P/2001 J1      7.665   2001 Mar 14.1052   NEAT 4                                                     
   C/2001 M10   138.      2001 Jun 21.3193   NEAT 5                                                     
   P/2001 Q6     22.6     2001 Nov  9.4668   NEAT 6                                                     
   P/2001 T3     16.6     2002 Feb  1.1048   NEAT 7                                                     
166P/2001 T4     51.9     2002 May 20.3628   NEAT 8                                                     
   C/2002 K4     73.4     2002 Jul 12.9728   NEAT 9                                                     
189P/2002 O5      4.98    2002 Aug  3.1016   NEAT 10                                                    
215P/2002 O8      8.10    2002 May  8.6311   NEAT 11                                                    
240P/2002 X2      8.10    2003 Mar 29.5784   NEAT 12                                                    
   C/2003 E1     50.83    2004 Feb 13.6332   NEAT 13                                                    
   P/2003 F2     16.1     2003 Apr 25.477    NEAT 14                                                    
   P/2003 QX29   22.7     2002 Oct 26.8516   NEAT 15                                                    
291P/2003 S1      9.73    2004 Mar 27.6363   NEAT 16                                                    
243P/2003 S2      7.50    2003 Sep  7.2695   NEAT 17                                                    
303P/2003 U3     11.47    2003 Apr 22.9761   NEAT 18                                                    
272P/2004 F1      9.45    2003 Oct 19.7693   NEAT 19                                                    
246P/2004 F3      8.04    2005 Jan  4.3116   NEAT 20                                                    
163P/2004 V4      7.01    2005 Jan 31.3102   NEAT 21                                                    
169P/2002 EX12    4.20    2005 Aug 17.8587   NEAT 22                                                    
   P/2005 R1     12.91    2005 Oct  8.4142   NEAT 23                                                    
212P/2000 YN30    7.79    2008 Dec  3.2678   NEAT 24                                                    
312P/2001 Q11     6.18    2001 Jun 22.3510   NEAT 25                                                    
   P/2002 T6     21.16    2003 Jun 27.0049   NEAT-LINEAR 1                                              
343P/2003 SQ215  12.91    2004 Mar 24.2293   NEAT-LONEOS 1                                              
   P/2014 L2     15.78    2014 Jul 15.4877   NEOWISE 1                                                  
   P/2015 J3      6.13    2015 MAr  3.7692   NEOWISE 2                                                  
   C/2015 X8     81.8     2015 Oct 23.0047   NEOWISE 3                                                  
   C/2015 YG1    70.9     2015 Sep 28.9708   NEOWISE 4                                                
 28P/1913 R2     17.8     1913 Aug 16.9269   Neujmin 1                      32P/                        
 25D/1916 D1      5.43    1916 Mar 11.8097   Neujmin 2                      31P/                        
 42P/1929 P2     10.9     1929 Jun 28.6140   Neujmin 3                      44P/                        
   C/2013 V3     45.35    2013 Oct 29.9070   Nevski 1                                                   
   P/2011 R3     10.70    2012 Apr  3.1055   Novichonok-Gerke 1                                         
198P/1998 X1      6.76    1998 Jul 20.9334   ODAS 1                                                     
 13P/1815 E1     74.9     1815 Apr 26.4951   Olbers 1                       15P/                        
304P/2008 Q2      5.84    2008 Oct 19.0068   Ory 1                                                      
 39P/1943 G1      7.89    1942 Aug 21.0884   Oterma 1                       43P/                        
   P/2010 T2     13.2     2011 Jul 11.4611   PanSTARRS 1                                                
   C/2011 P2     30.59    2010 Sep 12.7182   PanSTARRS 2                                                
253P/2011 R2      6.47    2011 Nov 24.1115   PanSTARRS 3                                                
   P/2011 U1      8.14    2012 Jun 20.6806   PanSTARRS 4                                                
   P/2011 W1     10.06    2012 Jan 22.5633   PanSTARRS 5                                                
