- •Discusses instrument performance of pressure sensor
REMS Pressure Data
The pressure portion of the REMS data set includes a string describing sensor configuration, pressure measurements, absolute accuracy of the pressure measurement and a string describing the confidence level of the sensor. All fully processed data in this subset are available.
Columns in Reduced MOD RDR files:
(Pressure Sensor Configuration, Pressure, Pressure Uncertainty, Pressure Sensor Confidence Level)
![MSL Daily Averaged Pressure](http://atmos.pds.nasa.gov/data_and_services/atmospheres_data/MARS/curiosity/images/rems_pres_plot1.png)
The above plot displays daily averaged pressure in Pascals against solar longitude in degrees for the first 440 sols of the MSL mission.
![Diurnal Pressure Cyle](http://atmos.pds.nasa.gov/data_and_services/atmospheres_data/MARS/curiosity/images/rems_pres_plot2.png)
This plot highlights the diurnal pressure cycle, or daily pressure variations, that occur at Gale Crater. It displays pressure measurements in Pascals over 3 sols of the MSL mission. The uncertainty of these pressure measurements is approximately 3.5 Pa.
Pressure observations by the Curiosity rover: Initial results, Harri et al 2014