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Vega 2 Processed Television System Images of Comet Halley


Abstract: The TVS data from KFKI came in various stages. The initial submission from KFKI was completely replaced in the fall 1992. At that time, additional processed data with aspect and range corrections were included. The original filenaming scheme was preserved except for changing the leading filename character and expressing the aspect ratio as 'a'.

VEGA2-C-TVS-3-RDR-HALLEY-PROCESSED-V1.0 Browse Download (6.3 MB)

Citation to use when referencing this data set: "Abergel J., Bertaux G., Avanessov G.A., Tarnopolsky V.I., Zhulov B.S., Kondor A., Merenyi E., Foldy C., Szego K., Toth I., and A. V. Dyachkov, VEGA2 TV SYSTEM IMAGES PROCESSED BY KFKI V1.0, VEGA2-C-TVS-3-RDR-HALLEY-PROCESSED-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 1997"

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