   P/2012 B1     16.53    2013 Jul 23.0895   PanSTARRS 6                                                
   C/2012 C3     30.44    2011 Oct  6.7469   PanSTARRS 7                                                
   P/2012 F2     15.92    2013 Apr  9.9831   PanSTARRS 8                                                
   P/2012 G1      8.52    2012 Jun  1.4325   PanSTARRS 9                                                
258P/2012 H1      9.23    2011 Mar 18.7599   PanSTARRS 10                                               
   P/2012 T1      5.60    2012 Sep 10.9259   PanSTARRS 11                                               
   P/2012 T2     13.76    2013 Apr 20.5977   PanSTARRS 12                                               
   P/2012 T3     15.32    2012 Apr 24.8898   PanSTARRS 13                                               
   P/2012 U2     19.96    2012 Dec  4.1134   PanSTARRS 14                                               
   C/2012 X2     94.16    2013 Mar 31.2457   PanSTARRS 15                                               
   P/2013 G4      9.32    2013 Feb 10.4015   PanSTARRS 16                                               
   P/2013 J4      3.89    2013 Nov  4.2200   PanSTARRS 17                                               
   P/2013 CU129   4.89    2013 Aug  6.9325   PanSTARRS 18                                               
   P/2013 N3     20.55    2014 Feb 10.9074   PanSTARRS 19                                               
   P/2013 O2      7.39    2013 Dec 17.5686   PanSTARRS 20                                               
   P/2013 N5     17.7     2013 Jul  2.4147   PanSTARRS 21                                               
   P/2013 P1     25.24    2013 Feb 25.8417   PanSTARRS 22                                               
311P/2013 P5      3.24    2014 Apr 15.9098   PanSTARRS 23                                               
   C/2013 P4     56.44    2014 Aug 12.1200   PanSTARRS 24                                               
   P/2013 T1     14.24    2013 Jul 31.3161   PanSTARRS 25                                               
   P/2013 W1      6.47    2014 Mar  7.9781   PanSTARRS 26                                               
   C/2013 W2     32.16    2015 Jan  9.4006   PanSTARRS 27                                               
   P/2014 A3     10.11    2015 Apr 17.1306   PanSTARRS 28                                               
   P/2014 O3     20.61    2014 Apr 23.8674   PanSTARRS 29                                               
   P/2014 M4     13.7     2014 Dec 28.2784   PanSTARRS 30                                               
   P/2014 U4      6.51    2014 Aug  3.9170   PanSTARRS 31                                               
   P/2014 V1     17.0     2015 Jan 12.9171   PanSTARRS 32                                               
   P/2014 W4     17.1     2015 Dec 26.1230   PanSTARRS 33                                               
   C/2014 W11    30.5     2015 Jun 18.0230   PanSTARRS 34                                               
   P/2014 W1      9.38    2014 Jul 28.6299   PanSTARRS 35                                               
   C/2014 W9     37.28    2015 Feb 15.7070   PanSTARRS 36                                               
   P/2015 A3     22.0     2015 Feb 22.4789   PanSTARRS 37                                               
   C/2015 A1     91.02    2015 Mar 13.0448   PanSTARRS 38                                               
   P/2015 B1     29.97    2015 Sep  9.8615   PanSTARRS 39                                               
   C/2015 D2     46.70    2013 Sep 23.5068   PanSTARRS 40                                              
   P/2015 F1      6.60    2015 Mar 15.4057   PanSTARRS 41                                             
   C/2015 GX     65.05    2015 Aug 26.6369   PanSTARRS 42                                              
   P/2015 K5     17.33    2015 Jun  6.6387   PanSTARRS 43                                               
   P/2015 P4     14.9     2016 Jan 18.6531   PanSTARRS 44                                               
   P/2015 M2     19.2     2015 Oct 22.0203   PanSTARRS 45                                               
   P/2015 R1     14.4     2015 Jun 25.7454   PanSTARRS 46                                               
