Requesting Specific ACC Data
Data Type
The data products are simple ASCII tables.
The data consist of a file for each periapsis passage and give start time and stop time and consist of tables that contain seconds from periapse, areodetic latitude, east longitude, local solar time, solar zenith (deg.), areodetic altitude (km), and 2 density averages (90 second and 1 second) with corresponding sigmas in (KG/KM**3).
Data can be retrieved by selecting among the following parameters
The data products are simple ASCII tables.
The data consist of a file for each periapsis passage and give start time and stop time and consist of tables that contain seconds from periapse, areodetic latitude, east longitude, local solar time, solar zenith (deg.), areodetic altitude (km), and 2 density averages (90 second and 1 second) with corresponding sigmas in (KG/KM**3).
Data can be retrieved by selecting among the following parameters