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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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Apollo Data

The Apollo program sent six missions to the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972.  Apollo astronauts deployed several experiment packages during these missions.  Data from instruments were telemetered to Earth after the astronauts left the moon.  PDS is working to recover some of these Apollo data sets.

Geosciences Node Tools

The Apollo Analyst's Notebook is for scientists familiar with Apollo who want details of the science products.

Available Apollo Data Sets

Apollo 12

Solar Wind Spectrometer - 28-second resolution plasma parameters observed on the lunar surface from November 19, 1969 to March 25, 1976.

Solar Wind Spectrometer - Hourly averaged plasma parameters observed on the lunar surface from November 19, 1969 to March 25, 1976.

Apollo 14
Cold Cathode Ion Gage - Graphs of lunar atmospheric density from February 7, 1971 to December 31, 1973 (scanned from microfilm).
Apollo 15

Cold Cathode Ion Gage - Graphs of lunar atmospheric density from July 31, 1971 to September 12, 1973 (scanned from microfilm).

Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer - Tables of raw readings and reduced data from all six runs on 01 August 1971 of the Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer (LSRP) on the surface of the Moon for the Apollo 15 Soil Mechanics experiment.

Solar Wind Spectrometer - 28-second resolution plasma parameters observed on the lunar surface from July 31, 1971 to June 30, 1972.

Solar Wind Spectrometer - Hourly averaged plasma parameters observed on the lunar surface from July 31, 1971 to June 30, 1972.

Thermal Conductivity - Reduced, subsampled thermal conductivity measurements of lunar soil acquired by two probes of the Apollo 15 Heat Flow Experiment, July 31, 1971, through December 31, 1974.

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer - Two tables of time-ordered, event count rates acquired during lunar orbit from July 30 to August 4, 1971.

Apollo 16
Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer - Tables of raw readings and reduced data from ten runs on 22 April 1972 of the Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer (LSRP) on the surface of the Moon for the Apollo 16 Soil Mechanics experiment.

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer - Two tables of time-ordered, event count rates acquired during lunar orbit from April 20 to 24, 1972.
Apollo 17
Traverse Gravimeter - Table of 26 readings of the Apollo 17 Traverse Gravimeter Experiment taken from 12 to 14 December 1972 at different locations near the Lunar Module landing site.

Thermal Conductivity - Reduced, subsampled thermal conductivity measurements of lunar soil acquired by two probes of the Apollo 17 Heat Flow Experiment, December 12, 1972, through December 31, 1974.

Additional Apollo Resources

Additional information about Apollo missions and selected data sets can be accessed through the National Space Sciences Data Center (NSSDC)

Overviews of Apollo missions as well as descriptions of landing sites, surface operations, photography, experiments, and samples can be found at The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)

The Lunar Data Project (LDP) is working to digitize NSSDC  Apollo data holdings


What's New

September 9, 2016. Restored Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer data are now available online

September 19, 2014. Restored Apollo 15 and Apollo 17 Thermal Conductivity data are now available online

April 5, 2013.  Restored Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 Soil Mechanics data are now available online

September 18, 2012.  Restored Apollo 17 Traverse Gravimeter
data are now available online

January 25, 2010.  The  Apollo Analyst's Notebook  tool is now available online

September 18, 2008.  Restored Apollo 15 28-second-resolution and hourly averaged Solar Wind Spectrometer data are now available online

September 18, 2008.  Restored Apollo 12 28-second-resolution and hourly averaged Solar Wind Spectrometer data are now available online

September 18, 2008.  Restored Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 Cold Cathode Ion Gage data are now available online


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NASA Official: Raymond E. Arvidson
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2017
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