   P/2015 R2      9.54    2015 Jun  8.9924   PanSTARRS 47                                               
   P/2015 X1      6.91    2015 Oct 10.6735   PanSTARRS 48                                               
   P/2015 X3     11.3     2015 Aug  7.7971   PanSTARRS 49                                               
   C/2015 V4     79.60    2016 Aug 25.8137   PanSTARRS 50                                               
   P/2016 BA14    5.26    2016 Mar 15.5174   PanSTARRS 51                                               
   P/2015 X6      4.57    2016 Mar 18.7280   PanSTARRS 52                                               
   P/2016 A3     21.47    2017 Apr 13.5186   PanSTARRS 53                                               
   P/2016 A7     11.0     2016 Feb 26.0850   PanSTARRS 54                                               
   P/2016 G1      4.15    2017 Jan 26.5727   PanSTARRS 55                                               
   P/2015 HG16   10.48    2014 Jun 28.9767   PanSTARRS 56                                               
   P/2016 P1      5.79    2015 Sep  9.6161   PanSTARRS 57                                               
   P/2016 P2      9.37    2015 Nov 16.5490   PanSTARRS 58                                               
   P/2016 J1      5.65    2016 Jun 24.2384   PanSTARRS 59                                              
347P/2016 SV      6.87    2016 Sep 11.3865   PanSTARRS 60                                             
   P/2016 S1     24.20    2017 Mar 16.3312   PanSTARRS 61                                             
119P/1989 E1      8.85    1987 Aug 16.1988   Parker-Hartley 1                                           
 18D/1896 X1      6.42    1896 Nov 25.120    Perrine-Mrkos 1                22P/      Perrine           
 80P/1982 N1      8.12    1982 May  8.5685   Peters-Hartley 1               79P/      Peters            
185P/2001 Q2      5.49    2001 Sep  1.9221   Petriew 1                                                  
226P/2003 A1      7.09    2003 Feb  1.2551   Pigott-LINEAR-Kowalski 1      503P/     Pigott 1, LINEAR 44
   P/2015 Q2     19.3     2015 Sep 10.3532   Pimentel 1                                                 
 12P/1812 O1     72.6     1812 Sep 15.8287   Pons-Brooks 1                  14P/                        
273P/1827 M1    188.      1827 Jun  8.0426   Pons-Gambart 1                505P/                        
  7P/1858 E1      5.55    1858 May  2.5396   Pons-Winnecke 1                 9P/                        
344P/2005 S3     10.85    2006 Jan  8.5703   Read 1                                                     
   P/2005 T3     20.6     2006 Jan 11.5215   Read 2                                                     
238P/2005 U1      5.63    2005 Jul 27.9247   Read 3                                                     
 30P/1928 D1      7.23    1928 Jan 30.9802   Reinmuth 1                     33P/                        
 44P/1947 R1      6.59    1947 Aug 19.5134   Reinmuth 2                     47P/                        
   P/2011 W2      7.40    2011 Nov  6.1890   Rinner 1                                                   
 83P/1979 M2      6.10    1979 May 26.9760   Russell 1                     537P/                        
 89P/1980 S1      7.12    1980 May 19.0165   Russell 2                     539P/                        
 91P/1983 L1      7.49    1982 Nov 23.2732   Russell 3                     545P/                        
 94P/1984 E1      6.39    1984 Jan  5.9584   Russell 4                     549P/                        
156P/2000 QD181   6.84    1986 Dec  4.8062   Russell-LINEAR 1                                           
 92P/1977 T2     12.5     1977 Sep 17.5590   Sanguin 1                     531P/                        
 24P/1911 X1      8.01    1911 Nov 13.5247   Schaumasse 1                   28P/                        
   D/1918 W1      6.67    1918 Sep 30.2461   Schorr 1                      518P/                        
106P/1977 T1      7.47    1978 Jan  6.8146   Schuster 1                    530P/                        
   P/2013 T2      6.25    2013 Jun 20.6584   Schwartz 1                                                 
 29P/1927 V1     16.4     1925 May  7.8483   Schwassmann-Wachmann 1         30P/                        
 31P/1929 B1      6.42    1929 Mar 23.1948   Schwassmann-Wachmann 2         34P/                        
