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Object: C/NEAT (2001 Q4) [HYP]

Observation ID Start Time Instrument Proposal ID Proposal Title
O8VK12BEQ 2004-04-23 02:18:42 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK12010 2004-04-23 02:26:59 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK10BTQ 2004-04-23 03:54:41 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK10010 2004-04-23 04:02:58 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK11C4Q 2004-04-23 07:06:38 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK11010 2004-04-23 07:14:55 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK13FIQ 2004-04-23 21:30:27 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK13010 2004-04-23 21:39:34 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK14I2Q 2004-04-24 07:06:19 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK14010 2004-04-24 07:16:23 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK04K8Q 2004-04-24 19:54:12 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK04010 2004-04-24 20:03:19 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK06L3Q 2004-04-24 23:06:10 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK06010 2004-04-24 23:13:27 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK06LAQ 2004-04-24 23:48:27 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK17010 2004-04-25 00:42:12 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK05LWQ 2004-04-25 02:18:08 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK05010 2004-04-25 02:27:35 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK01A1Q 2004-04-25 19:54:01 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK01010 2004-04-25 20:03:08 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK02BEQ 2004-04-25 23:09:42 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK02010 2004-04-25 23:19:09 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK03BNQ 2004-04-26 00:42:00 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK03010 2004-04-26 00:49:17 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK03BUQ 2004-04-26 01:24:18 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK15JSQ 2004-04-26 21:29:57 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK15010 2004-04-26 21:40:01 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK16TPQ 2004-04-28 19:54:13 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK16010 2004-04-28 20:04:17 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK08YUQ 2004-04-29 19:54:40 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK08010 2004-04-29 20:04:07 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK09Z6Q 2004-04-29 23:06:45 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK09010 2004-04-29 23:14:02 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK09ZDQ 2004-04-29 23:49:07 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK07ZFQ 2004-04-30 00:42:48 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets
O8VK07010 2004-04-30 00:51:55 STIS 9906 Volatile Abundances and the D/H Ratio in Long-Period Comets

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