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PDS Geosciences Node, Washington University in St. Louis
Geosciences Node Data
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S-Band Lunar Radar Data

2016-03-10.  A new (and the final) set of data products has been added to the archive. This includes all the data collected through 2015. The finder maps for all images can be found in the BROWSE directory.

This data set contains dual-polarization backscatter maps of the lunar nearside collected at a wavelength of 12.6 cm (S-band), using the 305 m Radio Telescope at Arecibo to transmit and the NRAO's 105 m Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope to receive. The data were provided by Bruce Campbell of  the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and archived by the PDS Geosciences Node.

Archive Contents

Root Directory - Start here for access to the entire volume. 

AAREADME.TXT - Introduction to the sband lunar radar archive. Read this first.
ERRATA.TXT - Comments and errata concerning the archive volume.
VOLDESC.CAT - Description of the volume contents as a PDS catalog object.

INDEX Directory

  • INDXINFO.TXT - Tells what's in this directory.
  • INDEX.TAB - A list of all data files in the archive. Use this file to browse the data. This file is described by the label INDEX.LBL.

DATA Directory- Contains the backscatter image maps. Each image has an accompanying detached PDS label. These files are described in DATAINFO.TXT.

BROWSE Directory- Contains TIFF and JPEG browse versions of the image files in the data directory. Also includes finder charts showing the locations of the images. Each image has an accompanying detached PDS label. These files are described in BROWINFO.TXT.

DOCUMENT Directory

CATALOG Directory


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