 73P/1930 J1      5.41    1930 Jun 14.1976   Schwassmann-Wachmann 3                                     
244P/2000 Y3     11.4     2000 Nov  2.3145   Scotti 1                                                   
202P/2001 X2      7.34    2001 Oct 14.7444   Scotti 2                                                   
   P/2003 L1     17.33    2003 Mar  7.6754   Scotti 3                                                   
   P/2010 C1     18.78    2009 Dec  1.9479   Scotti 4                                                   
   C/2010 E5    123.46    2009 Nov 21.1344   Scotti 5                                                   
   P/2010 H5     19.09    2010 Apr 17.7841   Scotti 6                                                   
   P/2010 H4     17.00    2010 Jun 19.8720   Scotti 7                                                   
   P/2011 A2      5.49    2010 Dec 22.5222   Scotti 8                                                   
   P/2013 A2      8.00    2013 Feb  7.3020   Scotti 9                                                   
   P/2015 Q1      6.38    2015 Sep  9.0936   Scotti 10                                                  
 61P/1949 S1      7.27    1949 Nov 27.1244   Shajn-Schaldach 1                                          
   C/2014 F3     64.37    2021 May 10.3053   Sheppard-Trujillo 1                                        
   C/2015 T5    148.69    2016 Feb  5.7366   Sheppard-Tholen 1                                          
102P/1984 S2      7.23    1984 Sep 16.6147   Shoemaker 1                   552P/                        
155P/1986 A1     16.9     1985 Dec 18.5552   Shoemaker 3                                                
199P/1994 J3     14.5     1994 Oct 14.5947   Shoemaker 4                                                
128P/1987 U1      9.55    1988 May 21.3675   Shoemaker-Holt 1                                           
121P/1989 E2      8.01    1988 Aug  7.7909   Shoemaker-Holt 2                                           
192P/1990 V1     17.3     1990 Sep 18.5868   Shoemaker-Levy 1                                           
137P/1990 UL3     9.27    1990 Sep 25.3746   Shoemaker-Levy 2                                           
129P/1991 C1      7.25    1990 Dec 13.7322   Shoemaker-Levy 3                                           
118P/1991 C2      6.51    1990 Jul 14.2949   Shoemaker-Levy 4                                           
145P/1991 T1      8.67    1991 Dec 13.1976   Shoemaker-Levy 5                                           
181P/1991 V1      7.556   1991 Oct 13.8642   Shoemaker-Levy 6                                           
138P/1991 V2      6.73    1991 Oct 27.4773   Shoemaker-Levy 7                                           
135P/1992 G2      7.47    1992 Jun 13.5158   Shoemaker-Levy 8                                           
   D/1993 F2     17.8     1994 Mar 28.0038   Shoemaker-Levy 9                                           
146P/1984 W1      7.88    1984 Sep 26.6855   Shoemaker-LINEAR 1            553P/      Shoemaker 2       
   P/2004 V3     18.97    2004 Nov 11.3451   Siding Spring 1                                            
162P/2004 TU12    5.32    2004 Nov 10.2831   Siding Spring 2                                            
   P/2006 HR30   21.86    2007 Jan  2.2815   Siding Spring 3                                            
   P/2006 R1     13.3     2006 Sep  3.673    Siding Spring 4                                            
   P/2012 US27   11.8     2013 Feb  8.5770   Siding Spring 5                                            
105P/1986 J1      6.45    1986 Sep 11.3269   Singer Brewster 1                                          
   P/2000 S1     16.9     2000 Jul 14.6636   Skiff 1                                                    
223P/2002 S1      8.12    2002 Mar 25.2048   Skiff 2                                                    
305P/2004 V1      9.96    2004 Dec  8.8680   Skiff 3                                                    
   P/2005 S2     22.48    2006 Jun 29.0656   Skiff 4                                                    
   D/1977 C1      7.54    1976 Aug  4.0625   Skiff-Kosai 1                                              
 56P/1959 B1     11.6     1958 Sep  5.2218   Slaughter-Burnham 1            57P/                        
