Abstract: This data set contains a collection of shape models and their associated reference frame(s) for the Rosetta target 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 1 (1969 R1). These were produced by Rosetta mission teams, based on OSIRIS and NAVCAM image data obtained at the comet.
RO-C-MULTI-5-67P-SHAPE-V1.0 | Browse | Download (518.7 MB) |
This data set was assembled and is maintained by personnel at the Small Bodies Node, but the individual shape models were produced by different teams and should be cited accordingly.
When citing a specific data product in this data set, please use the text in the CITATION_DESC keyword of the label of the specific data file used.
Each shape model is presented in two or more resolutions. If you wish to collectively cite all resolutions of a particular shape model, please use the following forms:
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