Planetary Data System
Management Council Meeting

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
February 4-5, 2016


If you have questions that are not answered here, contact Todd King (310) 206-7201,

Meeting Time and Place

The Management Council meeting will be held February 4 and 5, 2016, at the University of California, Los Angeles, Building: Slichter Hall, Room: 3853.

Sessions will begin as follows:
9:00 a.m. Thursday, February 4
8:00 a.m. Friday, February 5

Slichter Hall is located on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles. See details and maps below.

All sessions will be held in room 3853 in Slichter Hall. This conference room is on the 3rd floor of Slichter Hall. There is no direct outside entrance to Slichter Hall. To access Slichter Hall enter the through the Geology or Young Hall building and take the elevators to the third floor. Upon exiting go to the hallway which intersect the building. This is Slichter Hall. The conference room is located half way down the hall.


Agenda (Excel or PDF), February 4-5, 2016


Day 1
9:00 AMIntroduction [PPT, PDF]Tom Morgan
9:10 AMWelcomeRay Walker and Todd King
9:20 AMChallenges and OpportunitiesBill Knopf
10:00 AMBreak
10:10 AMLUNASERV: Adding a geospatial FRAMEWORK to Apollo samples [PPTX, PDF]
10:15 AMRoadmap Overview [PPTX, PDF]Ralph McNutt manages this time
11:45 AMLunch
1:00 PMNSSDCA-PDS Status (include. MOU) [part of DDWG report]Steve Hughes, Stef McLaughlin
1:20 PMDDWG plans for build 6b [PPT, PDF]Steve Hughes
2:00 PMTool Registry and Software Plans [PDF]Sean Hardman
2:30 PMCCB Report [PDF]Tom Stein
3:00 PMBreak
3:15 PMESDIS TCAT Experience [PPTX, PDF]Eric Tauer
4:45 PMExecutive Session
5:30 PMAction ItemsStef McLaughlin
6:00 PMAdjourn

Day 2
Planet rise
8:00 AMAction Item Review [Action Items] Tom Morgan and Ralph McNutt
8:30 AMCDF Review & Responses [PTTX, PDF] - List of issuesJoe Mafi
9:00 AMPPI Challenge/Storyboard Update [PPTX, PDF]Ed Grayzeck and Todd King
9:20 AMNSSDCA Report [PPTX, PDF]Ed Grayzeck amd Dave Williams
9:40 AMDawn Mission Report [PPTX, PDF]Eric Palmer
10:00 AMBreak
10:15 AMMars2020 [PPTX, PDF]Ed Guinness
10:30 AMEuropa [PPTX, PDF]Lisa Gaddis
10:45 AMRosetta Update [PPTX, PDF]Mike A'Hearn
11:00 AMSBN Security Experiences PPTX, PDFMike A'Hearn
11:30 AMLunch
12:30 PMPAG charter Update and MC Response [PPTX, PDF, Liens, PAG]Dick Simpson
2:00 PMSimulation and Modeling Working Group (SMWG) [PPTX, PDF, Policy]Todd King
2:30 PMSoftware Archiving Working Group (SAWG) [PPTX, PDF]Todd King
3:00 PMBreak
3:15 PMExecutive Session
3:45 PMAction ItemsStef McLaughlin
4:00 PMAdjourn
Simulation Data Policy (Simpson)


UCLA provided list of hotels.

Most commonly used hotels

On Campus

UCLA Guest House 4 stars (tripadvisor) -

$187 per night (select "business" for traveler affiliation)
330 Charles E. Young Drive East, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1466, Phone: (310) 825-2923, FAX: (310) 825-6108

Near Campus (could walk)

Royal Palace 4 stars (tripadvisor) -

$174 per night
1052 Tiverton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024, Phone: 310.208.6677, Fax: 310.824.3732

Hilgard House 4 stars (tripadvisor). Modern European style hotel

927 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024 Tel: 310-208-3945 Fax: 310-208-1972 Rsrv: 800-826-3934

Tiverton House4 stars (tripadvisor)

$139.00/night with no additional tax
900 Tiverton Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095, (310) 794-0280

Claremont Hotel 2.5 stars (tripadvisor) Built in 1939 and hasn't changed much

$75 per night
1044 Tiverton Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90024, Main: (310) 208-5957, Reservations/Information: (800) 266-5957, Fax: (310) 208-2386

Will Need a car

Angeleno 3.5 stars (tripadvisor) Boutique Hotel

$215 (Select the UCLA special - enter "UCLA" as a group code to get free valet, free wi-fi)
1170 N. Church Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90049 • Reservations: 310-476-6411

Hotel Palomar 4.5 stars (tripadvisor) Boutique Hotel

$240 per night
10740 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90024, Reservations: (800) 472-8556, Hotel: (310) 475-8711, Fax: (310) 475-5220


Larger Map  · Google Map


UCLA is located in a mostly residential neighborhood. There is bus service available. Transportation from the airport is best by taxi. Typical fair is about $45. Local hotels are not large and do not provide free airport shuttles.

The Los Angeles Metro system does not connect to either UCLA or LAX. (A bit of a mystery).

Taxis are available. Step out onto the sidewalk just outside of the terminal and walk to a taxi stop that should be marked by an overhead sign. The LAX website provides more information on Taxi services at LAX, including a list of taxi companies serving LAX and a map for taxi waiting area.


Parking will be provided in Lot 2 on the UCLA campus. This parking structure is located across the street from the Geology/Slichter Hall/Young building complex where the meeting will be held.

Let Todd King know if you will need parking. When you arrive the first day, go to the kiosk located near the north end of the Lot 2. An attendent will provide you will parking permit which will be reserved under your name.


The campus offers a variety of dining choices for lunch and dinner. Places to eat on campus


February weather in the Los Angeles area has average highs of 65 degrees. The median cloud cover is 56% (partly cloudy). The average probability that some form of precipitation will be observed in a given day is 28%.