 74P/1975 E2      8.53    1975 Aug  6.2337   Smirnova-Chernykh 1            80P/                        
322P/1999 R1      3.99    2007 Sep 11.3197   SOHO 1                                                     
323P/1999 X3      4.22    2008 May 31.3341   SOHO 2                                                     
321P/1997 J6      3.78    2008 Sep 17.9560   SOHO 3                                                     
   P/1996 X3      5.78    2008 Jul  4.3868   SOHO 4                                                     
   P/1999 J6      5.44    2010 Apr 19.8921   SOHO 5                                                     
342P/2000 O3      5.31    2011 Mar  9.8366   SOHO 6                                                     
   P/2003 T12     4.14    2003 Oct 16.2835   SOHO 7                                                     
125P/1991 R2      5.56    1990 Dec 21.8626   Spacewatch 1                                               
   P/2005 JN      6.54    2005 Jun 20.4015   Spacewatch 2                                               
   P/2006 F4      6.63    2006 May  3.4927   Spacewatch 3                                               
293P/2006 XG16    6.92    2007 Feb  9.9575   Spacewatch 4                                               
   P/2010 UH55   16.63    2011 May 10.3604   Spacewatch 5                                               
283P/2013 EV9     8.40    2013 Apr  7.1728   Spacewatch 6                                               
   P/2013 YG46    6.05    2011 Jan  4.8717   Spacewatch 7                                               
   P/2011 JB15   19.9     2012 Jan 21.1114   Spacewatch-Boattini 1                                      
   P/2009 SK280  10.44    2009 May 24.6531   Spacewatch-Hill 1                                          
   P/2004 DO29   20.31    2004 Oct  9.3642   Spacewatch-LINEAR 1                                        
   P/2011 UA134  13.19    2011 Dec  7.1952   Spacewatch-PanSTARRS 1                                     
   P/2014 MG4    11.2     2013 Jun 13.8751   Spacewatch-PanSTARRS 2                                     
242P/1998 U4     13.1     1999 Feb 26.4180   Spahr 1                                                    
171P/1998 W1      6.61    1999 Jan 17.9523   Spahr 2                                                    
113P/1890 W1      6.34    1890 Oct 27.4784   Spitaler 1                    511P/                        
 38P/1942 V1     38.9     1942 Dec 19.0897   Stephan-Oterma 1               41P/                        
   P/2005 T4     28.6     2005 Oct 10.538    SWAN 1							
   C/2015 F5     61.23    2015 Mar 28.0999   SWAN-Xingming 1						
   D/1895 Q1      7.20    1895 Aug 21.3156   Swift 1                       514P/                        
 64P/1889 W1      9.15    1889 Nov 30.1101   Swift-Gehrels 1                63P/      Swift             
109P/1862 O1    132.      1862 Aug 23.4229   Swift-Tuttle 1                507P/                        
 98P/1984 O1      7.24    1984 May 24.9577   Takamizawa 1                  550P/                        
 69P/1915 W1-B    6.37    1916 Jan 31.6183   Taylor 1                                                   
  9P/1867 G1      5.65    1867 May 24.2174   Tempel 1                       10P/                        
 10P/1873 N1      5.21    1873 Jun 25.8358   Tempel 2                       12P/                        
 11P/1880 T1      5.50    1880 Nov  8.4970   Tempel-Swift-LINEAR 1          13P/      Tempel-Swift      
 55P/1865 Y1     33.5     1866 Jan 11.6193   Tempel-Tuttle 1                 2P/                        
   P/2012 TK8     8.56    2013 May 10.4196   Tenagra 1                                                  
   C/2013 C2     63.97    2013 Aug 29.4520   Tenagra 2                                                  
   P/2013 EW90    8.32    2012 Oct 11.5923   Tenagra 3                                                  
196P/2000 U6      7.38    2000 Oct  4.6050   Tichy 1                                                    
274P/2012 WX32    9.11    2013 Feb 23.3500   Tombaugh-Tenagra 1                                         
   P/2014 C1      5.38    2013 Dec 19.3884   TOTAS 1                                                    
   P/2015 C1     17.0     2015 May  1.1867   TOTAS-Gibbs 1                                              
157P/1978 C2      6.49    1977 Oct 28.4469   Tritton 1                     533P/                        
