                                          Aug 31, 2012 (Ls 163.6 MY 31) to [ongoing]

    Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems

    MastCam takes color, multispectral color, and stereo images as well as high definition video views of the Martian surface and atmosphere.  Mastcam images can be used to observe clouds, dust raising events, properties of suspended aerosols and eolian transport of fines, to track optical depth by observing the Sun and to perform sky photometry.

    Mastcam Data Descriptions:
    Raw Image (EDR IMG) Data Set Description Catalog Document
    Raw Video (EDR VID) Data Set Description Catalog Document
    Raw ZStack (EDR Z) Data Set Description Catalog Document
    Reduced Image (RDR IMG) Data Set Description Catalog Document
    Reduced Video (RDR VID) Data Set Description Catalog Document
    Reduced ZStack (RDR Z) Data Set Description Catalog Document

    MastCam Archive (you will be redirected to the MSL MASTCAM archive housed at PDS' Imaging Node located at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the US Geological Survey in Flagstaff, AZ)

    Timetable of MastCam atmospheric measurements: .txt .xlsx .pdf