 62P/1965 A1      6.62    1965 Jan 28.6263   Tsuchinshan 1                  60P/                        
 60P/1965 A2      6.79    1965 Feb  9.2964   Tsuchinshan 2                  62P/                        
   P/2005 E1     19.4     2005 Mar 14.3163   Tubbiolo 1                                                 
  8P/1858 A1     13.7     1858 Feb 24.0181   Tuttle 1                                                   
 41P/1951 H1      5.47    1951 May  9.3695   Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak 1      21P/      Tuttle-Giacobini  
112P/1986 UD      6.62    1986 Nov 22.9399   Urata-Niijima 1                                            
 40P/1939 CB     10.6     1939 Apr 26.0748   Vaisala 1                      42P/                        
   C/1942 EA     85.4     1942 Feb 15.8195   Vaisala 2                     521P/                        
139P/1939 TN      9.59    1939 Dec 31.0147   Vaisala-Oterma 1                                           
   P/2010 H2      7.55    2010 Mar  6.5986   Vales 1                                                    
 53P/1954 R1     12.4     1954 Feb 20.7587   Van Biesbroeck 1               55P/                        
271P/1960 S1     15.6     1961 Apr 26.8428   van Houten-Lemmon 1           523P/      van Houten 1      
327P/2002 Q1      6.65    2002 Jul 15.9875   Van Ness 1                                                 
213P/2005 R2      6.34    2005 Feb 10.0562   Van Ness 2                                                 
276P/2012 T7     12.54    2013 Jan 16.1389   Vorobjov 1                                                 
123P/1989 E3      7.58    1988 Oct  6.4053   West-Hartley 1                                             
 76P/1975 D1      6.11    1975 Feb 25.7809   West-Kohoutek-Ikemura 1        74P/                        
 20D/1852 O1     61.2     1852 Oct 13.2187   Westphal 1                     25P/                        
 46P/1948 A1      6.71    1947 Dec  2.9379   Wirtanen 1                     48P/                        
 36P/1933 U1      7.50    1933 Aug  1.4370   Whipple 1                      39P/                        
 63P/1960 G1     13.2     1960 Mar 17.3592   Wild 1                         65P/                        
 81P/1978 A2      6.17    1978 Jun 15.8802   Wild 2                                                     
 86P/1980 G1      6.89    1980 Oct  5.1863   Wild 3                        538P/                        
116P/1990 B1      6.15    1990 Jul  2.5235   Wild 4                                                     
   C/1937 D1    187.      1937 Feb 21.5341   Wilk 1                        520P/                        
107P/1949 W1      4.30    1949 Oct  8.0799   Wilson-Harrington 1                                        
   P/2010 B2      5.49    2009 Dec 21.9140   WISE 1                                                     
   P/2010 D1      8.45    2009 Jun 25.5899   WISE 2                                                     
   P/2010 D2     17.4     2010 Mar  5.1220   WISE 3                                                     
317P/2010 K2      4.98    2010 Jul  7.5580   WISE 4                                                     
245P/2010 L1      8.08    2010 Feb  4.8127   WISE 5                                                     
337P/2010 N1      5.74    2010 Aug 16.1495   WISE 6                                                     
   P/2010 L5     22.7     2010 Apr 23.0583   WISE 7                                                     
   P/2010 P4      7.12    2010 Jul  6.0523   WISE 8                                                     
   P/2010 JC81   23.23    2011 Apr 26.5624   WISE 9                                                     
114P/1986 Y1      6.52    1986 Nov 22.7608   Wiseman-Skiff 1                                            
 14P/1884 S1      6.77    1884 Nov 18.2894   Wolf 1                         16P/                        
 43P/1924 Y1      7.60    1925 Jan 11.3809   Wolf-Harrington 1              45P/      Wolf              
325P/2009 L2      6.32    2009 May 21.7478   Yang-Gao 1                                                 
172P/2002 BV      6.59    2002 Mar 11.0581   Yeung 1                                                    
   P/2007 S1      7.40    2007 Dec  6.7033   Zhao 1                                                     

As yet unnamed comets:
282P/2003 BM80    8.76    2013 Jan 14.9030   (323137)                                                   
288P/2006 VW139   5.33    2011 Jul 18.5417   (300163)                                                   
   C/2014 HU195 101.9     2015 May 18.0002   

Notes about the table content

Official Designation

The official comet designation as assigned by the IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT). This is a unique identifier based on the year and month of the comet's discovery (see the Minor Planet Circulars 23803-23804 for details). For multiple apparition (numbered) comets, the principal designation is adopted from the Catalog of Cometary Orbits.

Orbital Period and Time of Perihelion

The orbital period (in years) and the date of perihelion corresponding to the principal designation are included to provide a backup for distinguishing between comets when an ambiguous name or designation is used. (e.g., 2P/ could refer to the official designation of Encke, or the Belyaev/Carusi designation of Tempel-Tuttle).

PDS Name

The name of the comet, derived from the name(s) of the discoverer(s). To ensure that each name is unique, a serial number has been appended to identify the different comets discovered by the same observer(s). In cases where historical numbers already exist, these have been retained. In cases where multiple comets were discovered after the CBAT and the Minor Planet Center (MPC) stopped using these numbers, they have been added, either in the order of the comet's identification as periodic or when it has been given an official name (whichever came second). All first discovery names have had a "1" appended to avoid the need for changing names at a future date if a second comet is discovered by the same observer(s) or by a new observer with the same name.

Note that in the case of Chiron and Echeclus, there are no serial numbers. This is because "Chiron" and "Echeclus" are the names that were assigned to these objects under asteroid naming conventions, not the name of the discoverers. Furthermore, there are currently seven periodic comets that have also been assigned numbers in the asteroid classification system:
95P/Chiron (2060)
107P/Wilson-Harrington 1 (4015)
133P/Elst-Pizzaro 1 (7968)
174P/Echeclus (60558)
176P/LINEAR 52 (118401)

Belyaev/Carusi ID

The designations used in the Belyaev et al. Catalog of Short Period Comets. The same designations were used and updated by Carusi et al. in their Long Term Evolution of Comets. These catalogs represent an independent numbering system that has been superseded by the official designations presented here, and only the numbers that deviate from the official designation are noted. The 500 level numbers used in these catalogs denote comets that had only had one apparition at the time the catalog was published. It is assumed that the user will not search for a comet using this designation.

Previous Name

Previous names usually come from an original discovery, after which the comet was lost. Upon rediscovery, a second (or third) name was added, and this new name is the one currently in use. Note that alternate names have only been included for comets that were rediscovered (and thus had their name changed) after 1950. There are two justifications for this restriction: First, there are a number of ambiguities and multiple rediscoveries before 1950, and avoiding the renaming of these comets simplifies the list. More importantly, however, there is not likely to be much significant literature regarding these older comets under their earlier names. After all, since the comets were lost, they were apparently not extensively studied after their original discovery. Most of the alternate names were found from the histories given in Comets: A Descriptive Catalog by Gary Kronk, as well as from Kronk's Cometography web site. Others were determined from changes in different versions of the MPC catalog in recent years.